6 Zodiac Signs Who Don’t Stay In Relationships For Very Long

Relationships don't last forever, and for some, they don't last at all. We try very hard; however, when you have something in front of you with ideals and expectations, you walk into a minefield of potential disappointment.

Some of us are simply not cut out for the job. Ideals are great and beautiful, but rarely do we live up to them.

When your significant other expects you to behave in a way that is different from who you are, that is when the problems really start to arise.

If you're the type of person who tends to walk away from relationships that you simply can't manage, it might have something to do with your astrological sign.

Which zodiac signs are most likely to have short-lived relationships?




Libra 2

They do not stay in relationships for the simple reason that they do not want to stay in relationships. It's all about quick sex and taking advantage of whatever they can get from you.

If you have money, Libra will stay there until all of the money has been taken, and then exit through the back door.

Therefore, when they try to develop a romantic connection with a person, they almost always end up making the person they are with feel bad because they are unable to commit to a single partner.




Aries 2

They come with built-in expectations; in other words, they are true teachers. Aries are persistent in their pursuit because they know what they want in a relationship.

They put an incredible amount of pressure on their partners to be perfect, and as a result, they are setting themselves up for failure and disappointment.

This is usually the beginning of the end when you are in a relationship with Aries. And now comes the climax: they do this on purpose, which makes them the initiator of the breakup.

As a result, one of you will end up blaming the other, which will provide enough reason to end the relationship.




Taurus 2

Every once in a while, Taureans will try to build a “real” relationship; however, because of how easily they become bored, it is nearly impossible for them to maintain a relationship.

If you are staying in a relationship with a Taurus, there is a good chance they are already cheating on you.

They do not enter relationships with the intention of cheating, but because they are so irresistible in bed, everyone wants them and Taurus simply cannot resist temptation.

They have charm and good humor, which makes people think that they are out for strong relationships, but the truth is that Taurus does not and will never stay.




Gemini 2

Since Geminis are so quick to form opinions and judge, maintaining a connection with them can be challenging at best.

If you are in a relationship with this sign, you almost certainly have a severely damaged sense of confidence and suffer from self-loathing.

Geminis want to stay in a relationship, but only if they believe they have the ability to “fix” the other person.

They have no interest in normal people; rather, they sneak and stalk people with severe vulnerabilities. They would prefer servants who keep quiet and listen rather than lovers who share and live life.

The moment one of their victims realizes that they are being held captive by a psychopath is the moment Gemini ends the relationship.




Sagittarius 2

Those born under Sagittarius know what it's like to want a relationship so badly, only to see it fall apart.

Since they enjoy their independence and prefer to spend time alone, it can be challenging to maintain a romantic connection with this sign.

Some people aren't able to deal with the fact that Sagittarius is happy being on their own, and they take it as an insult.

But here's the thing about Sagittarians: they never do it to hurt you, but they do it anyway. This sign tends to have short-lived romantic relationships.




Scorpio 2

Unless they ever do find the person who is truly meant to be their soul mate, Scorpio has no intention of staying in any relationship.

We all know how difficult it is to find that one person who is perfect for you, much less someone who is your “soulmate.”

They are dedicated partners, but if you are not the one they are dedicated to, it won't last. Scorpios are not only demanding and needy, but control freaks who have high expectations as well.

If you fall in love with a Scorpio, you might completely lose your mind.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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