Your Ancient Egyptian Zodiac Sign And What it Reveals About You

Egyptian astrology, much like Western astrology, consists of 12 different signs. The difference lies in the fact that these signs have different days and months.

The signs of the Egyptian zodiac, with the exception of the Nile, are associated with an Egyptian god. It is based on the mythology of the gods of ancient Egypt and is built according to the date of birth.

Since ancient Egyptians carefully monitored its preservation and did not dare make any changes, it has been kept in its original state. In the Egyptian horoscope, the year is broken up into small periods of time.

Each one of them was governed by a god who not only predicted a person's life, but also bestowed upon them traits from his own personality, secret knowledge, and revealed the mysteries of controlling supernatural processes. Read on to find out yours:



1. The Nile (1–7 January, 19–28 June, 1–7 September, 18–26 November)

1. The Nile (1–7 January, 19–28 June, 1–7 September, 18–26 November)

The Nile symbolizes the beginning of something. People born under this sign are generally peaceful and do not like getting into arguments.

Passions can sometimes control them, but even when they do, they make decisions that are wise. Their mood changes from moment to moment.

You can be calm and peaceful one moment, then explode into anger the next. Those born under this sign have keen perceptive abilities.

You have excellent communication skills. The people who live along the Nile are deep thinkers who like to dream about welfare opportunities and how to live a peaceful and tranquil life.



2. Amun-Ra (8–21 January, 1–11 February)

2. Amun-Ra (8–21 January, 1–11 February)

Amon-Ra, the patron god, is the king of all the gods. Those gifted individuals who were born under the sign are always happy and positive.

They grow into strong leaders who can motivate those around them. The people of Amon-Ra never lose their composure and always have everything under control, regardless of the circumstances.

They attribute their consistent happiness to their positive outlook on life. You can trust your inner voice.

They also use the voice within to assist those around them. They have attained a great deal of success and are content.

You could pursue a career as a consultant, a coach, or a motivational leader, all of which involve encouraging the growth of others.



3. Mut (22 January – 31 September, 8–22 September)

3. Mut (22 January – 31 September, 8–22 September)

Courage symbolizes woman and mother. The divine mother is also referred to as Mut in Egyptian mythology, and her name literally translates to “mother of the world.”

Those born under the sign of Courage tend to be teachers and activists. They are usually excellent parents. They rarely let others in on their most private thoughts and feelings, instead choosing to keep them hidden even from their close ones.

Can be quite shy at times. They keep their knowledge, wisdom, and generosity hidden from others until they form a relationship with that person.

They have a crystal clear idea of what they want out of life and are focused on working hard to make it happen.



4. Geb (12–29 February, 20–31 August)

4. Geb (12–29 February, 20–31 August)

Geb was the god of the earth in ancient Egyptian mythology. Osiris, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys he was their parent. It was believed that through his laughter earthquakes began.

They are people with a good heart and a strong intuitive sense. They are prone to being overly emotional at times, but others are drawn to them due to their charm and magnetism.

Friends who are born under the sign of Geb are known for their dependability. They can be very sensitive, but they always remain cool and tactful.

They never speak ill of others and always consider their options before taking action.



5. Osiris (1 March – 10 November, 27 November – 18 December)

5. Osiris (1 March – 10 November, 27 November – 18 December)

Those born under Osiris tend to have two distinct sides of personalities. They can be very energetic and strong, but also indecisive.

You have a positive outlook, are very generous, and are successful. People born under this sign are capable of having a successful career in either the business world or academia with their intelligence and charisma.

They are naturally gifted leaders who have complete faith in their ability to guide them to success. They live today and are always full of energy. People born under Osiris always mean what they say.



6. Isis (11-31 March, 18-29 October, 19-31 December)

6. Isis (11-31 March, 18-29 October, 19-31 December)

Isis is a representation of the earth's mother and the goddess of nature. She is known as the patron saint of children, the poor, and the dead.

She is the daughter of Geb and Nut and the sister of Osiris, Seth, and Nephthys. She married her older brother Osiris and became the mother of a son named Horus.

People born under this sign have a reputation for being straightforward and direct. Some admire her straightforward approach to communication, while others find her to be overly simple and honest.

You are looking for a romantic connection with enterprising and carefree people. They are the kind of people who enjoy talking to others and giving their opinions.



7. Thoth (1–19 April, 8–17 November)

7. Thoth (1–19 April, 8–17 November)

He is also known as the god of knowledge and wisdom. He's the god of the Moon. He is credited with being the first person to ever create writing.

According to Egyptian astrology, those born under this sign have the ability to find the best solutions to any problem.

They are generous with their knowledge and enjoy passing it on to others. Of course, they often go on to become instructors and guides.

They communicate well with people and can become a writer or journalist. Those born under this sign have excellent memories, and they don't forget other people's good deeds.

You never stop looking for new and better ways to do things. They are trustworthy and sincere when it comes to a romantic relationship.



8. Horus (20 April – 7 May, 12–19 August)

8. Horus (20 April – 7 May, 12–19 August)

Hora is another name for Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis. In the mythology of the ancient Egyptians, it represents the night sky and the stars.

After the passing of his father Osiris, the valley defender of the pharaohs who united Upper and Lower Egypt.

Those who were born under the sign of Horus are known for their incredible bravery and willingness to test their limits. These individuals have a lot of charm and confidence.

They have a positive attitude at all times and will be successful in any field they choose. These are leaders who motivate and inspire others.

People born under Horus have a strong will and can be stubborn at times. They put the needs of their families above their own and act selflessly for the benefit of those they love.



9. Anubis (8–27 May, 29 June – 13 July)

9. Anubis (8–27 May, 29 June – 13 July)

Anubis is the Egyptian god who serves as the guardian of the underworld. Those born under this sign have a strong drive toward creativity and passion.

Because they are highly emotional and sensitive, they usually prefer to work alone. Your feelings tend to take you by surprise.

Despite the fact that they are introverts, people of this sign radiate confidence that inspires respect in others. They do not censor the expression of their thoughts.

People born under Anubis are known for their keen perception and traditional values. You have excellent observation skills and can often guess the thoughts and motives of other people.

You have an interest in the field of education and psychology.



10. Seth (28 May – 18 June, 28 September – 2 October)

10. Seth (28 May – 18 June, 28 September – 2 October)

According to Egyptian mythology, Seth is the god of disorder and chaos. Those who were born under this Egyptian sign are often on the lookout for something new.

You could spend your entire life looking for new and exciting experiences. They are ambitious in their pursuits and do not give up until they succeed.

These are the types of leaders who don't accept defeat and hate coming in second place. You are extremely determined and persistent in your approach to problem-solving.

Seth's people will not sacrifice their own progress for the sake of everyone else. People born under this sign tend to have a lot of friends and radiate a magnetic personality. You enjoy being the focus of everyone's attention.



11. Bastet (14-28 July, 23-27 September, 3-17 October)

11. Bastet (14-28 July, 23-27 September, 3-17 October)

According to Egyptian mythology, Bastet is both the goddess of cats and the goddess of joy. It protects women and fertility, and love.

Those who were born under this sign are perpetually on the lookout for harmony and tranquility. You avoid confrontations and stressful situations. They have very strong intuition and can even be clairvoyant.

They are able to discern people's true motivations through their intuitive abilities. People born under the Bastet sign have magnetic personalities and a passion for having fun in life.

They surround themselves with things that make them happy. They find motivation in various forms of artistic expression. When it comes to romantic relationships, they are dependable and committed partners.



12. Sekhmet (29 July – 11 August, 30 October – 7 November)

12. Sekhmet (29 July – 11 August, 30 October – 7 November)

In Egyptian mythology, Sekhmet is the goddess of war. Additionally, she is regarded as a healer. Those born under this sign have a dual identity.

On the one hand, they follow the rules and have a lot of discipline. On the other hand, they are unrestricted and like to just go with the flow because they are free-spirited.

They strive for perfection and have a strong sense of responsibility and justice. They can become excellent jurists and leaders. Many people respect them for discipline and favors. Their main goal is always to preserve their pride.


Your Ancient Egyptian Zodiac Sign And What it Reveals About You Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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