5 Zodiac Signs Destined To Lead A Tough Life

In life, no one escapes crises and upheavals, no matter how hard you try. On the other hand, and for different reasons, some zodiac signs go through difficult times more often than others.

Ups and downs are common in everyday life. According to astrologers, it's all about knowing how to behave toward the things that happen to us because our destiny depends more on how we manage the vagaries of life.

Thus, it is our actions that can help us move forward or prevent us from moving forward, the same being able to give a happy or even unfortunate outcome to the different chapters constituting the history of our existence.




People born under the sign of Pisces are known to be creative but also very dreamy, which makes them idealize people in general.

Their sensitivity also prevents them from seeing the big picture, making them capable of losing their cool over anything and everything.

With this sign, tragedy is unfortunately never far away, even if the object of their frustration is trivial.




Libra 1

The fact that this sign is constantly trying to ensure that its actions and words are well perceived by others is certainly a good thing, but it also has some less glamorous, even pernicious aspects.

Living according to this line of thinking is extremely risky in the sense that basing one's relationship with others on the need to please them leads to dependency and can result in toxic relationships.

It should also be noted that even if necessary, this way of constantly sacrificing prevents Libras from being themselves, from living their life, and therefore from being happy.




A Scorpio knows what he wants and sets goals that can grant him success. 

Aggressiveness and determination are integral parts of his character because he knows how to put passion into everything he does, whether in his career or his personal life. 

However, this passion has a bad side, since it can cause aggression and virulence against others.

It is therefore important here to understand that we cannot advance by isolating ourselves from others and that it is a mistake to believe that we can absolutely do without everything around us, as long as we manage to achieve certain personal goals.




Cancer 1

When it comes to intelligence or insight, Cancers are clearly not left out. They are also characterized by the particular aversion they have for conflicts, vulgarity, or rash decision-making.

Doing nothing in the face of impending difficulties and constantly withdrawing from any threat prevents them from being masters of their destiny and puts them more in the position of those who suffer life instead of living it.

It is therefore this lack of initiative that prevents them from realizing their aspirations.




Aries 1

To go for it and never give in is literally the watchword for this zodiac sign, so it is important for them to have the last word and always do things the way they want.

Aries is known for its counterproductive rigidity towards anything that might change its direction.

It is ultimately because of this that he gets himself into trouble as a result of his fixed and unchangeable ideas.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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