How Did You Die in Your Past Life, According to Your Zodiac Sign

The fact that we will all die at some point in the future cannot be denied. If you believe in reincarnation, then you must have experienced a number of deaths in your past lives.

We all harbor a secret hope that our death in a past life was more poetic. Maybe you were Juliet and died with Romeo, or you were a witch that was burned at the stake.

Man gradually comes to terms with the fact that death is unavoidable and begins to think about when and how he will pass away.

Those who have a strong interest in esotericism have most likely come across the assertion that our inevitable end must be very similar to death in a previous incarnation.

Due to the fact that I have a terrible phobia of flying as well as of heights, I believe that in my past life I died in a plane crash.

If you are someone who believes that people can reincarnate, you should read about how your zodiac sign indicates that you passed away in a past life.



Aries 2

You must have died in your past life by rushing from one exciting experience to the next. It is likely that these zodiac sign characters died as a result of a crime committed because of a raging passion, given that they are passionate lovers.

This fire sign's spirit can become clouded by outbursts of jealousy or aggression, and when in this state, people born under this sign may take drastic action without thinking twice, but in the end, they will be held accountable for their actions.

You need to start thinking more rationally because your emotions could end up costing you your life.




Taurus 2

You have always been a workaholic, and throughout your entire life, you have put in long hours of labor without ever taking a break.

Therefore, it is highly likely that a Taurus' life on Earth came to an end in the workplace, either due to the effects of overwork or diseases brought on by a lack of rest.

In general, many people who were born under this sign were able to make it to old age in their past lives but ultimately succumbed to old age-related illnesses because they avoided extremes.

You need to try to get more rest and make sure you are eating properly.




Gemini 2

It is highly likely that these individuals died in their past lives as a result of a sneaky blow from one of their adversaries because Geminis are known for making a lot of enemies with their sharp tongues.

In addition, they have always been daring, which means that they might lose their lives in battle, as part of a group of colonizers or conquerors, or even in a brothel, among bandits and other types of adventurers.

To live longer, stop embarking on senseless adventures.




Cancer 2

In a pasta life, Cancers almost certainly volunteered or worked in some capacity that required them to provide medical care to others or to save their lives.

They ran the risk of being killed either in the water while trying to save someone who was drowning or in a burning building while trying to save people who were suffocating.

You are always willing to make sacrifices if there is a chance that you can help save the life of another person. You run the risk of passing away due to your naivety because you have a tendency to believe everything that people tell you.

You need to stop putting your complete faith in other people, and you also need to start looking out for yourself.




Leo 2

It's possible that Leo sacrificed his life in a valiant effort to finish an important mission in his past life. Maybe they were killed for the sake of the truth, protecting not only their position but also the well-being of their loved ones.

Due to the fact that you have a quick wit and a fiery temper, it's possible that you didn't make it to old age. However, Leo's passing in a past life was a significant event that provoked thought in the minds of a great number of people.

Due to the fact that you do not follow anyone else and walk your own path, it would be beneficial for you to have someone walk this path with you.




Virgo 2

In past lives, Virgos aspired to achieve extraordinary heights so that they could win the admiration and faith of others and secure their place in the spotlight.

Therefore, it is highly likely that they did not live to old age, but rather that they died while attempting to climb the Himalayas or crossing the ocean by ship on their own.

You have a very keen sense of competition, and as a result, you put yourself in danger of being killed by an opponent who was both more powerful and more skilled than in mortal combat.

If you want to live a long life, you should stop comparing yourself to others and focus on improving yourself instead. You need to realize that you are your own greatest rival and that your rationality must triumph over your emotions in order to be successful.




Libra 2

Libras have a high opinion of their own intelligence, and in a past life, they were able to deftly avoid conflict and potentially dangerous situations, which helped them naturally outlive their peers.

When you are ill, you avoid getting medical help because you dislike it, believe that you have a superior understanding of everything, and try to treat yourself using alternative methods.

It is likely that people born under Libra passed away as a result of a disease for which they did not seek medical attention from specialists.

Don't always try to convince yourself that you are smarter than everyone else. If you take care of your own health and don't be overbearing, you will live longer and reach old age.




Scorpio 2

There is a good chance that people born under Scorpio were involved in dark activities in a past life and bothered otherworldly forces, which ultimately led to them being punished it.

As a result of the intolerable nature you were born with, you actively seek out conflict and appear to be playing with your own life.

It is possible that the insolence and arrogance of Scorpio were punished by a person whom Scorpio, without thinking about the consequences, insulted or humiliated.

Be more kind to other people, and life will reward you with happiness for a very long time.




Sagittarius 2

It is unlikely that a Sagittarius will reach old age due to the fast-paced and restless lifestyle that they choose to lead.

You must have traveled to uncharted lands and encountered a wide variety of cultures that are less well known in a past life, but you may also have died without ever returning from those lands.

It's possible that the story didn't have the happy ending you were hoping for because so many people like you had unfortunate endings, such as being locked up in a dungeon or being murdered in a crime.

You have to realize that nothing is free and that things have conseequences. Having this awareness will not only make your life simpler, but it will also add years to your life.




Capricorn 2

People who were aware of Capricorn's wealth were in a position to easily eliminate them in a past life due to the fact that Capricorn has a personality that is not only extremely frugal but also somewhat miserly.

It would not be difficult for them to reach old age and pass away peacefully if they did not get robbed by bandits along the way. It's possible that those around you find it difficult to get along with an arrogant and boring Capricorn because of your personality.

If you are kind to other people and help those in need, you can add more than ten years to your life expectancy.




Aquarius 2

A person born under Aquarius is rebellious to their very core. Therefore, it is possible that in a past life you perished while fighting for a just cause.

Because Aquarians rarely take care of themselves, they are at a high risk of contracting a fatal disease on their next trip.

Taking care of yourself is the surest way to ensure that you will live a happy and disease-free life and that you will continue to bring joy to the lives of your loved ones and friends for as long as possible.




Pisces 2

Due to the fact that Pisces are often depressive signs, it is possible that they took their own lives because of love.

They are also susceptible to becoming victims of violence due to the fact that their depressive nature makes them attractive to people who are hostile.

People born under this water sign are known to have a strong belief in the supernatural and spend a significant amount of time learning about such rituals contained; therefore, it is also possible that supernatural events were responsible for the end of your life.

Learn to have more fun in life and have more faith in your own abilities.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

1 Comment
  1. You’ve right. I’m a Pisces and I often feel depressed. I haven’t had any luck in love. I think that’s the reason why I’m often depressed. And people dislike me anyway.

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