Your Spiritual Master Brings You a Message About These Times Of Emotional Turbulence

As long as the seeker's spirit is open to change and sincere in their intentions, the age-old mystical axiom that states, “When the student is prepared, the teacher appears,” will come to fruition and be proven correct.

The spiritual master or spiritual advisor in our tradition is referred to as a “guru,” which is a Sanskrit word that means “someone who takes us out of darkness” gu means “darkness,” and ru means “someone who takes us out of it.”

Above all else, the spiritual master will involve us in transcendent activities that are performed in loving service to God, who is the source from which everything else originates.

He will tell us the truth, even if it is unpleasant to hear, and he will also serve as a mirror to show us the shadow side of ourselves.

The teacher guides us to the path that leads to simplicity as well as the clearing of our mental imputations, which enables us to disassociate ourselves from the character that we have developed and locate our authentic “self.”

Today, the Tarot of the Ascended Masters conveys to us a message about the emotional upheaval that we are currently experiencing.

Choose between options 1, 2, or 3. The next step is to decipher the message that it conveys to you.

Your Spiritual Master Brings You a Message About These Times Of Emotional Turbulence



If you chose card #1:

White Eagle is a spiritual Master who has come to remind you of the sense of community that we live in, and as a result, he asks you to respect your brother and your fellow man.

Because of this respect, goodness will find its way into your heart, and you will be able to connect with the other person by shining your light on them, which is the essence of love.

Advice: If you are feeling depressed, or listless, many times without the strength to live, close your eyes and look at your heart. Visualize that eternal flame that lives in you.

If you can do this, it will help. In order to assist you in remembering that you are a being of light, you should ask the Father to show you that light with faith.

You can do it right before you go to sleep, while you're meditating, while you're driving, while you're walking, or at any other time.

Your life, as well as the lives of those around you, will be enlightened by that light. Always keep in mind that there is only One of us.



If you chose card #2:

Isis is a Spiritual Master who has come to offer you solace from the suffering you have endured and who desires to lead you down the correct path for your soul.

She will assist you in wiping away your tears and will share eternity with you as she does so.

Advice: It is important to keep in mind that the purpose of experiencing discomfort, as well as pain and suffering, is to gain exposure to new things.

You can ask Isis to comfort you and help you understand the why behind certain events in your life if you close your eyes and ask her to cover you with her golden wings.

This is something you should do if you are having trouble grasping the idea that your soul came to earth to learn from the human experience.

You can ask her for assistance at any time, and she will be there to support you.

If you carry it out with faith, you will notice that the answers you seek will come to you. Everything serves a specific function.



If you chose card #3:

A reminder that we are loved beyond measure is brought to us by Mother Mary.

Do not forget that she always hugs you, just like a caring mother would, and that she is always there, taking care of you, if you feel sad, with bitterness in your heart, alone or alone, and if you feel that life is not worth it.

If you feel these things, do not forget that she always hugs you.

Advice: It is recommended that when you are feeling sad or distressed, you should try closing your eyes and imagining a beautiful Master hugging and comforting you.

She reminds you that you are loved and that you are loved in every moment of your life, that the Father has never forgotten you, and that you feel his embrace and rest in his love.

She also reminds you that the Father has never forgotten you.


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Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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