User Posts: Helen Felix

Each sign of the zodiac reacts differently when they feel hurt, insulted, or if someone is unfair to them. Some people manage to keep their cool by getting ...

Sagittarius season is here and it comes with an immense wave of lessons for this penultimate month of the year. From work issues to personal ones, the energy ...

Willingly or not, judging others is a big flaw. And it is never pleasant to have people around you who are constantly judging. It's even often toxic! Now, ...

We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but it can be helpful to know which are the most glaring. While some people may bemoan their weaknesses, others ...

According to astrologers, 2023 promises to be very positive for certain zodiac signs who will be more enthusiastic than others about starting a new chapter in ...

Numerology is one of the sciences that can provide us with some insight into what our fate has in store for us or at least for the year 2023, which is the year ...

Each of us has a unique energy. It is the unconscious impression that we perceive of an individual without the need to speak. It is this aura that attracts us ...

Our perception of others can oscillate between positive, negative, and neutral. But although things are not that simple, some people still tend towards ...

While some people look forward to this festive period, others will unfortunately not be able to enjoy it with a clear head. Full Moon and Mars in Gemini, Venus ...

Have you ever wanted to uncover the mysteries of your life? Do you feel like there are hidden truths waiting to be discovered, just out of your reach? Look ...

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