Your Psychopathic Traits Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Even though our zodiac sign can't define us in every way, it can definitely help us point out our negative traits. Astrology is like a light that shines on the shadowy aspects of our personalities that we didn't even know were problematic.

This is probably due to the fact that they were so natural to us that we didn't want to look at them in that light. We've probably thought about what it is about us that may cause others to distance themselves from us.

These negative characteristics do not necessarily indicate that we are psychopaths, but they may be so pronounced that we are moving closer to the psychopathic spectrum than we would like to admit.

Also, don't be surprised if a certain tendency that your zodiac sign expresses doesn't suit you because, in addition to your Sun sign, you also have your Moon sign and your Descendant, which have the potential to complement your character more accurately.

Even if that wasn't the case, there's a one in one hundred chance that you're a psychopath. Even if you are, that doesn't mean you're going to be a bad person.

However, if that is the case, then the zodiac signs express their psychopathy through the aforementioned tendencies.




Aries 1

The need for dominance and control is one of the characteristics of people born under Aries that is most indicative of psychopathic tendencies. They want to feel superior, so one of their goals is to bring others down to their level.

In addition to this, they are driven by their arrogance and their desire for excitement, both of which cause them to continually torment those around them.

They do it merely for the reason that they lacked excitement on that particular day and needed someone.




Taurus 1

The egocentric and self-centered behavior of those born under Taurus is considered to be one of their most psychopathic tendencies.

You put on a show of being one of the most compassionate people around, but the truth is that you just use other people to get attention for yourself.

Taureans are convinced that their needs come first and that their conflict is the most difficult. This becomes especially obvious when you ask them for guidance and support and they turn the topic to how bad things are in their own lives.




Gemini 1

Sadism and a need to feel superior are two of the most psychopathic traits of those born under Gemini.

As an intellectual zodiac sign, they want to demonstrate that they are the most competent in everything and that they are always right.

The manner in which they respond when they disagree with something is a particularly good example of this.

They will also defend their point of view by being extremely aggressive in the hopes of making you feel inferior as well as stupid.




Cancer 1

Cancer's most psychopathic traits are its tendency to put on an innocent front in order to take advantage of you. In fact, however, they often hide a great number of intentions behind the sweet smiles and humble words that they use.

They don't really care for you that much and will only use you for sex, attention, or money at some point, which is a very distressing realization to have once they take their mask off.




Leo 1

The desire to claim other people as their own is one of the most psychopathic traits associated with people born under Leo.

They are also acutely aware of all the positive characteristics and qualities they possess, and they long for someone who is “less” than them and whom they can exert power over.

They should try their best to convince their partner that without him, they would be nothing, despite the fact that this is not true.

This makes everyone who is under their influence desperately want to escape from them.




Virgo 1

The need to exert control over everything in their environment is one of the most psychopathic traits associated with Virgos. This encompasses other people as well as the manner in which they live, communicate, and even think.

This is something that they typically do with their partner, the person whose performance they wish to “improve.”

They are unaware that by doing so, they are robbing him of all of his originality and authenticity, thereby transforming him into a person who is monotonous and robotic.




Libra 1

Libra is known for having a tendency to be obsessed with their own self-image, which is a psychopathic tendency.

They cultivate an artificial persona in order to hide most of their flaws from others while harboring the desire to have everyone admire and like them.

In addition, they manage to give others the impression of being close to them while at the same time preventing actual physical proximity.




One of the most psychopathic traits of those born under Scorpio is their thirst for revenge.

They will sit in wait for months or even years in order to inflict the same kind of suffering upon them that you may have inflicted upon them.

Therefore, in fact, they never forget others, and in particular, those who have done them wrong. They demand justice, and when it does not come, they take it into their own hands and deal with it.




Sagittarius 1

The constant need for drama and infidelity is one of the most psychopathic tendencies of Sagittarius, especially in relationships.

These individuals cannot function properly unless they are surrounded by chaos and have a number of romantic partners. Rest is not an option for them, and neither is a partner; they have to have a variety.

Most importantly, none of their actions will ever have any repercussions for them, and even when they do, those repercussions rarely materialize.




Capricorn 1

Capricorns have a god complex and are constantly seeking status, which is one of their most psychopathic traits. They select potential partners solely on the basis of their aesthetic appeal and financial standing.

Capricorns do not get along well with those who are poor or with people who are “without status,” and if someone does not have one, Capricorns look down on them.

As a result, they are considered to be one of the zodiac's most superficial signs.




The emotional distance that Aquarius maintains from other people, as well as their emotional distance is one of the sign's most psychopathic tendencies.

This is in order for them to be able to spend a significant amount of time apart from the people who are closest to them without experiencing an overwhelming desire for connection.

It's mainly due to the fact that they are more on the unfeeling end of the emotional spectrum and enjoys having very little to no company.

Nevertheless, this behavior affects those who love them, mainly because they feel that they cannot really rely on them in life.




Pisces have a tendency for emotional abuse and pathological laying, which is one of their most psychopathic tendencies.

They always play the role of the “victim,” but in reality, they pretend to be the ideal friends and partners in order to cover up their never-ending list of lies.

Pisces are able to say they love you while simultaneously cheating on you and dating other people behind your back. They are able to do this because they have excellent deception skills.

They will never use their sensitivity for anything other than to manipulate you into giving them what they want, which is a very cruel tactic.


Your Psychopathic Traits Based on Your Zodiac Sign Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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