Your Favorite Card Will Give You an Inspiring Message for this Moment of Your Life

Put the events of your life into perspective by reading some brief but insightful pieces of advice.

These beautiful and wise words will put you in the right frame of mind to overcome whatever challenges lie in store for you in the future.

Whether you want to be successful at work, at home, or in life in general, setting the right intentions can help you remain positive and optimistic in the face of the challenges that life may bring your way.

Which is your preferred card? Just inside that card is a message that we have included for you in the hopes that it will serve as motivation for you at this point in your life.

Your Favorite Card Will Deliver a Motivating Message Just for You at the Appropriate Time in Your Life

Your Favorite Card Will Give You an Inspiring Message for this Moment of Your Life

If you have chosen:



Card #1: An Expression of Love

How do you feel now? How do you wish you could feel instead? You can think of your mind as a large movie screen onto which you project your thoughts.

The truly amazing thing is that those thoughts that your project will always find a way to manifest themselves in the real world. This is one of the most wonderful things about it.

One way to make sure our thoughts manifest in the most positive way possible is to practice gratitude and appreciation.

As we think of all the wonderful things that are already present in our lives, we can invite more of that into our lives with further positivity.

Make sure to also take the time to reflect on moments that produced feelings of joy and contentment.

Reminding ourselves of those happy times can be immensely soothing and encourage us to pursue those same feelings again in the future.

Learn to be kinder to yourself and your surroundings. If negative thoughts come your way, remind them that they don’t have the power to control the way you think, feel and act.

Take a few deep breaths and move forward with a clear, positive mindset.

Thoughts are just that, nothing more or less. Don’t let them define your world or dictate your reality.

Instead, choose to empower yourself with positive energy and focus on allowing your best self to shine through.

It's important to remember that our thoughts have the power to create our own reality. So, choose your thoughts wisely and craft a beautiful future of your own making.

No matter what the situation may be, always keep in mind that the choice is yours.



Card #2: Message of Strength

Although it is obvious that we do not have control over the specific circumstances that arise throughout the day, we do have control over how we choose to respond to those circumstances.

There are emotions that hold you back, such as rage or hopelessness, and there are other emotions, such as optimism, love, and faith, that help you become a better person and propel you forward.

It’s important to recognize that every emotion, whether it’s positive or negative, is valid. Acknowledge where you are in the present moment and let yourself feel whatever comes up without judgment.

This will help you to process emotions in a more mindful way.

From there, it’s our choice as to how we decide to move forward. We can use our emotions to mindfully reflect on our choices, take action, and make better decisions for our future.

When we choose optimism and love, we remind ourselves of the beauty and power within us. We can create a more positive mindset, even amidst challenging times.

Additionally, having faith in ourselves, our journey, and the world around us can help carry us through difficult times.

The faith that everything will be alright gives us strength to tackle even the most daunting of tasks.

No matter how hard things get, remember that you are capable of getting through it.

Choose to focus on the bright side of things and stay hopeful despite difficult situations. Most importantly, find the courage to rise again.



Card #3: Message of Joy

You have chosen this card because you need to be reminded that happiness is a choice that you have to make each and every day of your life.

This choice does not depend on the circumstances that are occurring around you, but rather on the realization that even though there are certain circumstances that you absolutely cannot change, you will always have the opportunity to experience them in a different way.

It is important to practice gratitude and recognize how even small, seemingly insignificant moments can bring us joy.

Appreciate the simple things in life–the beauty of the sunrise, a warm embrace from a loved one, a cup of hot coffee in the morning.

It’s also essential to focus on building relationships and cultivating meaningful connections with others.

Relationships help us to see the world from different perspectives and can act as a refuge from times of adversity. They also offer us the opportunity to give and receive love and to experience life in a fuller way.

Finally, don’t forget to take the time to do things that make you happy. If there’s something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time, why not take advantage of the present moment and start now?

Whether it’s trying a new recipe, taking a walk in nature, or simply taking a few minutes to yourself to read, carve out moments of joy in your day.

Above all, be kind to yourself. Celebrate your successes and forgive your mistakes. Show yourself love and understanding and remind yourself that you are capable of achieving great things.

Happiness isn’t something we necessarily have to pursue—it’s something that is already within us. All we need to do is open ourselves up to it.




Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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