Your Innate Psychic Abilities According to Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone thinks they have some sort of innate psychic ability. Some, like Libra, are renowned for their ability to know other people better than they know themselves, while others, like Aries, are known for always being in the right place at the right time.

Read on to discover the ways in which you are in harmony with the cosmos.




Aries 5

You're in the right place at the right time

Finding the next big thing is your psychic ability. For instance, while you are aimlessly wandering around, you stumble upon a party and notice a performer who is putting on a show for his loved ones.

Tickets to his concert the following year are expected to bring in multiple millions of dollars. You are a real talent magnet!




Taurus 5

You sense invisible boundaries

Taurus is very good at setting boundaries. You never cross the invisible line of acceptable behavior that each person sets for themselves, and this allows you to avoid creating tension in the relationship.

You are able to sense when someone is trying to break through your personal barrier; in these situations, you should be fearless and confront these conversations before they go too deep.




Gemini 5

You find the right words

Gemini is very connected to the five senses; in fact, a sixth sense is almost unnecessary due to this sign's strong connection to the first 5 senses.

Geminis are the ones who always have the perfect words to say, simply because that's their nature. Often you will be asked “How did you know?” but will not have a concrete answer. You just know what to say.




Cancer 5

You listen to your gut feeling

Your emotional sensitivity enables you to sense the emotions of others, which is how you are able to predict what will take place in the future.

Even though it was just your psychic reception at work, people will think you're brave if you show aggression toward a bully when you sense that they are actually cowardly despite their aggressive demeanor.




Leo 5

You've mastered the timing

You have a psychic connection to the rhythm of life that is so strong that it's almost magnetic. You know exactly when to show up.

You showing up at 9:30 when the party begins at 6, means the dull environment will be transformed into a lively one when you arrive. You are aware of the right times to make an appearance, to speak, and to take particular actions.




Virgo 5

You sense opportunities and dangers

Your ability to know information before it is actually known and to formulate an accurate prognosis can give the impression that you have a genius's level of intelligence.

You are able to, owing to your psychic sense, picture a new skyscraper being constructed the following year on a vacant lot, and you know the precise time that you should relocate to this new neighborhood, which will very soon be a pleasant place for families to live.




Libra 5

You know others better than yourself

Your ability consists of reading other people, understanding their goals, and expecting their next move even before they become aware of it themselves.

However, there is a blind spot, and you can see it in the mirror. You don't have a good enough understanding of who you are to give your achievements the credit they deserve.

You also become less in tune with your sixth sense when someone is close to you.




Scorpio 5

You filter out the superficial

The hunger for deep affection has an intense physical expression. The verbal is primarily used for the purpose of harassment.

Your psychic power consists of not only being able to sense lust in another person and turn it on but also of being able to tell when someone is interested in your friends.




Sagittarius 5

You predict success

You're naturally optimistic and this enables you to accurately expect where opportunities will present themselves. You already know where and when to play a game, whether it be in business or in love.

While others are looking at charts and graphs and hiring consultants, you already have that knowledge. Your evaluations of success are admirable in that they emphasize the pursuit of gain.




Capricorn 5

You know the pace

Some individuals simply stop engaging in the activities that they once did. They resign and go their separate ways. You decide to sell the home. Simply put, Capricorn is familiar with the flow of life.

When it's time to grow further, you run off without having any tangible clues or information to add. You recognize the need for major life adjustments at the appropriate time and implement them, which allows you to steadily move up the success ladder.




Aquarius 5

You can read minds

People who are born under Aquarius have the innate talent of being able to get what they want from other people, and you are aware of how to play with that talent.

You could simply ask for what you want, but since you are aware of what the other person anticipates, you can frame your needs and desires in a way that makes them appear to be what they want.




Pisces 5

You see the bigger picture

Pisces is considered to be the most psychic of all the zodiac signs. Your strength lies in being able to see the bigger picture. You are completely aware of the locations of each individual piece of the puzzle.

You can travel to other dimensions and science fiction worlds by having intense visions. These places are not made up. They are able to transmit higher levels of wisdom to those of us who are bound to the physical plane.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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