Choose A Card For The Message You Need To Hear At This Exact Moment

 Look carefully at the cards before you, and trust in your own intuition as you select the one that resonates deep within your soul.

Within this deck lies a compelling message of guidance, meant to ignite the spark of motivation within you, urging you to seize the present moment. This is not just any message; it's an empowering reminder to take control of your life and embark on a path of transformation – here and now.

Life moves swiftly, and too often we find ourselves entangled in the distractions and responsibilities that cloud our vision. Yet, within every moment lies the potential for growth, the power to shape our destiny.

The time for change is not some distant tomorrow or elusive future; it is in the present, where action and possibilities converge.

By choosing a card today, you embrace the opportunity to reclaim your agency, embracing the driving force that propels you towards positive change. Each card holds a unique message, tailored to your individual journey, offering insight and encouragement as you navigate life's twists and turns.

Are you ready to unveil the wisdom that awaits you? Read on to discover the profound significance behind your chosen card. Allow its message to inspire and embolden you, propelling you forward along the path of self-discovery, fulfillment, and success.

Choose A Card For The Message You Need To Hear At This Exact Moment

If you chose:




This card captivates our attention with the graceful presence of a butterfly. A symbol of constant movement and ephemeral beauty, it represents the transient nature of the external world – a realm filled with illusions.

Yet, if we shift our focus beyond the butterfly, we discover a profound truth. The face of consciousness gazes back at us, urging us to look inward. In this sacred space between the eyes, a lotus blossoms, signifying spiritual growth, and the rising sun of awareness illuminates our path.

Through inner illumination, meditation takes root and thrives. The card serves as a gentle reminder, inviting us to look beyond the surface, beyond the temptations of judgment and desire that keep us ensnared in the web of illusions.

Release the shackles of the opinionated mind and venture within. Here, you can surrender to the depths of your own truth, where the boundaries between dreams and reality effortlessly dissolve.

The profound meaning of this card lies in the distinction between the dream and the real. Reality allows doubt, whereas dreams do not. Doubt, often perceived as a hurdle, is in fact, a precious gift bestowed upon humanity.

Throughout history, religious factions have sought to suppress doubt, for it undermines the illusions they preach. However, visionaries like Gautam Buddha emphasized the impermanence of everything in existence, except the witnessing self and our innate awareness.

This is not to say that trees and rivers cease to exist. The term “illusion” can be misleading. Maya, the concept of illusion, hovers between reality and unreality. It possesses a semblance of existence in our day-to-day lives but unravels into the illusory when we reach the pinnacle of enlightenment.

In embracing doubt and transcending illusions, we embark upon a transformative journey towards truth. Let this card serve as a catalyst, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of reality and the liberation that lies within.




As we immerse ourselves in the imagery of this card, we encounter a profound symbol of metamorphosis.

Atop the expansive flower of the void, a central figure holds the tools of transformation – the sword that cuts through illusions, the snake that sheds its skin and renews itself, the broken chain representing liberation from limitations, and the yin/yang symbol representing transcendence of duality.

With one hand resting openly and receptively on its lap, the other hand gently touches the mouth of a slumbering face, signifying the tranquility and serenity found in moments of deep rest and stillness.

Now is the time for surrender, a complete letting go. Embrace any pain, sorrow, or difficulties that arise, accepting their presence without resistance.

Similar to Gautam Buddha's experience, when he finally relinquished his pursuit and surrendered to the present moment, enlightenment found him overnight. Transformation unfolds in its own divine timing, just like death carries us from one realm to another.

The essence of Zen mastery extends beyond that of a mere teacher. Unlike other religions, Zen doesn't involve blind belief or the transfer of second-hand experiences. It beckons daring souls to release all notions of belief, doubt, reason, and intellect, inviting them to embody their pure existence without boundaries.

Zen is the path of authentic alchemy, the catalyst for profound transformation that transmutes base metal into gold. Its language cannot be grasped through reasoning alone; it requires the opening of the loving heart, or even simply listening without the need for truth verification.

And then, in that moment of receptivity, the elusive understanding that Gautam Buddha deemed “eighty-four thousand doors” suddenly becomes clear and accessible.

Allow this card to guide you through the journey of transformation, embracing the mystery and marvel of your own unfolding, as you step into the radiant beauty of an awakened existence.



Card #3: SUCCESS

As we delve into the imagery of this card, we encounter a figure who stands triumphantly atop the world. The air is filled with celebration as a ticker-tape parade honors their remarkable success.

Your willingness to embrace life's challenges has brought you to this ecstatic moment – or will soon lead you there. You are embarking upon a magnificent journey, riding the tiger of success.

Welcome this wave of prosperity with open arms and relish in its splendor. Share your joy with others, for celebrations are meant to be shared. However, bear in mind that all parades have a beginning and an end.

Savor every ounce of happiness you are experiencing now, so that when the tides of the future ebb and flow, you can embrace them without regrets.

Resist the temptation to cling to this current abundance or attempt to preserve it indefinitely. The wisdom lies in understanding the transient nature of life's phenomena, whether they be valleys or peaks.

Remember the truth: “this too shall pass.” Celebrate wholeheartedly and continue to ride the tiger of success with grace.

Reflect on the waves in the ocean – the higher the wave, the deeper the wake that follows. At one moment, you are the crest of the wave, and the next, the hollow wake in its aftermath.

Learn to derive equal enjoyment from both aspects, without becoming addicted to either extreme. Don't yearn for perpetual peaks, as it goes against the very nature of existence.

Instead, embrace the peak while it lasts, and when the valley comes, find solace in its tranquility. There is beauty in every phase of life. The valley offers relaxation and respite from the exhilaration of the peak. Understand that no one can sustain a constant state of excitement.

Embrace the duality of life's experiences, and find contentment in the ever-changing rhythm of existence. Whether you find yourself atop the world or in the depths of a valley, remember to ride the waves with gratitude and acceptance. This is the path to true fulfillment.


Choose A Card For The Message You Need To Hear At This Exact Moment Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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