Your Japanese Zodiac Sign And What it Reveals About You

As opposed to the Western zodiac, which is based on and governed by stars and planets, the Japanese zodiac is represented by years.

Since the Japanese horoscope is represented by the 12-year cycle where each year is a different animal.

This astrological concept originates in China, but it has since spread to other countries in Asia, including Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Its origins can be traced back to ancient times.

It is a widely held belief in Japan that the year in which a person was born can provide insight into their personality.

The Japanese zodiac signs can also be used to find a suitable love partner, and because of cultural norms, this zodiac can be used to politely learn a person's age.

It is necessary for us to first understand the origin of the Japanese zodiac signs before we can learn more about the various animals that represent each Japanese zodiac sign.

The story of the 12 Japanese signs began with a remarkable race known as “The Great Race.”



The Great Race: Creation of the Japanese Zodiac

Around the time of the fourth century, the Chinese zodiac calendar was introduced to Japan. Eto is the name of the Chinese zodiac and Junishi is the name of its Japanese counterpart.

In an ancient folk tale known as “The Great Race,” the Jade Emperor said that the years of the calendar would be named after the following animals in the order in which they reach him: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig.

However, in order to accomplish this goal, they would have to cross a huge river.

The Ox started early. Following in his footsteps were the Cat and the Rat, and since they were intelligent creatures, they asked the Ox for assistance so that it could help them cross the river.

The Ox, being naive and generous, agreed to help both of them, but the Rat deceitfully pushed the Cat into the river and then quickly jumped off the Ox's back to reach the Jade Emperor.

The Rat won the race and became the first sign of the zodiac. The Ox was second, and the other animals came in the following order:

1. Rat

2. Ox

3. Tiger: Despite the Tiger's formidable strength, he was pushed down by the strong currents, and as a result, he came in third place.

4. Rabbit: The Rabbit came in fourth place because it crossed the river by jumping from stone to stone.

5. Dragon: The magnificent Dragon finished in fifth place, much to the surprise of the Emperor. However, the Dragon explained that he had stopped during the race to bring rain to a village, and that he also gave strength to the Rabbit to cross his obstacles when he saw him struggling.

6. Snake: The Horse actually came after the Dragon; however, with the Snake wrapped around his leg, the Horse became so terrified that he fell back and finished in seventh place.

7. Horse: He finished seventh because the snake tricked him.

8. Goat: The Goat was able to finish in eighth place thanks to the teamwork and assistance of the Monkey and the Rooster. The Emperor was pleased and gave them these positions to his liking.

9. Monkey

10. Rooster

11. Dog: Despite being the best swimmer and runner in the competition, the Dog finished in eleventh place. He fell behind the other competitors because he was playing in the river.

12. Pig: The Pig made it last because it got hungry during the competition and decided to take a break to eat. After that, it went to sleep, and when it woke up, it found out the rest of the spots were taken.

Because the Cat drowned in the river, it was never able to enter the Chinese and Japanese zodiac.



The difference between the Chinese Zodiac and the Japanese Zodiac

One thing that we should know is the Japanese zodiac gets its signs from the Chinese zodiac. Since China has always been a cultural powerhouse, Japan pretty much borrowed the entire Chinese zodiac system.

With the following two exceptions, the Japanese zodiac signs are the same as the Chinese zodiac signs:

  1. The Sheep in the Japanese zodiac represents the Goat in the Chinese zodiac.
  2. The Boar in the Japanese zodiac represents the Pig in the Chinese zodiac.

It is uncertain when the Chinese zodiac was introduced in Japan, but it was definitely introduced long before the Nara period.

There is, however, one thing that cannot be argued: the Japanese zodiac signs are an essential component of Japanese culture.

As a result, the Japanese zodiac signs become the decoration of many ornaments, postcards, goods, or food during this festive season.

The first day of January in the Georgian calendar also marks the beginning of the Japanese New Year celebrations.



The Japanese Zodiac signs and their characteristics

The year in which a person was born determines their Japanese zodiac sign. We can learn a great deal about an individual's personality and characteristics by looking at their Japanese zodiac sign.



1. Rat (nezumi)

1. Rat (nezumi)

Years: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

People who were born in the year of the Rat are said to have characteristics that are similar to those of this clever animal.

They are always aware of their surroundings and respond appropriately, and thanks to their perceptiveness, they are able to easily avoid dangerous or challenging situations.

These are the types of people who take pride in their accomplishments, knowing that regardless of how many challenges they must overcome or how challenging their situation may be compared to others, their accomplishments will always be exceptional.

These individuals are extremely critical of their own work and have high aspirations for themselves and their careers.

They also have the occasional tendency to criticize others, which contributes to the fact that people find them to be intimidating, just as a rat is intimidating to humans, regardless of their size and strength.

People who were born in the year of the Rat also have a very creative side, and they effortlessly master proportions, geometry, painting and crafts.

In addition, they are very social and have a large number of friends. Order and cleanliness are also two of their many strengths.



2. Ox (ushi)

2. Ox (ushi)

Years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Those who were born under the Ox radiate confidence and have a unique way of expressing themselves.

These individuals place a high value on their unique identities, and they despise being forced to conform to the norms and standards of society.

Usually, what sets them apart from other people is their calm yet intense charisma, which causes people to fall in love with their confidence.

These individuals may give off the impression that they are powerful and intense, but in reality, they are quite gentle and kind, much like the Ox in the tale of The Great Race.

Their negative traits are narcissism, which is not really intentional and that develops as a result of the fact that they are so at ease in their own skin, as well as a short temper that diminishes as quickly as it appears.

These individuals have a tendency to believe others too much and come across as naive as a result. Sometimes their naivety is also a reflection of their carefree nature, as they do not view other people as a real threat.



3. Tiger (tora)

3. Tiger (tora)

Years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Those who are born under the Tiger are known to be extremely emotional and devoted friends.

They have a natural appeal that others can't help but be drawn to, which ultimately results in others loving them.

They make all of their decisions based on what feels right in their hearts, and their intuition often comes before logic.

Tigers don't like being told what to do, especially if it's something they don't find enjoyable, so if something doesn't sit well with them, they're more likely to just let it go.

Tigers also have strong bonds with their friends, and whenever their friends need anything, they are there for them.

You won't find another Japanese zodiac sign with as much compassion toward others, and they often put the needs of other people ahead of their own, even if this means they ignore their own needs.

These individuals are attractive and admirable. They are very honorable in their own way and serve as a source of motivation for those around them.



4. Rabbit (usagi)

4. Rabbit (usagi)

Years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

People who were born under the Rabbit are known to be very idealistic and true to themselves.

They never justify their actions or needs, and they flow with the natural rhythm of life. This sets them apart from other people. They aren't hypocrites because they put their words into practice.

They never spread gossip or show envy toward other people. Their confidence comes from the fact that they are humble people who accept themselves.

People born under this sign also have a difficult time trusting others. Because since rabbits are small and delicate animals, those born under this sign also guard themselves against any kind of harm that could befall them.

These people also have a cheerful and fun side and like to get involved in various romantic relationships.



5. Dragon (tatsu)

5. Dragon (tatsu)

Years: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Those born under the Dragon are unique and extraordinary in the way that they provide for others.

These individuals are the social activists of the Japanese zodiac, and their grace and kindness are unrivaled. They carry themselves with honor and leave no room for arrogance.

These people are extremely successful in whatever they do, and they take great pleasure in perfecting certain skills.

They are also humble and don't think of themselves as being better or more advanced than other people.

They are fundamentally very romantic people, but they do not enjoy displaying romantic affection in public and they have a strong preference for solitude and peace.

These individuals have a tendency to be more traditional and value peaceful family life.

In spite of the fact that they are soft-hearted and conflict-free, they have a zero-tolerance policy regarding disrespectful behavior from others.



6. Snake (hebi)

6. Snake (hebi)

Years: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Those who were born under the Snake are intelligent and appreciate beauty.

Snakes enjoy being in aesthetically pleasing environments, and they view everything in their home as having a specific place and purpose.

These individuals have sharp minds, and before acting, they always give it some serious consideration.

They have a low level of trust in others and believe that every other human being is evil in some form or another.

These people shield themselves from the judgment of others by revealing as little personal information as possible.

They despise being dependent on other people and prefer to take care of things for themselves rather than relying on anyone else.

Snakes are also known for almost always telling the truth, and when they do lie, it is only a small white lie. This may be so that they can gain some benefit or it may be so that they can avoid an uncomfortable situation.



7. Horse (uma)

7. Horse (uma)

Years: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

Those who were born under the Horse are known to be extremely daring and full of life. They are the kind of people who can brighten up any situation with their positive energy.

They dislike being confined to one place for an extended period of time and would much rather spend their time outdoors or interacting with other people.

They have a lot of energy and a thirst for knowledge, but due to their impatience, they don't always manage to complete the tasks they set out to do.

They have a large group of friends, and as a result, they aren't always aware when one of those friends may try to hurt them.

Despite their natural tendency toward naivety, they are resilient people who are quick to forgive, even when they have been wronged.

They are not very sensitive either, and they are able to triumph over any challenge through their bravery and tenacity.



8. Sheep (hitsuji)

Years: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

People who are born under the Sheep look quite sensitive, but in reality, they are very stable. They are not easily swayed by the opinions of others, and they trust their intuition.

They are reluctant to take the advice of others because they believe that everything should be experienced in one's own skin. When they do have a particular point of view, they will defend it with all of their might.

They are prone to arguments and stubborn, but they hate violence. They are very dedicated to their work, and they never give up on pursuing their goals, which is a very positive quality that sets them apart.

If it means that they can improve their lives in some way, Sheep are willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

These individuals are also very compassionate, and if given the chance, you can count on them for help.



9. Monkey (saru)

Years: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

Those who are born the Monkey are intellectually gifted and full of intellectual curiosity.

These individuals have an appetite for learning new things and bettering themselves, and they enjoy watching the world around them evolve.

The Monkeys are well aware of their insignificance in comparison to the rest of this vast and fascinating world, and as a result, they are perpetually curious about what the next day will bring.

They believe that the pursuit of bettering oneself is an endeavor that can be pursued indefinitely, and they want to do so in every possible way, be it their appearance or their abilities.

Even if they long for winning goals, they can still be kind of pessimistic sometimes, and that is one of their striking traits.

A Monkey always thinks he'll fail at something, but will persist in trying it anyway, only to be pleasantly surprised by the end result being successful.

It is admirable that he is able to grow and change over time, which enables him to be very adaptable to the challenges of everyday life.



10. Rooster (tori)

10. Rooster (tori)

Years: 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

People who were born under the Rooster are known to be eccentric and confident.

They have complete self-confidence both in terms of their appearance and their level of knowledge, and they never criticize themselves.

They may come across as arrogant at times, but the truth is that they are sensitive about not being treated with respect by others.

They have an appetite for life's finest pleasures and sometimes show off what they have.

Their ideal life is at home with their family, where they enjoy all the advantages that come with having a family.

Rarely does a Japanese zodiac give as much love and affection as the Rooster does, and they are fiercely loyal both as friends and as partners.

Once they find their true love, they commit for life and sometimes even forgive infidelity if it is for the sake of love and family.



11. Dog (inu)

11. Dog (inu)

Years: 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

Those who were born under the Dog are dependable and truthful.

These individuals do not like fights and disagreements, and their primary objective is to get along well with everyone.

They are the kind of people who will never judge you and will love you no matter what. Dogs are trustworthy keepers of secrets because they do not gossip.

They treasure the time spent with their loved ones and they value everything that comes from the heart, not material things.

In addition, they are highly sensitive, and when they don't receive the same amount of energy from others in return, it makes them very frustrated.

They are the kind of people who are there for us in both the good times and the bad times, and their love for is unwavering regardless of the circumstances.



12. Boar (inoshishi)

12. Boar (inoshishi)

Years: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

Those who were born under the Boar are brave and value justice.

They are excellent figures of authority because they will never ignore any kind of wrongdoing or harm that has been done to others.

People born under this Japanese zodiac sign are polite, speak softly, but command respect simply by being sincere in everything that they do.

In spite of the fact that they have achieved this status and are admired by others, they are still somewhat reserved when it comes to matters of the heart.

They place a high priority on having a healthy family life, but the moment they go out on a date with the person they like, they become too excited and lose their self-confidence.

Love is the only thing that makes them anxious, but this also demonstrates how sincere they are in their actions.

They look out for those who are more vulnerable than themselves and offer sound guidance to others who are interested in improving themselves.



The connection between the 5 elements and the Japanese zodiac

The Japanese zodiac signs are also associated with the five elements:

Water (水) is the element for Boar, Rat
Wood (木) is the element for Tiger, Rabbit
Fire (火) is the element for Snake, Horse
Earth (土) is the element for Ox, Dragon, Sheep, Dog
Metal (金) is the element for Monkey, Rooster

These elements change every two years. A person is not only determined by which of the 12 signs of the Japanese zodiac they were born under, but also by the element associated with that sign.



People whose birthdays fall under the water element have above-average skills in the areas of interpersonal relationships and the ability to persuade others.

They communicate well and can overcome any resistance from others through their constant efforts. They're also very flexible, intuitive, sensitive, and diplomatic.



People whose birthdays fall under the wood element tend to have high morals and a lot of self-confidence. They have a good understanding of the true value of things and are grateful for what they have.

Since they have such a wide range of interests in so many different areas, they're fun to be around. They think in a methodical manner and possess management and leadership skills.



People whose birthdays fall under the fire element are natural-born leaders. They radiate confidence and have a lot of determination. They also have a more positive and assertive attitude than others.

These individuals thrive on the excitement and novelty of new experiences. You never stop moving and are always curious about expanding your horizons.

Because of their natural brilliance and warmth, they almost always succeed in attracting the attention of others.

They have everything they need to be successful in life, but before they do anything, they should make an effort to understand other people's perspectives.



People whose birthdays fall under the earth element are known for their seriousness, logic, and meticulousness. They have outstanding organizational abilities in addition to their determination.

They are intelligent and objective, and as a result, they are aware of the best ways to direct their efforts in order to achieve the most favorable outcomes. Because of these traits, they make trustworthy and effective business partners.

Their flaw is that they're controlled by their own self-interest. They're also known for their common sense, dependability, discipline, and perseverance.



People whose birthdays fall under the metal element are ambitious. Success is their life motto. They pursue their goals with the utmost conviction and resolve.

Strong willpower and resoluteness are often associated with the metal element. In addition, one of their strengths is that they put in a lot of effort to finish the projects that they start.

They are true fighters who don't back down when confronted with challenges. These individuals are ambitious, focused, influential, and intense.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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