Why You Didn’t Meet Your 2022 Goals According to Your Zodiac Sign

The countdown to 2023 has begun and as we approach the end of the year it is natural to do a mental analysis of the goals we met and those we missed. While our goals may have changed as 2022 progressed, many of them were not met. Why is this?

External factors that are out of our control could play against us, however, there are definitely some factors that depended on us. We invite you to find out what the main reason was.



Aries 2

The problem is that you were somewhat irresponsible with your personal commitments, although you have been enthusiastic, you have sacrificed yourself for others and put aside your goals.




Taurus 2

In 2022 you stepped out of your comfort zone which resulted in you not achieving your goals at the beginning of the year. The advantage is that it has allowed you to have a new perspective and you have been surprised by the results. The goals you changed will soon be achieved.




Gemini 2

You cared too much about what others thought of you, so you stopped your path. You must change this philosophy in order to be able to do what you want and deserve.




Cancer 2

In moments of suffering you did not ask for help, you repressed your emotions or feelings, which slowed down your growth. While you don't want to worry your loved ones, sometimes it's not good to deal with problems alone.




Leo 2

Despite having a great attitude, your strength and bravery were overshadowed by your pride and self-centeredness. The key to making your dreams come true in 2023 will be finding the perfect balance.




Virgo 2

You spent too much time criticizing other people's mistakes and you never took a moment to analyze your own. Your sign tends towards perfectionism, but sometimes you must be self-critical in order to have personal growth.




Libra 2

You followed the advice of others and did not pay attention to what your conscience was telling you. You didn't meet your 2022 goals because you let other people make decisions for you, now you should trust yourself more.




Scorpio 2

Your energies and efforts were not channeled into the things that mattered, you tried to cover too much and did not have the time or energy to accomplish everything. In 2023 try to prioritize your personal goals.




Sagittarius 2

You thought that only you were right, a selfish belief that prevented you from growing personally. Your sign has a lot of energy and is the most optimistic of the zodiac, use this astrological impulse as a springboard, but never lose your feet off the ground.




Capricorn 2

You concentrated most of your time and effort at work, so you forgot to fight for your dreams. Your sign is one of those who follow through with what they set out to do, just remember that not everything is about work.




Aquarius 2

In 2022 you suffered from some mental blocks, which prevented you from being flexible. You are ambitious and often open to any possibility, but sometimes you find it difficult to look beyond. Serenity may be the key to 2023.




Pisces 2

You did not realize your dreams because you spent most of your time looking after the interests of others. Next year make a promise to yourself to prioritise your self-love so that you can achieve your personal goals.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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