Your Biggest Emotional Trigger, According To Your Zodiac Sign

An emotional trigger is a stimulus or situation that changes our emotional state in a generally negative and consequential way.

It is likely that our own astrological sign has an influence on our emotional state.

Unanimously, we all have things that cause us a torrent of emotional turmoil that may be related to our past experiences.

They are thus unique to each of us. Read on to find out your biggest emotional trigger.





Guilt and anger plague Aries when they are inactive. If he's not doing anything productive, the feeling he's dealing with is far from his favorite.

This is hardly surprising because although he must remember that breaks are important, Aries is a passion-driven fire sign.





The biggest trigger for a Taurus is feeling insecure. Indeed, a scenario that will lead him to make a change is particularly frightening for him because it may cause him to be vulnerable.

Overcoming a situation of change makes him fear the loss of his means.





Quite similar to Aries, Gemini hates routine. He is a lover of discovery who likes to seize every opportunity that can serve as a creative outlet.

Repeated events make him feel mentally exhausted.





It's the feeling of vulnerability that Cancers feel when they meet new people for the first time.

This can cause him to suffer great stress and mental fatigue, especially when he tries to make efforts to socialize. Confiding in others early on is even more stressful for them.





Bad emotions overwhelm Leos when their feelings don't seem to be reciprocated and things don't go their way. Worse still, it is the feeling of being ignored that affects them more.





There is nothing worse for a Virgo than being insulted, shouted at, or addressed in an inappropriate tone.

She will therefore tend to isolate herself from rude people and from situations that could lead to chaos.





It may be no secret, but injustice is the worst feeling for a Libra.

If someone doesn't get the punishment they deserve, or if someone else doesn't get their way when it is rightfully theirs, they become angry and obsessed with solving the problem.





Scorpios hate lies. If they overhear someone lying, it can devastate them or upset them to the point that they risk not speaking to the person who betrayed their trust.





As a lover of freedom and therefore of independence and discovery, Sagittarius is particularly afraid of restrictions.

He sometimes forgets that there is a time for everything and that constraints are a part of life.





Capricorn does not accept not knowing everything. He may sometimes want to have a monopoly on scholarship, and if someone disagrees with what he is saying, he may get upset.

In addition, many people born under this sign are so stubborn that it can lead to particularly tense conversations.





If you make a promise to Aquarius and it is not kept, this is likely to stir up his anger. Endowed with a rather capricious personality, Aquarius does not tolerate inconsistency in words.





Pisces will tend to take criticism very badly. The feeling of being criticized is the worst he can endure and so much so that he may have a hard time getting over it.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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