Choose One Crystal To Receive Your Sacred Guiding Message

In our journey of seeking guidance, protection, and inspiration, many individuals often turn to angelic communication. Whether in the pursuit of spiritual healing or emotional well-being, the desire to contact angels is a common thread among us.

It is important to acknowledge that angels surround us all, regardless of our belief systems. Even if one does not personally subscribe to the existence of angels, these celestial beings still exist among us.

Angels transcend religious boundaries, for they are entities of pure energy and love, created by the Divine. Within them, resides a spark of the Divine itself. This very essence resonates within each one of us, as we carry that same flicker of God/Goddess essence bestowed upon us at the creation of our souls.

Now, how can we forge a deeper connection with these angelic beings? One beautiful method is to harness the power of crystals, which can enhance and strengthen this divine relationship.

Choose the crystal that resonates with your heart, and allow its sacred guiding message to unfold before you. May your journey be illuminated by the angelic presence, and may your connection with these celestial beings bring you healing, guidance, and endless inspiration.

Choose One Crystal To Receive Your Sacred Guiding Message

If you chose:



If you have chosen Amethyst as your Angel Crystal:

Amethyst is a crystal that holds the power to heighten spiritual awareness and facilitate the journey towards higher states of consciousness. Its energy serves as a catalyst for opening intuition, allowing for a deeper connection with the divine realm.

Additionally, Amethyst possesses the ability to cleanse and protect one's aura.

Through the guidance of your angel, you receive the following message: It's time to release the seriousness that has been weighing you down. Take a moment to reminisce about those days when you effortlessly radiated joy and brought life to every gathering.

Lately, you have been carrying the burdens of others and allowing circumstances beyond your control to drain your energy. This has taken a toll on you, both physically and mentally, leaving an impact on your spirit. It is crucial now to prioritize self-care and bring back the lightness that once illuminated your being.

Today, carve out some time to indulge in activities that bring you joy. Allow yourself to be immersed in the beauty that surrounds you—the creations of the Universe. By doing so, you will uplift your energy, revitalizing your mind, body, and soul.

Remember, you have the power to shift your energy and reclaim your inner radiance. Embrace the playful spirit within you and rediscover the magic in life.



If Sapphire is your chosen Angel Crystal:

Sapphire serves as a powerful tool in promoting altered states of consciousness, facilitating deep meditative experiences, and aiding in the elevation of consciousness. It acts as a guiding force for inner and outer journeying, allowing you to delve into the depths of your being.

Your angel brings forth the following message: You are currently in a period of learning and growth. Every experience unfolding in your life right now carries profound meaning and purpose, even if it may not be apparent to you at this moment.

Trust that the wisdom behind these events will reveal itself in due time, aligning with your highest good.

As the masks begin to fall off, you may witness a revealing of people's true colors. This process may lead to the culmination of certain relationships, even though it may be challenging to navigate through. Remember that these endings are essential for your personal journey towards progress and fulfillment.

Although it may seem chaotic or uncertain, understand that everything is falling into place. However, before alignment can occur, there is a need for disruption and shaking up of existing circumstances.

Embrace this transformative phase with trust and faith. The divine forces are diligently working to arrange all the necessary pieces of your life's puzzle.

In this time of change, it is crucial to surrender to the process unfolding before you. Trust implicitly in the journey you are on, for it holds the potential to bring about profound growth, wisdom, and clarity.

The path may not always be smooth, but have faith that the universe is orchestrating each twist and turn for your ultimate well-being.



If Ruby is the Angel Crystal you have chosen:

Ruby, with its vibrant energy, brings forth inner strength and serves as a guide in relieving emotional burdens. It empowers you to overcome challenges and find resilience within.

Your angel delivers the following message: Today, pay close attention to the signs and synchronicities that the universe presents to you.

These signs may come in various forms—a feather crossing your path, a poignant song resonating with your current situation playing on the radio, or even a phone call from an old friend offering wisdom and guidance.

In times of confusion and when seeking guidance, the universe is responding to your call. These messages are meant to direct you towards the right path if you open your eyes and heart to their presence.

The signs are abundant and will come your way today. Stay vigilant and trust your intuition to follow their guidance. They serve as compass points, leading you towards the clarity and answers you seek.

It's important to recognize that all angel stones hold the ability to establish a connection between our higher selves and the spiritual realm. They act as conduits for accessing divine contact and establishing a link with angelic beings and spirit guides.

By utilizing these stones, we can amplify our desire and intention to connect with the angelic realm, bringing us closer to our Higher Self and opening pathways to the Spirit Realm. Embrace the power of these crystals as tools for forming a profound connection with the divine.


Choose One Crystal To Receive Your Sacred Guiding Message Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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