Books You Should Read, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Whether you don't know what book to read next or you simply want to start reading books again, we have you covered. We took all the zodiac signs into consideration and discovered which book would be best suited for each of them.

For me, books hold a significant amount of value, and each time I read one, it's almost as if I'm experiencing life for the first time.

When I lose myself in a book, everything else around me fades away, and the only thing that is left is the book itself and the world that the book crafted.

Reading is the epitome of relaxation for me, and nothing can prepare me for the calm and stillness that a good book can bring.

You should give reading a shot and allow the words to direct you so that you can experience the same sense of calm that it brought to me because I am certain that everyone can benefit from reading.

Not everything in this world is the same, no matter their zodiac sign. Because some people enjoy romance and others prefer action, the books that we are going to recommend to you here are going to be different depending on which zodiac sign you are.

They are all well-known works of literature that you are most likely familiar with. There is a good chance that some of you have already finished reading them all.

The following is a list of 12 books, one for each of the zodiac signs, that can be read on trips, at the weekend, or even on the way to work on the subway. I really hope you enjoy it.





Lord of the Flies – William Golding

You are certainly not lacking in life energy as you are known to be the most active zodiac sign.

You are constantly on the move, working hard to complete as many tasks as you possibly can in the shortest amount of time.

When you find yourself in need of a break, William Golding's “Lord of the Flies” might be the best book to pick up.

This book will keep you occupied and on the edge of your seat, just as life does. It is full of suspense.





The Great Gatsby – F.Scott Fitzgerald

It is well known that you are particularly successful and that you are a money-making machine in everything that you do.

You are always purchasing a wide variety of luxurious goods because you have an insatiable appetite for life's finer pleasures.

You most closely resemble Jay Gatsby, the main character in this book, not only because of your achievements but also because of the way you think.

This book is not just about the beauty and glitter of life; rather, it explores the superficiality of human nature as well.

You won't have any trouble connecting with the lavish party scenes in the book, which are some of the most visually appealing parts of the story.





Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson

Gemini has two very different sides to their personality. You can be the life of the party at times, but then other times you prefer to stay in and binge-watch your favorite series on Netflix.

Visit the library on one of those days when you just don't feel like doing anything and pick up Robert Louis Stevenson's “Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.”

Have you ever read the Hulk comics or watched the Hulk movie that was released by Marvel? There are a lot of parallels between this book and Hulk.

It tells the story of the twisted life that Dr. Jekyll led and his alter ego, Mr. Hyde. An absolute necessity for any and all Geminis.





Anna Karenina – Leo Tolstoy

Cancer is an emotional and caring sign. It's true that your feelings can get the best of you at times, but that's only because you have so much love to share with everyone you come in contact with.

Everyone thinks you are an absolute gem and admires you very much.

Because of your sensitive nature, Anna Karenina is the perfect choice for you because it depicts a variety of relationships between people that you won't find in any other book.

This book contains happy endings as well as tragic ones, but what stands out the most is the intensity of the emotions it conveys.





The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde

Because you don't mind being the center of attention, people frequently assume that you are overly self-centered.

You are a confident individual who is aware of your capabilities, much like Dorian Gray in Oscar Wilde's “The Picture of Dorian Gray”.

Although it has a somewhat gloomy narrative, this masterpiece deserves to be read by every Leo in the world.

Dorian Gray is without a doubt the most narcissistic fictional character, even when compared to the figure of Narcissus from Greek mythology. Both of them are exceptional and one-of-a-kind in their own way.





1984 – George Orwell

Virgo represents perfection in its purest form. The actions that people who were born under this zodiac sign will take have always already been planned out.

In your world, there is nothing that is out of place. In a nutshell, you are the very definition of flawlessness.

Since you inherently live in your own version of a utopian society, reading George Orwell's 1984 about a dystopian society will provide you with the push you need to break out of your scheme and finally live a little.

This book will demonstrate to you that perfection does not exist, that strict rules only invite misfortune, and that every living thing in this world has a natural desire to be free.





Sense and Sensibility – Jane Auston

As a Libra, you probably are a hopeless romantic. If you are someone who is extremely interested in love and relationships, then Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen is an absolute must-read for you.

You won't have any trouble identifying with the female protagonists. If you read this book, it will definitely become your favorite.

Seeing the movie first is not something I would recommend doing. Read the book first because it will give you more freedom to imagine the characters in any way you want. It's a very old love story.





His Dark Materials ( First Book: The Golden Compass; Second Book: The Subtle Knife; Third Book: The Amber Spyglass) – Philip Pullman

Scorpio is considered to be one of the most powerful zodiac signs, and it has no trouble expressing its opinions.

You are not afraid of issues or shifts in the status quo and are not shy about voicing your opinions.

Lyra, a fighter much like a Scorpio, is the series' protagonist. The story is fraught with tension and uncertainty at every turn.

You will be transported to a new dimension thanks to Lyra's exciting adventures.

As soon as you start reading it, you won't be able to put the book down. It will motivate you to speak up for the causes that are important to you.





Gulliver's Travels – Jonathan Swift

Sagittarians are naturally inquisitive and enjoy learning as much as they can about any topic they can get their hands on.

You are an explorer who finds excitement in traveling around the globe in order to meet the diverse characters of this planet. Lemuel Gulliver is a true traveler.

In Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, the protagonist, Gulliver, sets out on a number of exciting adventure journeys that are worth experiencing for yourself.





To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee

Because we know that Capricorns value their relationships with their loved ones very highly, we think you'll enjoy reading this book.

You devote your life to caring for your loved ones, including your family, and you make it a priority to build a prosperous future for yourself.

You may already be aware of the significance of love, family, and having a clean heart, but reading this book will bring it back to the forefront of your mind.





Harry Potter – J. K. Rowling

If you were born under this zodiac sign, you have a vivid imagination. You find that life never ceases to amaze you and that it holds an infinite number of opportunities.

Because you are a forward-thinking individual with a vision, the Harry Potter books by J. K. Rowling are the perfect book (or books) for you to read.

You will be able to delve deeper into your own imagination as a result of the fantastic storyline that takes place in the magical world of Harry Potter.

These books are about good and evil, and they show that good always triumphs in the end; all you need to do is fight for it and have some patience.





The Giver – Lois Lowry

One of the zodiac signs that exemplifies compassion and sensitivity the most is Pisces. They make every effort to ensure that everyone is happy and content.

Therefore, it's logical that The Giver by Lois Lowry is the book that you should most certainly add to your list of books to read.

You will find yourself in the main character, Jonas, who is preoccupied with uncovering the mysteries of the society in which he lives.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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