6 Signs From The Universe That You Need to Change Your Life

Is there ever a moment in your life when it is truly the right time to make a change? Perhaps not, but that is precisely the reason why you should start and do it anyway.

The only constant thing in life is change. Therefore, the sooner you accept the necessity of change as a normal and necessary component of life, the more smoothly and peacefully the events of your life will play out.

People don't change course because they either don't realize it's time to change or they resist the change that is needed.

This is the problem that many people have: they get stuck for too long in situations where change is exactly what is needed.

My experiences up to this point have taught me a valuable lesson about life: it is far better and wiser to take control of your life and situation by knowing when it is time to make positive changes, and then actively bringing about these changes for oneself.


Has the Time Come for Change?

Has the Time Come for Change?

People will say things like, “Maybe one day!” or “I'm preparing now so that I can do it when things settle down.” Life never settles down, though.

Because life always moves forward and puts new challenges in front of you, you are always given a new problem to solve or a new question to answer. It never ends.

Have you just recently been given a promotion? Now doesn't seem like the right time to leave your business behind and start your own business.

Have you recently moved to a different city? Now, you probably won't travel for a year.

It never seems like “now” is the right time to go after what you want. Saying that you will start pursuing your passion in a few months or a few years from now makes you feel more at ease.

However, now is actually the best time to start living the life you want to live.



It's Never too Late to start Changing

It's Never too Late to start Changing

You are wasting every single second, every single month, and every single year that passes by not taking a step toward the meaningful life that you want.

Would you, considering how limited our life on this planet is, want to waste another second of your life living in a way that doesn't make you happy?

If you wait those 1, 3, or 5 years to start your business because you're just not ready, that's 1, 3, or 5 years of your life that you've spent living for someone else.

This is your life, and you have only one chance to make it meaningful. Forget about living in accordance with society's traditional way. Your future self will thank you.

You are capable of so much more than you show. You are destined to discover your own way through life so that others can learn from your experiences and do the same. Who else is going to if not you?

Changing your life won't be a simple process. Even if you are certain that you are moving in the right direction, whether it be in your career or in taking the time to explore opportunities for personal growth, at times you'll feel lost.

You will start to question whether or not you should have held back, and whether or not you would have had greater success if you had simply waited until everything was perfectly in place.

In those times when you question everything, you remember the bravery it took to make the first move, the faith you had in yourself that you could lead a more fulfilling life.

You should be proud of the fact that you value yourself enough to do something very few people do. You can say to yourself, “Hey, at least I tried.”

Here are 6 signs that it's time for a change in your life.



1. Every week you can't wait until it's Friday

1. Every week you can't wait until it's Friday

We always have a good time on Fridays, but one thing that I've learned is that almost any day can be really fun if you love your job.

If you live your entire life for the weekends, it's time to take a serious look at the way you spend your time and consider making some changes.

It is wonderful to have things to look forward to on the weekend, but what if you could have that excited feeling that you get on Friday almost every day?

Even though it requires a lot of hard work and self-knowledge, it is indeed possible to live the life that you love, even on Mondays.



2. Everything around you loses its meaning

2. Everything around you loses its meaning

Have faith even if it seems like everything around you is falling apart. This is typically an indication that things need to be changed in some way.

It can feel like life is beating up on you, but remember: You might not see it from where you are, but life might be helping you in getting rid of things that you longer need in order to make room for something else.

This divine order comes into play when it is time for you to move on and evolve spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally to the next level.



3. Something has come to an end

3. Something has come to an end

At some point, everything comes to an end. This is a good thing because it makes room for something new to emerge and grow, so it's a win-win situation.

On the other hand, some endings are unanticipated and can feel imposed and traumatic, such as the sudden death of a loved one, the end of our marriage, etc.

There are some endings that we can see coming, such as our children growing up and leaving the nest, but it still hurts when it happens.

Sometimes we just know, quietly inside, that we have reached the end and given everything we can to a person or situation. Then we feel it is time for change.



4. You lose touch with the world around you

4. You lose touch with the world around you

While others move on from a job, an organization, or a problem, you don't. The environment changes and you don't want to.

The industry is seeing new technologies. They continue to replace outdated tech. Your family is changing. You get into arguments with them because you don't adapt.

Not every change makes sense or improves things, and it's important to stand by what you think is important.

Nevertheless, when things and people around you change, you have a choice: you can either accept the change and change yourself, or you can remain in the same place and the same way that you are now. Whatever you choose, beware of the consequences.

Make sure that whatever you do, you make a conscious choice and that you don't just stop there because of fear, resentment, or the simple fact that you don't know what you want.

The question that needs to be asked in order to move on is this: What do I want now that these things, people, and situations are changing? How do I feel about not moving at all? How do I feel about exploring change for myself?



5. You are often jealous

5. You are often jealous

Consider the 3 following changes if you find yourself being envious of another person:

  1. Don't worry about what other people are doing; focus on moving forward on your own path. This may require taking a break from social media at times.
  2. Get motivated by the person whose accomplishments you are envious of, and use it to drive you toward achieving something in your own life.
  3. Decide that what the other person has is not something you are willing to put in a lot of effort to achieve, so cheer him or her on, but decide not to be jealous.

If you feel jealous, think about why you want what the other person has and what your motives are.

You will find much more fulfillment in your life if you live it according to your own terms, focusing on your own priorities, passions, and strengths rather than trying to be someone else.



6. You have lost your passion

6. You have lost your passion

Your way of life no longer matches the person you have become. There's no joy in your heart, you aren't as happy and motivated anymore. You can't remember the last time you were excited.

External motivation is temporary. It's true that money and material possessions each have their place in the world, but if you want to live a passionate life, you have to find motivation within yourself to get there.

Discovering something to be enthusiastic about is one of the most important steps in creating a happy and fulfilling life. When you spend each day seeking your passion, you will live a life that is truly glorious.

You'll become a much more interesting person if you spend your time doing things that you're passionate about and in which you strongly believe

When you become someone who motivates others, it's hard not to imagine a fulfilling life.



Powerful steps to change your life


Step 1: Decide to change your life

Step 1: Decide to change your life

Even though it might seem obvious, this is the most challenging part of making changes in your life.

Throughout my travels, I have had a number of conversations with people who have shared with me that they have the desire to make significant changes to their lives but that these changes never seem to happen. Why is this the case?

Because it's hard to change your life. Really really hard. In fact, changing your life can be one of the most difficult and unsettling things you'll ever have to do. At first, this might seem scary.

Depending on the reasons you want to make a change in your life, following your dreams could lead you to a city or country where you have no friends or family.

In order to make room for new friendships, you might have to let go of old ones that you've had for years.

To put it another way, if you want to change your life, you have to make some difficult decisions. To what extent do you want to change your life?

And what are you willing to sacrifice in order to make it a reality? Always keep in mind that now is the perfect time for making a change!


Step 2: Determine why you want to change your life

Step 2: Determine why you want to change your life

When trying to figure out how to make changes in your life, it is often simpler to identify what you don't want before identifying what you want. Write down what aspects of your life you don't like.

Do you hate your job? Do you dislike where you live, your social life, or how you feel most of the time? Do you want to get rid of any of the destructive habits?

Don't let yourself get caught up in the gloom and doom by dwelling on these things. Simply write them down, and then move on to the next step.


Step 3: Identify things that might be holding you back

Step 3: Identify things that might be holding you back

The next step is to become aware of any habits, recurrent thought patterns, or other people in your life that might be keeping you from making positive changes. Take, for instance:

  • Are you addicted to sugar, alcohol, social media, or video games?
  • Are you beating yourself up with negative self-talk?
  • Are there negative people in your life who discourage you?

If you are having trouble determining what may be preventing you from making changes in your life, you should consider asking a close friend or family member.


Step 4: Involve friends and family

Step 4: Involve friends and family

Nobody ever makes anything truly great on their own. Keep in mind that you need other people's support as you learn how to change your life.

You must also learn to deal with people who are actively holding you back or preventing you from making changes in your life. This can be a difficult and frustrating experience.

When you start changing your life, a lot of people will naturally dislike it; however, this does not necessarily mean that they are bad people.

Nevertheless, if you want to change your life, you need to protect yourself from people who unconsciously try to pull you back into your old self.

Therefore, if you decide to change your life, it may necessary to find new friends. Remember that no matter what you do, the people you hang out with have a big influence on your life.


Step 5: Go for the distance

Step 5: Go for the distance

If you're trying to figure out how to change your life in 30 days, you're going to have a hard time making meaningful changes.

Successful people tend to think long-term. Therefore, prepare yourself for the long journey, and be patient.

Also, rather than focusing on the end result, focus on the process. If you want to climb Mount Everest but only focus on reaching the summit, you will never make it.

Forget about reaching the top of the mountain and instead focus on training, preparation, climbing, etc. If you take it one step at a time – one key habit at a time, you will get there in the end.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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