These 6 Opposite Zodiac Couples Are Made For Each Other

Polar opposites attract. But is that really the case? This idiom has proven to be accurate for some, while for others when communicating with a person with opposing views, it is met only with resistance.

Have you ever thought about why you sometimes find yourself attracted to a person even though you believe that a relationship between the two of you would be doomed to fail?

Astrology is able to help us find a partner, and enlighten us as to who would make the ideal partner for us and who we should try to avoid at all costs.

These 6 zodiac couples couldn't be more different in terms of their traits, but despite this, they experience a powerful attraction to one another and seem to be made for each other.

They complement each other ideally from an astrological point of view and, moreover, they can enhance and express each other's positive qualities. Find out why this is the case:



Aries and Libra

Aries and Libra

The first difference between these two signs is their respective elements: Aries is a fire sign while Libra is an air sign.

Because they are determined and assertive, those born under Aries are prone to making snap judgments that may not have been given sufficient consideration.

With Venus as their ruling planet, Libras tend to be harmonious and calm. The only drawback to their decision-making process is that they take as much time as necessary to carefully consider every aspect before committing.

It is easy for Libras to win the hearts of those around them, and before you know it, they will have you completely under their spell.

People born under this air sign have excellent communication skills and can talk and debate a particular subject for hours.

Aries' talkative nature can sometimes drive them crazy at times because they tend to be impulsive and quick-tempered. It doesn't take long for Aries to get over their anger.

Libras are logical but prone to anxiety when making important choices. They always try to play it safe. Aries are courageous and confident people who are not afraid to act on the spur of the moment.

Libra admire this quality and are more determined when making decisions and they are inspired to higher achievements on a personal level.

Both Aries and Libra want to take charge of the relationship and do things their own way. In disputes and disagreements, Libras are concerned only with justice and peace, while Aries want to win only for proving they were right.

If Libra can see that Aries is genuinely trying to understand their point of view, they will encourage them and meet them with respect and affection.

Since Libras are kind and considerate, they can help Aries become more even-tempered and tolerant. They bring out the best in Aries.

Both Aries and Libra have characteristics that the other lacks so a relationship between these two signs can be very beneficial for both parties.

For this very reason, they can complement each other perfectly and have a promising future ahead of them.



Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio

Although not everyone would agree that these two zodiac signs would make such a good couple, Taurus and Scorpio share certain traits that allow them to complement and complete each other.

Scorpios are known for being seductive and mysterious, and even unpredictable. On the other hand, they are very gentle toward the people they love and trust.

However, they can switch very quickly from being warm and friendly to being icy and intimidating.

Taureans have trouble understanding this due to the fact that they are very direct, and you can see right away where you stand with them. As an earth sign, people born under Taurus are practical, dependable, patient, and determined.

They are not prone to change like Scorpios are, but they have the genuine inner peace that Scorpios long for, which allows them to face the challenges of life with the same level of composure as Taureans.

The romantic relationship between these two can flourish better and they can replace each other's lacking qualities.

Grounded Taurus provides support for passionate Scorpio, and Scorpio showers Taurus with a lot of love. When Scorpios are angry or upset, they tend to be sarcastic and resentful toward their Taurus partners, which can be harmful to their relationship.

They are open and direct, so they believe that a person should simply say what is bothering them without embellishing or hiding anything. However, because they are both shy, they can learn to respect each other's boundaries.

Scorpios have a good sense of humor, but they don't like to appear weak in front of others. Neither speaks much unless they really have something important to say.

People born under Scorpio will do everything in their power to hide their secrets, even if it means lying to them.

Scorpio enjoys Taurus' sensual energy and caring nature because it gives them a sense of security.



Cancer and Capricorn

Cancer and Capricorn

Both Cancer and Capricorn are traditionalists when it comes to matters of love and family, making them an ideal couple. Therefore, it shouldn't be too hard for these two to find common ground.

They have instincts similar to those of a mother or father, and they will enjoy taking care of one another. Capricorns are known for their drive and ability to achieve their goals, but they also have a sensitive side.

Cancers need a lot of love and attention, and their home is the only place that can provide them with a sense of safety and security.

They also have this trait in common with Capricorns, who also love to spend their free time in the comfort of their own home, where they can be pampered by their partner.

Cancers are also emotional and radiate warmth and kindness, which definitely attracts a Capricorn who loves to be taken care of but would never admit it.

People born under Cancer are attracted to the serious and practical side of Capricorns, and the fact that they also have a good sense of humor is an added bonus.

Both are somewhat reserved and shy at the beginning of the relationship, but as time goes on, they will gradually get to know each other better.

They're a bit old-fashioned and traditional, and prefer not to rush things or act impulsively and rashly.

Cancers are known to be overly emotional or moody at times, and there will be times when Capricorns will feel hopeless trying to understand Cancer's mood swings.

The Moon is the ruler of Cancer, and just like the phases of the Moon, they're very changeable.  Capricorn needs to learn to keep up with this.

Cancers are sensitive and romantic, so Capricorns can learn a thing or two about romance from them in order to be more expressive in both public and private spheres.

Capricorns have a need to be validated, but they won't openly admit it to themselves or others. Both are proud and if they fall out, it can be very difficult for them to get back together.

Capricorns usually prioritize their work, which can be frustrating for Cancer because the sign's emotions are easily hurt. When Capricorns are focused on their work, they won't want to socialize with many people.

They are a perfect match for one another due to the fact that Cancer is reserved and also needs quiet hours with their partner.



Leo and Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius

This couple is between two zodiac signs that are known for their strength and individuality. Leo and Aquarius have to figure out how to combine their distinct strengths.

When they walk into a room, Leos radiate an air of elegance and draw everyone's attention. They are accustomed to getting what they want without having to put up a fight for it, and they have natural leadership abilities.

Aquarians just accept life with all its craziness and feel comfortable being their own independent and interesting selves.

This water sign gives off the impression that they are indifferent and they spend most of their time living inside their own heads, preoccupied with the deeper questions of life.

In contrast, Leos worry too much about what others think of them, so they let their thoughts and emotions rule them and then regret it later.

The lesson that Leo needs to learn is that loving someone openly and intimately does not equate to a loss of self-esteem.

Aquarians have an easygoing acceptance of life and other people. This is a desire that Leos have as well, but their pride prevents them from doing so.

Leos have a constant need for admiration and can easily feel neglected when things aren't going their way. They always want to be treated like a king or queen, and they feel neglected quite easily.

When it comes to expressing their love for one another and revealing the things that are truly important to them, people born under Aquarius aren't exactly known to be direct and open.

They believe that it is sufficient to tell your partner you love them once and that there are other ways in which you can express your feelings.

Leo's way of expressing their feelings is through their words, while for Aquarius it's more about actions.

Aquarians are not as direct and forthcoming as Lions. Aquarius has a hard time accepting compliments. When forced to put their feelings of love into words, they feel strange and uncomfortable.

However, Leos crave affirmation and admiration, so because of these opposites, the shreds could often fly.

Aquarians are special people who are highly intelligent and unpredictable, but Leos need to understand that Aquarians can be a bit eccentric at times.

Since Aquarians are so preoccupied with their own lives, they won't always make Leo the center of their world, which could be a deal breaker for Leos.

If Leos are mature enough to realize that they are loved but that they can't always be the center of someone else's life, this relationship can work.



Gemini and Sagittarius

Gemini and Sagittarius

Most people have the misconception that all Sagittarians are outgoing and active, but the reality is that some Sagittarians are reserved and shy.

Geminis are known for having two different personalities and constantly switching back and forth between the two, which makes them the ideal partner.

One of the most important traits that both zodiac signs share is the fact that they are exceptionally wise, intelligent, and mentally active.

Gemini can encourage Sagittarius to take a risk and experiment with something new, even if Sagittarius wouldn't normally think about doing so.

Geminis need the warmth and sincerity of Sagittarius because, at times, they can be cold, and they like to play head games with people.

They both may admire each other's traits and try to imitate them in order to develop emotionally and spiritually, or the contrasting traits may intimidate them and so they may hurt each other's pride.

Geminis need to be careful when communicating with Sagittarians. If you start being judgmental or abusive, Sagittarians will call you out on it, even if they know you don't really mean the nasty things you say.

But when one of them is talking, the other one of them doesn't always pay attention to what they're saying because they're too busy thinking about what they're going to say next.

They are constantly competing against one another, but they do so in a lighthearted way. They help each other through difficult times and learn how to communicate better in time.

Like Sagittarians, intelligent and articulate Geminis tend to have a positive outlook on life.

They are both blessed with the good luck of Jupiter and Mercury's alertness, which explains why they are both very enterprising and enjoy spending hours chatting with their friends and acquaintances.

Sometimes Sagittarians can even get a quieter Gemini to speak their truth in a better, kinder way.

This can be a wonderful romantic relationship provided that they are able to learn to communicate with one another in a respectful way, take the time to listen to one another, and show consideration for the other person's wants and needs.



Virgo and Pisces

Virgo and Pisces

People born under Virgo are very organized and efficient, and they can pick up on other people's issues and concerns.

They are never late for anything. Virgos are very orderly, and as a result, they try to cultivate all healthy habits and keep their belongings in systematic order.

A Pisces is the antithesis of all that orderliness and precision. They are daydreamers who often escape into their own world of imagination, leaving the real world behind them.

Pisces people want to consciously acquire these traits because they realize they need less daydreaming and relaxation and much more order, so they can get along well despite their differences.

Both of them are reserved and shy around unfamiliar people. Virgo's minds are so perceptive and alert that they don't think nearly enough about the unconscious.

They perform an in-depth analysis of everything to guarantee that they don't overlook any important details. By being optimistic, Pisces can to transform their dreams into reality and make their wishes come true.

Therefore, those born under Pisces need to be on their guard, because their strong imagination can cloud their impressions.

Pisces and Virgo make a great romantic couple because Virgo can bring out the best in Pisces' ideas while also guiding Pisces away from negative thoughts.

Pisces are sociable creatures who are willing to listen to other people's ideas. They are sometimes taken aback by the fact that people also enjoy listening to them, although they are amazing storytellers.

Both Virgo and Pisces are naturally good lovers, which contributes to their strong sexual attraction. They may disagree on other topics, but never when it comes to sexual matters.

They will have problems when it comes to money, though. Pisces don't really care about money. If they could, they would love to give it away. However, Virgo is an earth sign, and earth signs are not willing to part with their cash.

If Pisces is overly generous, Virgos tend to be overly critical of them and will continue to bring it up. Pisces might feel uneasy due to Virgo's constant nagging.

Pisces are not known for being particularly good at looking after themselves. When Virgo's relationship does not have well-defined and crystal clear goals for the future, it can cause a great deal of inner turmoil for them.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to let Virgo take the lead for a while once they feel safe and secure as a couple. Because of how well they are able to communicate with one another, the two enjoy spending a lot of time together.

Both feel a strong attraction to each other, so the chances of their love are high.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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