Here’s How Your Life Will Improve After Mercury Retrograde According to Your Zodiac Sign

On May 14, 2023, Mercury's retrograde phase came to an end, which meant that the luck of each zodiac sign started to improve.

When Mercury is retrograde, we tend to overthink things. It is counterproductive to keep going over our problems or worrying about how life will catch up with us.

Embrace the opportunities for growth, happiness, and good luck that come your way this month in celebration of Mercury going direct.

The delay that was brought on by the Eclipse Portal at the beginning of May is also over. You should now have a better understanding of why everything had to happen the way it did now that you've been infused with Taurean energy.

You can now see that, even though it did not go the way you wanted it to, you understand the reasons that it was necessary for it to go that way.

However, the time has come for you to accept the future that you are making for yourself, a future that will be paved with confidence and the hope that you have arrived at this point not by chance but by fate.

Read on to find out how our lives will improve after Mercury went direct, according to astrology:




Aries 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Saturday, May 20th

Think big and be bold, and don't let anything prevent you from achieving your goals. This month, you will find that you have more confidence, which will allow you to stop second-guessing what you are most drawn to.

Now that Mercury has completed its retrograde motion, difficulties will appear to be more manageable, and life, in general, will feel lighter.

Mars' entry into Leo, another fire sign, is significant, as it serves as a gentle reminder to tune in to your emotions and remember that life should bring you happiness.





Taurus 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Monday, May 16th

When Jupiter moves into your sign on May 16, 2023, it will bring many positive changes to your life that were desperately needed.

If you can learn to adapt more easily to shifting circumstances, you will see an increase in the amount of success that comes into your life.

However, once the Mercury retrograde period is over, there may be changes in your profession. As Pluto moves into Aquarius, you are ready for some divine upheavals as you embrace what you love so that it can return the favor.




Gemini 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Monday, May 14th

On May 14th, Mercury will go direct, which will provide you with profound insights. There are a lot of different ways to start a new business or work on a new project in life.

On the other hand, there is only ever one truth for you. This is not to discredit the idea that there are multiple truths; rather, it is to emphasize that deep within your intuition, you always know what is meant for you.

As Pluto retrograde moves through Aquarius, you will receive assistance in releasing whatever it is that is preventing you from feeling like you’re stepping into the light of luck.

Keep in mind that you are about to make a significant improvement in your life, and savor every moment of this new chapter.




Cancer 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Monday, May 19th

When Venus trines Saturn on May 19th, it will bring you something that you desire more than anything else in your life: stability.

You deserve to live life to the fullest and to feel a deep connection to everything you do, including the relationships you have and the work you do.

You deserve a life that doesn't feel like it's preventing you from moving forward and that supports you no matter what stage of life you're in.

Expect some major waves of change when Pluto begins its retrograde in Aquarius. These shifts will help you feel more confident in the changes you are making.




Leo 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Friday, May 19th

Sometimes it seems as though everything is happening, while at other times it seems as though nothing is happening.

It is important to keep your equilibrium as many things change in your life because ultimately, everything will work out for the best.

Not only is your romantic life getting better, but the advancements you've made in your career are also providing you with deeper meaning.

You're in the spotlight at the start of your career thanks to the New Moon in Taurus. Whether it's a new job or a new point of view, take everything in with an optimistic and joyful attitude.

Look at the bright side and don't forget that even though it might look like everything is happening all at once, the reality is that it has been building up for years as you prepared yourself to finally receive it.




Virgo 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Friday, May 19th

When most people think of luck, the first thing that comes to their minds is the ability to make things appear in a particular way; as this is also how you define safety.

However, the plans that the universe has for your life do not always align with those that you do. You will speak your truth with more confidence, which will free you to pursue new challenges and opportunities.

Do not feel bound by the success that only appears in one way. Instead, keep an eye out for signs that the universe is trying to help you out, and when it does, don't be afraid to seize the opportunity.




Libra 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Sunday, May 21st

The world we live in is full of varying shades of gray. There is more to life than meets the eye, and this is true even if you are someone who thinks in absolutes.

A part of this is simply believing that other people see the world in the same way that you do, another aspect is your internal safety in knowing the rules of life.

You can find out what works best for you by taking into account a number of different possibilities and looking at a number of different aspects of reality.

As Gemini Season begins, you should allow yourself to contemplate all of the possibilities. Do not, under any circumstances, disregard anything because you may be missing out on an opportunity that can enrich your mind and your life.




Scorpio 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Sunday, May 27th

The 27th of May, 2023 marks the beginning of Venus's separation from the destructive energy of Pluto. It is true that love keeps the world turning, but you also need to love what you do to be successful.

It is time to stop focusing on what living an expansive and abundant life means for others and start focusing on what it means for you.

Your life will be drastically altered for the better if you make the most of the good fortune that comes with venturing outside of your comfort zone and finding something new and original that you genuinely enjoy doing.

During this process, you develop self-love and come to realize that you were never insane but were just learning about yourself.




Sagittarius 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Saturday, May 20th

There are always a variety of choices available, but not all of them will result in the desired outcome. Simply because it is brought to you does not make it a gift.

The universe could be trying to teach us something or give us a test. You need to better understand your choices and the things you put your money into if you want to make the right decisions.

Mars will be moving into Leo this month, which will bring about new opportunities in your life; however, in order to make the right choices, you will need to listen to your heart.

This is the place where there is no room for uncertainty or fear; rather, there is only room for hope and the confident expectation that things will always turn out as they should.




Capricorn 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Friday, May 19th

The goal of life is to strike a healthy balance, but sometimes it is necessary to lose balance in order to achieve another.

Balance changes and evolves based on what you need. If your focus was on your job or on bettering yourself during the previous month, this month is the time to get back to joy.

Make more room in your life for the things and people that are important to you. Allow yourself to have more time for play and experience life without feeling guilty, even if some of that time is spent sleeping.

To build a successful life, you need to give yourself permission to embrace the things that attract you the most.




Aquarius 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Friday, May 27th

Venus will align with Uranus, your ruling planet, and Pluto, which will allow you to see things as they truly are. Your profession is a reflection of who you are to the outside.

It is more than just a job, its also your overall life progression. It is an opportunity to embrace more of who you have become rather than reminisce about who you once were, so take advantage of it!

This month's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is aimed at this area of your life. It will help you let go of something in your life that has completed its cycle and step into a new way of being or even seeing your career. 

The most profound transformations happen on the inside, and when you acknowledge and even celebrate these changes, you are able to fully accept the person you have become.




Pisces 2

The best day for you after Mercury retrograde ends: Friday, May 5th

Everything has a season, including your growth. It is an opportunity to trade those dark days for those filled with more light, and it is an opportunity to make decisions from a place within yourself that is more healed.

As the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place, new opportunities will present themselves in every direction.

Now is your chance to take the hard work and commitment you've already shown toward achieving your goals to the next level.

These opportunities will not overwhelm you but will help you grow as a person. If you think about everything in terms of abundance, you will be able to finally choose the path, not just of luck, but also of purpose.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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