Here’s How Chiron Retrograde Will Affect Zodiac Signs In 2023: You Turn Pain Into Power

Chiron is a term that you might not be familiar with if you're new to astrology. If you were to ignore this less well-known celestial body, you'd be making a big mistake.

Indeed, Chiron can reveal some of our deepest vulnerabilities and sensivities, which is why the influence of Chiron retrograde will have a big effect on all the zodiac signs.

Chiron was formerly categorized as an asteroid, but it has since been identified as the first astronomical “Centaur”.

This reclassification seems appropriate given that Chiron was named after a famous centaur in Greek mythology.

Chiron was a renowned educator and healer who is said to have passed on his wisdom to legendary warriors such as Jason and Achilles.

It was considered “the wisest and fairest of all centaurs” in Homer's Iliad; however, the irony was that Chiron was unable to heal himself.

Although he was successful in passing on his knowledge to the greats and preparing them to survive the battle, he was unable to heal himself after being accidentally wounded by his student  Hercules.

In the end, he decides to give up his immortality in order to set Prometheus free. The importance of Chiron in astrology is inextricably bound up with the role that he played in Greek mythology.

You can learn about your deepest wounds, whether they are physical or psychological, and where you experienced them by looking at your sign and where Chiron is located in your natal chart.

However, the beautiful thing about your Chiron placement is that it also describes your purest empathy and ability to heal others.

By having lived through painful experiences, you have first-hand knowledge of how these experiences feel, which makes it easier for you to help others through similar problems.

Chiron has been traveling through passionate Aries since 2018, and it will continue to do so until it moves into Taurus in 2026. It encourages us to heal ourselves, find our voices, and fight for who we are and what we believe in.

It also helps us to heal where our ego has been wounded, showing us how to win without obsessing over losses.



Chiron goes retrograde on July 23 at 19 degrees Aries

Because of this retrograde, we will have the opportunity to revisit some of the setbacks we have encountered with new eyes that are filled with love and light.

Even though it can open up old wounds again, it might be necessary in order to heal properly. You may need to go back to the source of the pain to understand what is needed to treat it in depth.

This retrograde will affect us until the 26th of December, giving us time to address these encouraging healing developments.

Don't worry; this retrograde seems scarier than it actually is. This experience could be just the hug you needed. In astrology, Chiron's symbol resembles a key. This could be the key to your heart.

Here is what you can expect from Chiron's retrograde in 2023 based on your sun sign and rising sign:





Chiron's retrograde motion can have deep and intrinsic effects on those born under Aries. You're finally getting over whatever has been holding you back from fully embracing your true self.

You have the opportunity to take the time to truly discover who you are and to let go of anything that was not an authentic expression of your truth.

Put self-love into practice by giving yourself a pep talk in front of the mirror first thing in the morning. Not only will you be able to learn to forgive yourself and let go of shame, but your mere presence will inspire others to do the same.





It is time for Taurus to dive inward. You'll explore in-depth and heal parts of yourself you may not even be aware of.

As Chiron moves through your 12th house of spirituality, you will feel compelled to explore the feelings and emotions that lie beneath the surface.

You don't know why you feel a certain way. Chiron will show you that sometimes sadness does not need a reason, giving you permission to feel it and heal from it.

It's a time to face and release buried emotions, enabling deep, liberating healing.





Gemini has a need to feel loved by everyone. However, you might have trouble feeling completely connected to the world, which makes you feel like you're alone with your hopes and dreams.

Chiron retrograde can bring about a beneficial and cleansing change in perspective by highlighting not only how much you have healed others, but also how much you have healed yourself.

You let go of the ego that may have prevented you from seeking greater connection, as you realize the positive impact you have when you put yourself out there and lead the way.

You can make deeper and more meaningful connections with the world around you by recognizing and embracing your ability to heal and inspire those around you.





Cancers are well-known for their generosity, but unfortunately, they also suffer from impostor syndrome at times.

You learn to fully accept the success you've earned and take responsibility for your projects, even those that weren't prioritized with Chiron retrograde in your 10th house of career and public image.

You will understand that you are often your worst critic. Remember that the standards you have may be higher than those that others have.

The fact that you hold yourself to a very high standard is evidence that you are dedicated to achieving excellence. You have earned your success through hard work and determination, so it is important that you learn to value yourself more and recognize your accomplishments.





Leos may feel lost in their beliefs as if they've lost their way. They will rediscover their inner compass with Chiron retrograde in their ninth house of knowledge and travel.

They might feel a desire for something deeper, something that goes beyond their daily routine. This retrograde will help them find those answers within themselves, healing the obstacles that have prevented them from embarking on the adventures they've always dreamed of.

They can discover a new perspective on life and reestablish a connection to their true selves, which will allow them to be more receptive to new and enlightening experiences.

Leos are inspired to pursue their inner quest and open themselves up to the wisdom that awaits them beyond familiar horizons.






Virgos will feel more wary than usual, especially if they believe that they've been overly open and honest with someone, only to be let down by them.

They may have made some poor choices regarding their investments, which leaves them feeling confused. They will, however, have the opportunity to overcome their reluctance to trust others with Chiron retrograde in their eighth house of shared energies and resources.

This can be a time of deep change for them, one that encourages them to let go of the shame surrounding their deepest, darkest secrets.

They are encouraged to embrace this healing process and release the emotional burdens that have held them back.

Virgos will be able to break free of feelings of mistrust that have held them back in the past by facing their fears and showing a willingness to be vulnerable.

This will allow them to create deeper connections with others. This is a time for letting go of outdated beliefs that are no longer beneficial and opening oneself up to new opportunities for personal growth.





When it comes to relationships, those born under Libra may find themselves torn between feelings of love and hate.

As Chiron retrograde through their seventh house of partnerships, they may find themselves contemplating past experiences of rejection, disappointment, and betrayal that may have had an impact on their future vision.

This period of retrograde will encourage them to heal codependent tendencies and deal with emotional wounds that can influence avoidance behaviors.

Libras will be able to break free from old patterns and become more powerful allies to others if they are determined enough.

They will form relationships that are more healthy and harmonious with a more balanced approach.





People born under Scorpio may notice a decrease in their energy levels, which, if their reserves are not recharged, may eventually lead to a state of executive dysfunction.

Chiron retrograde will help them in their healing process to overcome the obstacles that prevent them from taking care of themselves.

It's not always as easy as it seems to take care of yourself, especially if you're having trouble sticking to a routine.

They will be able to stop procrastinating as Chiron will be retrograding into their sixth house of work and health.

Scorpios should take advantage of this opportunity to rid themselves of self-deprecating thoughts and develop healthier habits.

They can improve their productivity and health if they face their fears and focus on their well-being.





Those born under Sagittarius may find it challenging to fully enjoy the fun and creativity that their lives have to offer, especially if they have recently been disappointed in love.

If their heart is still in the process of healing, Chiron retrograde can help them process and assimilate the lessons of love and loss.

With Chiron retrograding through their fifth house of romance and self-expression, they'll have the opportunity to transform their traumatic experiences into vibrant works of art.

Now is a good time to heal their souls by allowing themselves to be bold, to express themselves freely, and to fall in love without fear of failure.

They can open up new doors of avenues for personal and artistic fulfillment by embracing their creative potential and capacity for love.





Capricorns may struggle with insecurities during Chiron retrograde, especially in their private lives. With the “wounded healer” traveling through their fourth house of home and family, they are prompted to look inward for healing.

They may feel the need to revisit moments of pain they've clung to and realize they no longer have to carry the burden.

Some of the things they went through as children, in addition to their interactions with family members, shaped beliefs that aren't really theirs.

They will be better able to differentiate between the beliefs that are truly theirs and those that were imposed on them. They can finally start a journey of healing once they let go of limiting beliefs.





Aquarians should remember the power of their words and the impact of their words. As Chiron retrograde through their third house of communication, it encourages that person to speak their truth with vulnerability.

This period will motivate them to pay closer attention to their inbox, but it will also encourage them to stop feeling guilty if they do not respond right away to messages that are not that important.

They feel the need for authentic rather than superficial communication. Others are more likely to listen to them and truly connect with them if they take a more sincere approach.

This presents an opportunity for Aquarians to build more genuine relationships.





Pisces are learning to differentiate between their genuine wants and needs and the expectations that have been placed on them from the outside.

They are prompted to look inward in order to heal their sense of self-worth with Chiron retrograding through their second house of finances and self-esteem.

They will realize that they deserve good things in life and that they do not need expensive products to improve their happiness.

Pisces are encouraged to rediscover their true values and possessions that truly nurture their self-esteem because it is these authentic elements that will sustain and enrich them more than anything else.

This is an opportunity for them to reconnect with their own value and free themselves from the expectations of others so that they can live life on their own terms.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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