Zodiac Signs Ranked From Most To Least Intelligent

Intelligence is often noticed and sometimes even admired. Admit that beyond wealth, beauty, and fame, what you like most is to be noticed for your intelligence, mischievousness, and cleverness.

Who hasn't jumped up and down in front of their TV watching number and word games when they get the right answer? What a feeling to feel proud of your own intelligence! Being aware that we are capable of resolving complicated situations makes everyone proud, even the most humble among us.

It should be noted however that there are several types of intelligence and each sign of the zodiac is equipped with a kind of dominant intelligence.



Scorpio is definitely considered the most intelligent sign of the zodiac. In the coming years, Scorpio will put this malice to the benefit of their finances.

Endowed with unfailing insight, Scorpio can hardly be deceived and knows how to assess the situations in which he finds himself.

His wisdom and quick-wittedness will be assets for Scorpio.




Like Scorpio, Aquarius is a wise and thoughtful being. Aquarius knows how to make allowances and is open to dialogue.

They are not easy to form a definite opinion before having taken into account the arguments of each.

This form of emotional intelligence complements Aquarius' quick-wittedness to make them one of the most intelligent signs of the zodiac.



Virgo 1

A true jack-of-all-trades, Virgo is interested in the world around him and does not perceive difficulties as an obstacle but rather as a challenge that he would be proud to take up with his brilliance.

Never shying away from any problem, Virgo likes to rack their brains and find the solution whatever the cost. His intelligence is only limited by his curiosity.




Gemini 1

Able to store and analyze large amounts of information, Geminis constantly need to occupy their minds and be productive. 

Their sense of humor and creativity are telltale signs of their high intelligence. It is also what allows them to quickly become friends with others.




Capricorn 1

Structured and thoughtful, Capricorns take the trouble to prioritize their ideas in order to extract arguments in their decision-making.

Capricorn's intelligence is a great asset in making them the fifth smartest sign of the zodiac.




Who said Pisces was dumb? Pisces are creative, sensitive, and emotional beings. Their emotional intelligence makes them exceptional beings.

Unlike other zodiac signs, Pisces learn from their mistakes. The sign of great intelligence.




Taurus 1

Sensitive, capricious, and hot-headed at times, Taurus does not appreciate being left out.

This awakens a feeling of rejection and abandonment that sometimes pushes him to act in a thoughtless way.

His spoiled child attitude can lead him to lack lucidity depending on the situation.




Leo 1

Convinced of always being right, Leo will never cease to proclaim his relevance and his intelligence even in the event of an error.

His self-imposed blinders make him one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac. At the risk of being perceived as a fool, Leo refuses to admit his wrongs.




Libra 1

Libra sometimes uses their intelligence to manipulate those around them.

They are not the smartest sign of the zodiac, but this malice is, at times, used to avenge others' bad behavior.




Aries 1

Aries is not a stupid being either, but their lack of discernment makes them the perfect victim to the manipulations of others.

The innocence and benevolence of Aries can sometimes be perceived as weaknesses, but his egocentric side makes sure he is not prayed upon.




Sagittarius 1

True to their personality, Sagittarius does not know how to play a role. He will unscrupulously put his own interests before those of others and rush headlong into complex situations.

This lack of intelligence in his decision-making makes Sagittarius an imprudent being who sometimes lacks discernment.




Cancer 1

Cancer is extraordinarily sensitive. Jealous, possessive, envious, hypersensitive, and stubborn, Cancer is a sign that can sometimes lack ingenuity because of his behavior and excessive reactions.

Intelligence knows many forms. There are as many forms of intelligence as there are individuals. Just pay attention to the world around you!


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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