User Posts: Helen Felix

When it comes to matters of romance and attraction, you might believe that you have complete control over the kinds of people that fall for you, but if this is ...

Eclipse season is without a doubt the most decisive and defining time of the year. This Season of Change arrives once every six months and occurs in pairs of ...

Selfishness is something that we all have to some degree, but that's okay. However, some of us use this trait a little more often than others. If you often ...

The first eclipse season of 2023 is here, and Mars's influence is greater than it has ever been. However, before discussing how the Aries Total Solar Eclipse ...

Astrology cannot be complete without an understanding of ancient mythology. While the two share a lot of similarities, the most important one is that they both ...

3 signs of the zodiac are going to a very lucky date on the night of the New Moon. When we free ourselves from our past, we enter a future where anything is ...

Love seems very complicated and out of reach, even though it is the best thing in the world. Everyone wants to find their one true love, the person they will ...

Is there ever a moment in your life when it is truly the right time to make a change? Perhaps not, but that is precisely the reason why you should start and do ...

These days, being honest is often stigmatized. It is highly admired but rarely practiced. Since so many people don't speak up when they should, this creates ...

Before we get into the details of the New Moon in Aries, let's talk about what the New Moon is and what it represents. When the Moon is conjunct the Sun, ...

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