2023 Could Be the Most Difficult Year for These 3 Zodiac Signs

A new year brings with it fresh possibilities for making our lives more fulfilling. Even though we're about to name the unlucky zodiac signs that might have the most challenging 2023, you shouldn't let that get to you.

Because of our ever-changing nature as spiritual beings and the fact that perfection does not exist, each of the 12 zodiac signs will experience both highs and lows throughout their lifetimes.

Therefore, taking a more in-depth look at the most challenging aspects of the coming year will assist you in becoming more confident and will better prepare you for what is to come.

Cold weather and extended periods of darkness are generally thought of as being associated with the end, but this is only because our actual “rebirth” takes place in the springtime.

Having said that, try not to get disheartened if things aren't moving along at full speed in the month of January. Starting the year with Mars and Mercury retrograde is not necessarily ideal, especially since these two personal planets are key players in our daily lives.

The good news is that things will become clearer by the middle of the month, as Mars will go direct on January 12, followed by Mercury on January 18.


March is one of the most important months of 2023

Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7, for the first time since 1996. Before that, it had spent two years hiding in the sign of Aquarius.

In a nutshell, Saturn's transit through Pisces will impart upon us a sense of discipline, realism, and pragmatism, particularly in those aspects of our lives in which we are prone to idealize or dissociate from the realities of the situation.

Saturn's more negative side manifests itself as feelings of confinement and limitation, and the planet's fundamentally pessimistic nature takes away our optimism.

On the other hand, if you are willing to put in the work and follow through with a plan of self-control, you can be certain that you will be rewarded in the long run.



Pluto in Aquarius on March 23

There is nothing subtle about this transit. Especially when one takes into account the fact that Pluto will be traveling through this fixed air sign until the year 2043.

In the meantime, it doesn't hurt to consider the collective effects of Pluto in Capricorn, since entering in 2007, because this aspect not only destroyed hierarchies and structures that rested on faulty foundations, but it also transformed our perception of tradition and power.

Those in positions of authority and leadership who abused the power they held were also brought to light as a result of this transit.

However, the presence of this malevolent energy in the sign of Aquarius will highlight the less desirable aspects of our social life and community affairs.

You should therefore be familiar with where Aquarius and Pisces are in your birth chart because these astrological houses will go through the most change and upheaval in the coming years.



Venus retrograde in Leo

The planet of romance, relationships, and values, Venus retrograde is not the most fascinating transit, considering the effect it has on our love life, our money-making abilities, and perhaps even our confidence level.

It will go retrograde in Leo on July 22 and will stay there until it goes direct on September 3.

Nevertheless, we can look on the bright side of this transit because it will provide us with the chance to reflect and examine a number of different matters.

Keep in mind that Leo is ruled by the Sun, and that the Sun represents everything about us, from our childhood selves to our own authentic uniqueness.

Venus retrograde could revolve around your personal branding, or cause you to revisit some of your gifts, talents, and abilities.

If your Sun sign and/or Ascendant falls under one of the zodiac signs listed below, here are the reasons why you're more likely to face the most challenges in the year 2023:




Leo 2

Before you start to panic about 2023: although you will be put through a lot of challenges, overcoming them will only make you more resilient and strong.

This will not only challenge the foundation of your intimate unions but will also serve as a catalyst for your relationships.

Because Saturn is currently transiting Aquarius, it is especially important for you to put in the effort to establish a sense of consistency and order within your personal relationships.

And despite the fact that there will be some friendships, relationships, and partnerships that will not hold up over the course of time, it will be one less thing to worry about.

On March 7, Saturn will officially enter Pisces, bringing with it a sense of discipline and structure to all aspects of your life, from the businesses you own to the emotional attachments you have.

If you are holding onto a commitment or relationship attachment that is no longer in alignment with you, the planet of tasks could erase that energy from your life.

It may be a little too early to talk about the specific effects of Pluto in Aquarius, which will enter your seventh house of relationships on March 23. However, this malevolent planet will be there to reveal the shadowy side of the dynamics of your relationships.

Pluto is known as the planet of devastation and transformation, in addition to being an alchemical source of energy. Where have you unknowingly given someone else the power to take away some of yours?

It could have something to do with the way you interact with other people or the kind of people you choose to surround yourself with.

In either case, you can anticipate a significant shift in this aspect of your life, possibly within the next few years. In addition, Venus will be in retrograde motion in your sign between July 22 and September 3.

Do not rush into experimenting with new beauty regimens or cosmic surgery for improving your appearance just yet. The energy of the planet of love will not be the best during this transit.

Make the most of this opportunity to get in touch with your creative side, your “inner child,” and most importantly, to engage in more acts of self-love and care.

During this time, it is not recommended to begin a new romantic relationship, and the same is true for financial collaborations. If your confidence is challenged, think about the root of the problem.

Your sense of self-worth will be shaken up during the time Venus is retrograde in Leo (July 22–September 3). You will devote some of your time to learning more about who you truly are and discovering new ways to love yourself.

In spite of this, it is important not to be too hard on yourself if you aren't feeling as glamorous as usual because Venus's retrograde motion often indicates a challenging phase in romantic relationships. At the end of the day, you will feel a significant boost to your self-esteem.

During the month of October, a Blood Moon-Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will open a new chapter in your tenth house of social status. You might find that you have to drop one of your work commitments in order to take on another one.

Be confident that the universe has a plan for you, even if you are compelled to pursue a different line of work. The year will come to a close with Mercury retrograding through Sagittarius and heading to your romantic fifth house on January 1.

This will pave the way for new developments in your love life as 2024 begins.




Aquarius 2

The arrival of Pluto in your sign on March 23 is a significant astrological event that will have a significant impact on your life throughout the year.

Pluto is generally associated with death and rebirth. It is also known as the planet of destruction, transformation, and regeneration.

The influence of Pluto can also be alchemical; this is the stage at which you can transform suffering and energies with a lower vibration into power and emerge victorious from the ashes like the phoenix.

This may seem like a lot to take into account for a planetary transit, but the energy associated with Pluto is anything but subtle. Due to the slow pace at which it is occurring, it is possible that you will not begin to notice these changes for at least a year or so.

An important revelation is about to take place as Pluto is about to reconnect you with your shadow self so that you can triumph over your more negative qualities.

It could be anything, from your desire for power and control to the fact that some of you have to confront your biggest fears. The work that you do will ultimately serve your best interests.

In addition, Saturn will finish its transit through your sign on March 7, after which it will move into Pisces and your second house of values and finances.

Your ability to make money and your spending habits will both be put to the test, but not in the way that you might expect. On the other hand, this transit will be there to assist you in constructing a stable foundation for both your own well-being and your financial security.

You should try your best to approach it with an open heart. The same goes for your self-esteem and/or lack of confidence. Saturn will be there to support you, encourage you, and motivate you so that you can strengthen your sense of confidence and accomplish the things you set out to do.

From the 22nd of July to the 3rd of September, Venus will be retrograde in Leo, your opposite sign. This will shed light on your relationships.

You could use this time to fix broken hearts and reflect on the lessons you've learned from your own mistakes. This retrograde may result in temporary breakups as well as chance encounters with former friends and partners, giving you the opportunity to move on with your life.

Things will pick up their pace once more on October 28, when a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus rises in your fourth house of sacred spaces and private places.

It's possible that you'll find yourself having to deal with more issues at home and healing the dynamics of your family. You will make significant progress toward a more optimistic outlook in the years to come when 2024 arrives.




Pisces 2

You are getting ready for a year that will be marked by significant change; therefore, be prepared to face some challenges.

By early 2023, you will have survived a chaotic holiday season, due to Mars retrograde in Gemini compounding conflict in your fourth house of family and family dynamics.

On the other hand, this will come to an end on January 12, when the energies of Mars will direct and encourage you to find a solution to the problems you have at home.

Saturn will enter your sign on March 7 for the first time since 1996, so now is a good time to take stock of your life and make any necessary adjustments.

Saturn is the planet that rules over limitations, boundaries, and structures. It is guaranteed to cause disruptions, but this is done solely for the purpose of preserving your equilibrium.

When Saturn is in your sign, it will bring you greater self-discipline and awareness in areas that you usually take a back seat or prefer to avoid altogether to find ways to deal with them.

There is nothing inherently wrong with daydreaming a little bit, but if you have been persistently clinging to an illusion, Saturn will be there to pull you back to reality at the appropriate time.

Having this awareness is not going to make things simpler for you, but it will elevate the significance of your own personal growth.

In all seriousness, there is no reason to be afraid of this type of energy. On the other hand, as long as you are willing to put in the effort and commit to a sound plan of action, you can relax and enjoy yourself without any concerns.

Pluto will enter Aquarius on March 23, and move into your twelfth house of limitations, endings, and inhibitions. This indicates that you will likely be dealing with issues from the past.

For instance, whether it's a phobia, a burden, or a resentment that's been weighing on your subconscious, Pluto's transit will amount to a significant cleansing of those things.

Confronting the energies of the past isn't exactly a walk in the park, but the more honest you are with yourself, the more you will grow. This transit is wonderful for enhancing your intuitive abilities and reestablishing a connection with your spirituality.

When Mercury goes into retrograde motion in Virgo between August 23 and September 15, your interpersonal dynamics will undergo significant change. Get ready to acquire a deeper understanding of the factors that contribute to the success or failure of your relationships.

The month of October will be packed with eclipses that will shake the foundations of your world. It will all start with a New Moon-Solar Eclipse in Libra, which will evoke a change in your eighth house of relationships.

Your feelings toward another person could change, leading you to either trust them more or establish appropriate boundaries with them.

When a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs in Taurus and rushes into your third solar house, you may find yourself cultivating an idea that concerns others.

You will begin 2024 with an unending supply of intellectual stamina and gems of genius that will carry you a long way.




Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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