Full Moon in Aries: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Experience a Betrayal in October

The signs of the zodiac will live an October rich in emotions with the Full Moon in Aries on October 9th. These signs will be in the mood to embark on new projects and new experiences. While Libra season is still on, the Aries-Libra axis represents relationship-focused energy.

With the energy of Libra and Aries, zodiac signs will be aware of their need for connection with themselves and others. That is, compromises, negotiation, and balance. However, the courageous and impulsive energy of Aries can push the signs in certain ways.

When someone betrays you, you feel that the trust that had been established between you is broken. Betrayal is hard and painful and it is very difficult to forgive and move on.

With the Full Moon in Aries on October 9, these zodiac signs will fall into a trap of betrayal during the month of October. They will have to learn to put their emotional needs first despite this betrayal.




Geminis enjoyed their summer well with all their creative pursuits, but the natives of this Air sign attracted a lot of envious people into their lives. These people will interfere in the lives of Gemini and confuse them to such an extent that they might lose track of pursuing their goals.

It is important for Gemini to avoid conflicts during this Full Moon in Aries so as not to accentuate them. They must try to follow their intuition to discover the people who would betray them. In the meantime,  they must remain suspicious and distance themselves from those around them.

Recommended: Uranus Retrograde 2022: Big Changes Await These 3 Zodiac Signs In October.





The month of October will offer various interesting proposals to the natives of Pisces.  Financial opportunities could literally influence the lives of representatives of this Water sign.

In case of betrayal, Pisces must avoid trusting anyone during their professional exchanges. They should check everything before making an important decision or signing an official document.

They need to be on their guard and wary of people they don't know. Individuals might invest in one of their projects and betray them. Vigilance is key.





Capricorns could put their relationships at the center of their concerns during the month of October. Nevertheless, they must be careful in their associations because they could be disappointed by a person very close to them.

This Full Moon in Aries could lead them to have quite impulsive behavior and they could act in thoughtless ways, which they could regret. Capricorns could experience a very painful betrayal that would push them to isolate themselves and question everything.

The natives of this Earth sign do not function in the same way and some of them will want to leave everything to start all over again during this Full Moon in Aries. They will lack rationality and are likely to be betrayed by someone who means a lot to them.

Recommended: These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Find Love this Fall.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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