10 Important Days In September 2024 That Will Change The Life Of Every Zodiac Sign

As autumn approaches, the season officially begins with the start of Libra on September 22nd.

This shift marks a time of balance, harmony, and reflection.

Along with the change in season, we will experience some fascinating planetary transits, including significant returns from the outer planets that promise to shape the month ahead.

Here are 10 important days in September 2024 that will bring profound changes:



1st September 2024: Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

When Pluto, often seen as the cosmic “Mafia boss,” changes direction, its effects ripple across the collective in ways that are hard to ignore.

On September 1st, Pluto retreats from Aquarius back into Capricorn, marking a significant shift in the way power, authority, and truth are revealed.

While in Aquarius, Pluto encouraged us to question the seemingly harmless technologies that surround us and the leaders who present themselves as benevolent, community-focused entrepreneurs. Yet, beneath the surface, their true motives are often far more self-serving.

With Pluto now in retrograde, we can expect shocking revelations in areas such as public service, government, corporate hierarchies, and other powerful institutions.

Secrets that were once hidden may now come to light, forcing us to face uncomfortable truths that we may have previously ignored. This is the very essence of a Pluto return—it strips away illusions and compels us to confront reality, no matter how painful.

As Pluto hovers on the cusp between Aquarius and Capricorn, it carries the transformative energies of both signs. Capricorn’s influence will focus on traditional structures and authority, while Aquarius brings a rebellious drive for innovation and change.

This blend of energies may feel chaotic, but it also provides an opportunity for profound transformation, both personally and collectively.

Staying grounded will be essential during this time. Mindfulness practices, such as journaling your thoughts and observations, can help you navigate this period of uncertainty.

As more truths come to light, you’ll be better equipped to make sense of confusing events and uncover deeper insights. Pluto’s retrograde ends on October 11th, 2024, giving us a month to reflect on the lessons it brings.



2nd September 2024: Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

As if Pluto’s retrograde wasn’t enough, Uranus also turns retrograde on September 1st, adding another layer of complexity to the cosmic landscape.

Uranus, the planet of sudden change and rebellion, moves through Taurus, a sign known for its stubborn attachment to tradition and stability.

This retrograde will challenge the collective to rethink outdated traditions that are hindering progress, even in the face of obvious signs that change is necessary.

At the same time, Uranus cautions against solutions that aren’t grounded in reality. There’s a fine line between breaking free from the past and jumping headfirst into the unknown without proper preparation

. This retrograde urges us to find that balance, seeking innovative solutions that are both forward-thinking and practical.

It’s important to remember that every tradition was once a new idea. As Uranus retraces its steps in Taurus, it pushes us to establish new traditions that align with our present needs and values.

This is a time to let go of the past and embrace new practices that are more relevant to our current circumstances. The effects of Uranus' retrograde will last until January 30th, 2025, giving us ample time to implement these changes and create lasting improvements.


3rd September: New Moon in Virgo

After the intense energies of September 1st, we’re greeted with something more soothing and refreshing on the 3rd—a new moon in Virgo.

This is a wonderful time to set new intentions and embark on fresh beginnings. New moons offer the perfect opportunity to manifest your desires and start new chapters in life.

So, gather your ritual tools, light a candle, and perhaps listen to a calming meditation. This new moon invites you to plant seeds for the future, aligning your wishes with the practical, grounded energy of Virgo.

Intentions related to health, career, home, or even starting a family are especially powerful under this earthy sign. Virgo’s energy is all about organization, healing, and nurturing the things that sustain us.

Consider what you truly desire. Maybe it's a new career path, a healthier lifestyle, or even a home renovation project. Whatever it is, now is the time to put your intentions into the universe and watch them grow as the moon begins its waxing phase.

4th September: Mars Enters Cancer
September keeps the momentum going with another significant transit on the 4th—Mars enters Cancer. While Mars is often thought to struggle in water signs (with Scorpio being the exception), this transit offers its own unique gifts.

Mars is still the planet of action, confidence, and drive, but in Cancer, it channels that energy more emotionally and intuitively.

Mars in Cancer empowers us to take action based on our inner feelings and instincts. It's a time to focus on emotional healing, nurturing yourself, and exploring the depths of your inner world.

This transit can help you address unresolved issues or past wounds, giving you the courage to face them head-on. For those with a strong connection to their intuition, this can be an especially potent time for personal growth.

Journaling your thoughts and feelings during this transit can be incredibly helpful, as Mars in Cancer encourages reflection and introspection.

If you embrace this energy, you’ll find it easier to explore hidden facets of yourself and make significant breakthroughs in areas of your life that have been stagnant.



8th September: Pallas Goes Direct and Returns to Sagittarius

Pallas, the asteroid of wisdom and strategy, returns to Sagittarius on September 8th, marking a powerful shift. Earlier in the year, Pallas was already in Sagittarius but moved retrograde, slowing down its influence.

Now, it’s back—and this time, it’s here to reignite your vision and long-term goals.

Pallas in Sagittarius is a potent combination of intellect and foresight. It blesses the collective with the ability to see far into the future and fuels the desire to pursue big dreams without limits.

This energy encourages strategic thinking that turns those ambitious visions into reality. If you've been hesitant about aiming higher, now’s the time to refocus.

Take a moment to clarify what you truly want. Dream big, think boldly, and visualize your ideal future. With Pallas on your side, you'll have the wisdom and strategy to map out the path forward. This is a period to light your inner fire and set plans in motion.

9th September: Mercury Enters Virgo
On September 9th, we experienced a swift astrological shift as Mercury re-enters Virgo. Mercury thrives in Virgo, its home sign, where its intellectual and communicative powers are at their peak.

Earlier, Mercury’s retrograde return to Leo left some unfinished business, but as it moves back into Virgo, all loose ends can be tied up.

In this position, Mercury sharpens your mind, enhances your problem-solving abilities, and encourages you to trust your intellect.

But stay grounded—balance your creativity with practicality. This is the perfect time to blend imaginative ideas with actionable plans.

Don’t dismiss any ideas prematurely. Often, all it takes is a little more thought or additional information to bring a seemingly impossible concept to life.

Keep an open mind, as the clarity and insight you gain during Mercury's transit through Virgo will set the stage for future success. Exciting times are ahead!


17th September: Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

As the full moon rises on September 17th, accompanied by a partial lunar eclipse, extraordinary events are in store. With this lunar event taking place in the intuitive sign of Pisces, the energy is bound to feel intense, otherworldly, and deeply transformative.

Adding to the mix, both Saturn and Neptune will be in retrograde, positioning themselves close to the moon, amplifying this cosmic experience.

The days surrounding this eclipse—both before and after—may hold life-altering moments, especially in areas that impact humanity as a whole.

Be prepared for significant shifts on the global stage, whether in political movements, social structures, or even health and biological matters.

Typically, full moons are an ideal time for manifestation rituals, where you release what no longer serves you as the moon begins to wane.

However, during an eclipse, the energy is different. It’s not the right time for setting intentions or manifesting personal desires. Instead, embrace this rare cosmic moment by gathering with friends and family.

Celebrate the eclipse with a campfire, and symbolically toss sesame seeds into the flames—infusing your hopes and positive wishes for the greater good.



22nd September: Libra Season Begins

While Virgo has held sway for most of September, on the 22nd, the sun shifts into Libra, marking the start of Libra season and the official beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere.

This seasonal change brings a sense of balance, beauty, and social connection. It’s also the time when we welcome cooler days, pumpkin spice everything, and the playful transformation of neighborhoods as autumn and Halloween decorations start popping up.

Libra season is a time to embrace harmony, cultivate relationships, and venture out of your comfort zone.

Whether you dive into the seasonal festivities or take your time before embarking on your autumnal adventures, now is the perfect time to nurture your social life.

Make new friends, strengthen existing bonds, and let yourself be swept up in the magic of this transitional time.


22nd September: Venus Enters Scorpio

The 22nd of September holds significance for another reason this year—Venus leaves Libra and enters the intense waters of Scorpio. This transition marks a deep dive into the heart of our desires and emotions.

As Sade Jackson insightfully puts it, “This is how we get to the core of our sensuality,” urging us to explore what we truly want from our relationships.

With Venus in Scorpio, expect an undeniable surge in passion and intensity within romantic connections.

The collective energy will shift towards daring and provocative displays of affection, sparking a desire to push boundaries and seek deeper emotional experiences.

This period may also align with bold and evocative themes in the media and films, creating a fascinating feedback loop of daring energy.

Venus in Scorpio invites you to peel back the layers and discover what lies beneath the surface in love and intimacy. It’s a time to embrace vulnerability and explore the depths of your emotional world.



26th September: Mercury Enters Libra


As September draws to a close, the month offers one final major astrological event on the 26th—Mercury exits Virgo and enters Libra.

With this transit, Mercury completes a second sign change within the same month, setting the stage for quicksilver communication and social connections.

You might even hear a few jokes about Mercury’s rapid shifts!

Mercury in Libra brings a sociable, charming energy to the table. It’s a time for lively conversations, harmonious exchanges, and a focus on fairness in communication.

This transit boosts both the desire to entertain and be entertained, making it an excellent time for social gatherings and building relationships.

Additionally, this transit enhances the power of manifestation. Libra’s cardinal air energy, combined with Mercury’s speed, helps to elevate desires and intentions to new heights.

Take advantage of this time to clarify what you truly want. With Mercury in Libra, aligning your goals with your deeper desires becomes not only easier but more rewarding. It’s a time to connect, communicate, and manifest with grace and intention.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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