Your Biggest Turn-ons And Turn-offs Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Astrology can help you better understand who you are and can also deepen your intuitive understanding. It can also show you what your traits are as well as how other people respond to them.

Ladies, astrology can also help us in the bedroom, and with today's article, I'll try to improve your intimate life.

Since “knowing yourself” is what it means to be an adult, the more you know about your sexual preferences, the better and more confident you will be in bed.

Cleopatra also asked the stars about the preferences of the powerful men with whom she spent and how she could better seduce them.

Mars tells us about our libido while Venus tells us about our love life. Now it's time to find out what Mars has to say about our sexual preferences, so get ready!

Before you surprise your significant other with handcuffs, read this article first.




Aries 5

Aries are lively and quick to act on their impulses. They have the urge to have sex in different locations and at different times of the day.

Your lover will be happy when you whisper naughty words in their ear no matter where you are. Unexpected sexual intercourse turns you on the most.

You enjoy it wherever and whenever. You don't want something leisurely or slow; you want something more exciting.

Since they don't like to sit around and wait for things to happen, people born under Aries often take the initiative.

So anything slow is a no-go for you.




Taurus 5

Taurus is often considered to be one of the most romantic signs. They love long foreplays and deepen them with the help of taste, sound, sight, and touch because they are curious, want to explore everything, and are eager to experiment.

You enjoy intense experiences in bed, especially something topped off with chocolate, wine, candles, and oils. Since you are very sensual and sensitive, luxurious bedding and passionate music are recommended.

If you want to turn a Taurus on, you should touch them in different places and different ways.

Letting go completely is her thing, and we recommend that you both have sex on the meadow, where it can be so romantic, with flowers around you, the grass tickling you, a great experience for the senses.

Whipped cream on the body of your lover? Yes, please.




Gemini 5

They love trying new things and don't want to miss anything in life. Geminis are fearless, active, and love diversity because they enjoy discovering new things and making the most of everything that life has to offer them.

They hate routine and boredom, and if it's the same pose and place, they won't stick around in this relationship for very long. Therefore, if you want to attract a Gemini, you need to be bizarre and experimental.

I suggest doing role-play. You need to give Gemini your full attention by staring into his soul, gently petting them, and then whispering in their ear.




Cancer 5

For Cancer, closeness and intimacy are the most important thing. Before they can fully trust another person and open up to them about their private life, they need to feel good and safe.

The physical closeness should be increased gradually up until it has reached its maximum. Since Cancer is ruled by the Moon, they tend to be extremely sentimental and sensitive.

This is a sign that is all about cuddling and sensual touches. For them, nothing is more important than intimacy. When dating a Cancer it's important to take things easy and not rush.

Lie down and look into each other's eyes. But once you've gotten the ball rolling, keep in mind that everything has to be mutual.

Cancers' biggest turn-on is the connection and presence. The most effective way to express your love for them is through eye contact and gentle touch.




Leo 5

Leos are all about drama, and they like to make the bedroom into a stage for their performances. You need to feel desired and feel that you are the most beautiful and desirable person in the world.

If Leo were to send you a sensual selfie, you should show your appreciation by being very grateful and complimenting her in great detail.

Leos are ruled by the Sun, and as a result, they have the impression that the world revolves around them. They absolutely love it when you stop everything else and focus solely on them.

If your loved one bores you, you'll send them into the stratosphere. Dates that are luxurious, public displays of affection, and extravagant tokens of love are all things that Leos adore.

They love lingerie, candles, and massage oil, all of which they use to seduce their partners.




Virgo 5

Virgos are obsessed with love. By convention, every Virgo is considered to be a virgin, which means that her libido is low and she does not sleep with anyone.

In reality, Virgos are more like teenagers in that they enjoy making love and enjoy every moment of it. After all, they are an earth sign, which represents sensuality.

Since Mercury, the planet of communications, rules Virgo, so they are very good at communicating their desires to their partners during sex.

Additionally, they tend to be excited and detail-oriented, which is why they enjoy taking things slowly and engaging in lengthy foreplay.

Virgos find many things disgusting, and as a result, everything should be clean and hygienic; even if something needs to be done quickly, hygiene should come first.

If they plan to role-play in the kitchen, prepare antibacterial wipes.




Libra 5

Libras tend to treat their partners as if they were priceless works of art. She is ruled by Venus, the planet associated with love and beauty.

As a visual sign, those born under this sign enjoy it when the world around them is beautiful. Flowers, lingerie, champagne… all of these things turn her on, and when her partner is also good-looking, it turns into a firework.

It's a safe bet that a Libra would love receiving a painted nude of the partner, and if the body is depicted completely naked, that's even better.

Surely, she will express her gratitude to her partner in the most appropriate manner.

For them, the mind is the most important thing and even if someone is the king in bed, feelings and the mind are more important.




Scorpio 5

Because this sign rules the sexual organs, astrology considers Scorpio to be the most erotic zodiac sign.

Their energy is like a magnet for passion because it combines soulful, emotional closeness with passion, and sensitivity.

Scorpios are extremely interested in asserting their dominance and playing power games because they are ruled by Pluto, the planet of the underworld.

They have almost no taboos when it comes to love, and they enjoy trying new things. They love the mystical and mysterious, so they love to play games and they come up with them spontaneously.

Whatever a Scorpio does, they must make sure that it is connected to their emotions in some way. When it comes to them, chemistry is everything, and the erotic tension in the relationship needs to be palpable.




Sagittarius 5

Sagittarius loves new experiences. To them, physical intimacy presents an opportunity for emotional discovery and intellectual expansion.

This fire sign is easily aroused by anything that seems dangerous. They become easily disinterested in intercourse if there is no action.

They are always looking for something new and exciting. They love having a partner who is creative and experienced, so he can show them many tricks.

They have a reputation for being great lovers, and anyone who experiences their seductive powers cannot help but be captivated.

Associating big emotions with sexual intercourse is a no-go for them because they love to focus on the playful aspects of sex.




Capricorn 5

Capricorn is the most driven and ambitious of the zodiac, which also has to do with their love life.

This ambitious earth sign takes the act of love seriously and expects the same level of commitment from their partner. Because they are so dominant, they love power games and taking control.

They are literally the embodiment of dominance, and you can only imagine how they are in bed – like a hungry animal.

They are so well organized that they can plan and organize a date weeks in advance because they want everything to go perfectly and as planned.

Capricorn hates it when their partner is lazy in bed, so they should be very active too.




Aquarius 5

Anything that challenges societal norms piques their interest. Aquarians love to play mysterious games; with a mask or blindfolded.

Since this sign is the most closely associated with science and technology, they like toys and all kinds of gadgets.

Aquarius finds traditional sexual encounters repulsive, especially when it isn't spiced up. They love the changes in their life and also in their bed.




Pisces 5

Pisces are turned on by deep spiritual connections. They love anything and everything that relates to psychology.

It would be beneficial for them and their partner to go to a psychic or meditate together. Since they are drawn to the water, Pisces loves passionate sex in the shower.

Because they are highly sensitive, they can't get intimate with someone without also getting emotional. They could read erotic poetry as foreplay – that is emotional and also artistic.

Pisces are naturally curious people, and the only thing that puts them off is seriousness. They will stay with their partner as long as they are flexible and outgoing.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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