Here is How the Day of the Week You Were Born Defines You

Many different factors can have an effect on our personalities. If you are a follower of numerology, which is the doctrine that asserts the existence of a divine connection between numbers and events, you can deduce information about your personality based on important dates.

This includes the day of the week you were born as well as the date you were born, your zodiac sign, the position of the planets at the time of your birth, and the element associated with your zodiac sign.

Every one of these aspects can be condensed down to a single-digit number that represents a characteristic of one's personality. What does the day you were born on reveal about you?

Your natal zodiac sign isn't the only factor that shapes who you are; the day of the week you were born on also has a “ruling planet” that has an influence on who you are.

For instance, in astrology, it is commonly believed that people who were born on Sundays tend to have a lot of good luck.

Now, when we talk about the characteristics of being born on Sunday or Monday, we most likely mean the characteristics of the planet that is ruled by that particular day, how it affects the subconscious, and whether it is positively or negatively placed in your natal chart.

Even though the distinctive qualities of each planet have, for the most part, been preserved, the shift in planetary position can sometimes affect a person differently.

If you take a closer look at the day of the week you were born, you can learn a lot about yourself and how you relate to the world around you.

Simply entering your exact date of birth into Google will show you the day of the week on which you were born.

There is a difference between your full date of birth and the actual day you were born. The former is something that Numerology deals with, while the latter is more associated with the planets.

It's interesting to note that the days of the week in Hellenistic astrology are named after planets or other stars:

Monday, (lunes, lunedi or lundi in Spanish/Italian/French is luna or Selene) is the moon;
Tuesday, (artes, mardi or martedi in these romantic languages) is Mars;
Wednesday, (miercoles, mercoledi, mercredi) is named after Mercury;
Thursday, (jueves, giovedi, jeudi) is Jupiter;
Friday, (viernes, venerdi, vendredi) is Venus;
Saturday, (sabado, sabato, samedi) is Saturn;
Sunday, (sol or Helios) is the Sun.

The planets, on the other hand, take their names from ancient Greek and Roman deities; as a result, they typically have their own distinct personalities, which can correspond to the days of the week and leave their imprint on people who are born on those specific days.

Additionally, there is a well-known nursery rhyme in the English language called “Monday's Child,” which was written in the 16th century:

Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
And the child born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, good and gay.



Monday – The Moon

Monday - The Moon

The Moon, which in astrology is associated with a man's emotional side, maternal side, and family, is the celestial body that governs Monday.

When attempting to use the zodiac as a tool for self-discovery, taking into account its position in the zodiac is one of the most crucial things to do.

People who were born on Monday are said to be emotional and prone to mood swings because the Moon is said to have an effect on their mood in the same way that the Moon has the power to influence the tides on Earth.

They are mostly motherly, sensitive, and caring because they love being at home. People who were born on Monday have a tendency to be a little sensitive and unwilling to emotional changes.

They strive to be honest with their emotions and find the greatest fulfillment in life when everything goes according to plan.

People who were born on Monday tend to be very caring in romantic relationships and very goal-oriented in their professional lives.



Tuesday – Mars

Tuesday - Mars

Mars, the planet of battle, is Tuesday's ruling planet. It is the planet closest to Earth.

People who were born on Tuesday are said to have a fiery and combative spirit because Mars is the god of war in Greek and Roman mythology.

People born on this day of the week are subject to the full force of the planet's energetic influence, and as a result, they have an unquenchable need to take charge of situations.

They are open to new experiences and don't shy away from venturing into uncharted territories. Nevertheless, those who were born on Tuesday have a tendency to be materialistic.

However, this characteristic is not harmful so long as the glimmer of materialism does not influence the decisions they make regarding their lives.

On the other hand, those who were born on Tuesday have a poor habit of not giving much thought to what they say before they say it. They have a hard time accepting constructive criticism as well.

When you question them, they become very competitive. This frequently results in unfavorable situations, particularly arguments.



Wednesday – Mercury

Wednesday - Mercury

Mercury, the planet that rules Wednesday, is associated with things like commerce, transportation, and communication.

It is said that people who were born on Wednesdays have a natural carelessness that belies their outgoing and communicative personalities.

People who were born on this day of the week are also susceptible to experiencing up to three periods of chaos in their lives each year as a result of Mercury retrograde.

However, because of their talent for improvising, they are able to handle difficult situations.

In addition, people who were born on Wednesday are very logical and have a passion for traveling, particularly with the people they care about.

They are relaxed and easygoing in romantic relationships, but they have a tendency to make a long list of demands on their partner.

They have a laid-back attitude, but their lack of attention to detail could make it difficult for them to maintain a healthy relationship.

They also have a tendency to keep quiet when they are going through emotional upheaval, which makes them hard to form an emotional connection with.



Thursday – Jupiter

Thursday - Jupiter

In astrology, Thursday is associated with the planet Jupiter, which is regarded as the most fortunate of all the planets. A person's life will experience expansion, positivity, and optimism because of this planet.

Those who enter this world on a Thursday are destined to achieve greater success in life. They are very seasoned individuals who are skilled at providing guidance.

People who were born on Thursday have a strong connection to their families and work hard to ensure that their loved ones are content. When it comes to love, this person has a lot of passion.

Because you have a tendency to get bored easily, the other person in the relationship might feel the need to make an effort to inject some fun and excitement into the situation.

The straightforward manner of a Thursday-born person can be annoying, but the advice they give is almost always very factual.



Friday – Venus

Friday - Venus

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, romance, elegance, and pleasure, rules over Friday. People who were born on Friday are said to be good lovers despite their tendency to be materialistic and lazy. They also tend to attract others.

When they are unsuccessful, they typically develop feelings of envy toward them to the point where they begin to compete with them. In a nutshell, they have an issue with their ego.

Those who were born on Friday excel in professions that require a creative mindset. You are capable of thinking of ideas on the spot and approaching situations with a perfectionist mindset.

On the other hand, however, people who were born on Friday have a tendency to rely on others for ideas and even emotional composure.

You give a relationship your complete attention and enthusiasm, and you take pleasure in its harmony and peace.



Saturday – Saturn

Saturday - Saturn

Saturn, also known as the planet of limitations is the ruler of Saturday. Saturn is the final planet in the solar system that can be seen with the naked eye from Earth.

People who were born on Saturday are generally regarded as being compassionate, mature, and responsible, particularly in regard to the responsibilities they have.

They are typically introverts who enjoy spending time by themselves. Additionally, they are very good at organizing things.

People who were born on Saturday are reserved, and they frequently have difficulty finding a partner and forming a connection with them.

They are extremely selective when it comes to other people and may be in love with someone but are too afraid to take the initiative to express it. However, in other aspects of life, they can easily overshadow other people.

They put in a lot of effort, are very wise, and are very practical, all of which combine to make them very good business people who are able to deal with things that are a nuisance to those around them.



Sunday – The Sun

Sunday - The Sun

Sunday is associated with the Sun. People who were born on Sunday are considered to be the luckiest people in the world.

This is not only due to the fact that the Sun, which is considered to be the most powerful of all the planets, has a significant influence on people who were born on Sunday.

These individuals gain an aura and magnetic power from the Sun, which enables them to form positive connections with those in their immediate environment.

In addition, the Sun is a symbol of reliability and effective leadership. These individuals have genuine free spirits; they enjoy contributing their own ideas and do not allow themselves to be dictated to.

They have a tendency to be more reserved than others, but they can also be a lot of fun to be around.

On the other hand, they are prone to being extremely egocentric, uncertain, authoritarian, and insecure at times. Additionally, they dislike it when they are ignored.

If you choose to ignore them, they won't think twice about cutting you out of their lives, regardless of how important you are to them. They place the utmost importance on self-respect.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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