How Gemini Season 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The Gemini season starts on May 21 and continues until June 21. As we all know, Gemini is represented by the twins. One of the twins is mortal, while the other is immortal, and together they represent the body and the soul.

The mortal twin reminds us that life is fleeting and that we are only here for a physical experience. In contrast, the immortal twin reminds us that our souls are eternal and that we are, at our core, spiritual beings. 

Gemini is also linked to the air element and Mercury. During this time of year, we tend to focus on our thoughts.

We might experience brainwaves, moments of clarity, or even a-ha moments. We may find ourselves obsessed with something, overthinking a situation, or being overly critical of ourselves.

Gemini also has social energy, encouraging us to get out and connect with others, communicate, and share our stories.

Some of the key events that will take place during the Gemini Season 2023 are: The Aldebaran Gateway on May 28-29, the Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3, Venus will move into Leo on June 5-6, Pluto will return to Capricorn on June 11, the Gemini New Moon on June 17, and Saturn will go retrograde on June 17.

In order to get a better understanding of what this means for you and your zodiac sign, let's look at your horoscope for the Gemini Season Horoscopes (make sure to check both your Sun Sign and your Rising Sign).




Aries 5

We experience the Aldebaran Gateway, aka the Silver Gate Portal as the Sun moves into Gemini. Our mental energy is at its peak during the Silver Gate Portal, which marks the beginning of a new cycle.

We think more clearly and become wiser. It is a wonderful time to seek answers, so if you have a problem that needs to be solved or something else for which you are looking for answers, this is the perfect time.

You could do some more research, reach out to others, make an appointment to speak with an expert, or you could just meditate and trust your intuition.

The Silver Gate Portal will be the most active on May 28 and 29. With our mental batteries recharged, we should be able to face June with confidence.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, which occurs on June 3rd, has abundant and optimistic energies, but it can also stir up some tension.

This Full Moon appears to be a bit of a mixed bag, and it may prompt you to reflect more deeply on some aspects of your life. Try to take a philosophical approach.

Under the Full Moon, you might also get the urge to go on an adventure. If you've been thinking about taking a trip, it will be a great time to do it.

Go someplace you've never been before, and you'll be amazed at how much it broadens and deepens your perspective.

Venus will enter Leo on June 5-6, and this is significant because, on July 23rd, Venus will go retrograde in Leo.

Pay attention to any themes of love, romance, or money around this time, as this could be a hint as to what themes you will be working with later on in the year.

Venus retrograde is always a time of heart opening and expansion, and it can often trigger past heart wounds that need to be cleared for us to expand into our full potential.

On June 17th, the Gemini New Moon may bring a new project to the table, or you may find that an existing project suddenly gets more support.

Either way, you should keep an open mind. Make the most of the powerfully motivating forces available during this New Moon and use them to your advantage.

Saturn will go retrograde during this New Moon. This planet is in a challenging part of your chart. It may be guiding you to go within or to feel more isolated than usual. 

You'll need to step away from your responsibilities for a while in order to think about things from the past and figure out what your next move should be.




Taurus 5

The Sun has recently moved out of your corner of the zodiac, and as a result, you may be feeling as though you can finally assimilate and incorporate all of the knowledge and excitement that this transit has brought your way.

You feel uplifted and supported to be more of your true self whenever the Sun is in your sign. If you didn't get the chance to express your true self then, don't worry; on June 3rd, the Full Moon in Sagittarius will give you another chance.

Light-hearted energy radiates from this Full Moon, but you shouldn't be surprised if it compels you to confront some shadows or perhaps peel back some layers in order to reveal a deeper truth. 

Work with this energy, especially if you want to grow in self-awareness and deepen your spiritual connection. On June 5-6, Venus, your ruling planet, will enter Leo.

This is significant because Venus goes retrograde on July 23 in Leo also, and it will remain there until October. You're always sensitive to Venus' retrogrades.

Whatever unfolds during this time, particularly in relation to matters of the heart or financial matters,  could be a clue as to what lessons and gifts Venus retrograde will bring. 

Saturn will go retrograde on the same day as the New Moon on June 17th. This is Saturn's first retrograde since it moved into Pisces earlier this year.

When Saturn is retrograde, it may be necessary for us to repeat some lessons and to make sure we have done our homework.

Sometimes we feel like we are being put to the test, or perhaps we notice the issues that we had previously believed to have been resolved are back.

Maintain your integrity and the wisdom you've gained; you know how to deal with whatever challenges life throws at you, so have faith in yourself. You may need to be careful with regard to the people you trust or spend time with.

Keep in mind that the people you spend the most time with have a big influence on your life, as well as the way you experience feelings of self-worth and motivation.




Gemini 5

It's your birthday, Gemini! I really hope that you do something fun and memorable for your birthday this year. It is essential to take time to honor who you are and everything you have accomplished.

Think about where you were at this time last year; I have no doubt that you have undergone a big personal development and achieved a lot of success since then.

Your birthday season is about to bring you some beautiful gifts. The Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal will open on May 28-29, when the Sun will be in alignment with the Royal Star.

This energy has the potential to give your mind a boost, allowing you to access new limits in terms of your thinking and mental capacity.

Put your intelligence and knowledge to the test by setting some goals. You are more intelligent than you give yourself credit for!

If there is something you are interested in gaining knowledge about, now is an excellent time to get started, as information will come to you quickly and easily.

On June 3, under the Full Moon in Sagittarius, you may find yourself traveling with a loved one or perhaps planning a trip somewhere fun with friends.

You may also receive a fantastic new job opportunity, one that includes traveling. It seems as though travel is in your future, so make sure to seize the opportunity.

This Full Moon will mark the completion of a project that you have been working on. I really do hope that this project has been fruitful for you, but whether or not it has, it appears that the time has come for you to let it go and move on to other things.

Under your New Moon, you're looking forward to new experiences! On June 17th, the Gemini New Moon will become active, which is also the day that Saturn will station retrograde.

However, despite the fact that the upcoming New Moon will be an auspicious time for starting fresh and establishing your goals, you may feel weighed down by it.

Before you can even start to consider the new energies that you wish to call in, you may first need to get rid of the burden on your shoulders.

Saturn retrograde may also reawaken memories from your past, prompting you to deal with an issue once and for all.

The more space you can clear for the stuff you don’t want, the more room you will make for the stuff you do want.




Cancer 5

Since the Sun is about to enter your corner of the zodiac, the next phase of your life may feel like it is coming to a close or marking a turning point.

When we are on the verge of entering a new phase of our lives, we often get the urge to go within. Even though Gemini is a social sign, you might find that you crave some quiet time to reflect on your own life.

On June 11, Pluto will move back into Capricorn, your opposite sign. Pluto's transit through Capricorn also reshapes your relationships, enabling you to forge deeper and more meaningful bonds with those around you.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 may reawaken a long-forgotten memory or cause the resurfacing of old wounds.

You'll experience this just before the Full Moon arrives, but have no fear: by the time it has reached its peak, you should be feeling a lot less weighed down and more ready to let loose and have some fun!

You are very sensitive to the wax and wane of the Moon, so after the Full Moon passes, make it a point to do something just for fun. Focus on simply accepting and appreciating your life and the things in it that bring you joy.

After Full Moon, on June 17 there will be a New Moon in Gemini. The same day also marks the beginning of Saturn's retrograde motion. This New Moon is going to be a little bit difficult for you to navigate through.

There is a chance that you will get the urge to look inward or to spend some time by yourself. On the other hand, it seems like a very creative space for you to be in.

Spend some time appreciating your own company and be open to the ideas that come to you. You'll get the urge to write, draw, or keep a journal, all of which could be very therapeutic.

The combination of the creative energy of the New Moon and the practical/motivating energy of Saturn is a powerful one, and you should take advantage of it.

You can use the energy of the New Moon to set intentions for your career and what you want, and you can use the energy of Saturn to commit to those intentions!

The Summer Solstice will then arrive on June 21st, marking the beginning of your season, a powerful day.




Leo 5

Your life has probably been very hectic recently, and because of this, you may have felt like you are running on all cylinders.

The start of the Gemini Season brings with it busy times for you; however, this presents an opportunity for you to establish some limits and prioritize the things that are truly important.

On June 3rd, the Full Moon in Sagittarius may require you to travel for work or for a project that is very important to you.

You will make connections with people from different parts of the world. They want to strike a business deal with you or work together on a project.

When it comes to the growth of your hopes and ambitions, you have a lot of positive energy on your side; therefore, you should make the most of this energy and put it to good use.

In addition, the Sagittarius Full Moon might stir up issues relating to your health; in this case, it will be important to establish clear boundaries.

This is going to be an important question for you to ask yourself, especially if issues related to your health are coming to the surface.

The past few weeks have been hectic, but it's important to remember that it's always good to unplug, take it easy, and make time to stop and smell the roses.

On the 5th and 6th of June, Venus will enter your sign, ushering in an atmosphere of pleasure, romance, and fun! Since it will go retrograde on July 23 in your sign, Venus is going to be an important one for you to keep an eye on.

On June 5-6, as Venus enters Leo, you should pay attention to any matters of the heart. Saturn will go retrograde on June 17, the same day as the Gemini New Moon.

You might find that this New Moon presents you with some difficulties. Your mind is telling you one thing while your heart is telling you something completely different.

It is ultimately up to you to decide, but whatever you do, make sure that you are honest with yourself. Saturn's retrograde phase could bring about problems with your finances.

Make sure you are paying attention to any rules and regulations around your investments and read the fine print before agreeing or signing any contracts, especially if money is involved.




Virgo 5

Since Mercury, which also happens to be your ruling planet, rules Gemini, the Gemini season is going to hold a special significance for you.

The Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal is what opens at the beginning of Gemini Season. This occurs between May 28 and 29, and it is a time when your third eye has the potential to open and become stronger.

You are by nature a very intuitive person so you will notice an increase in the sharpness of your instincts.

You are going through a very mentally active period, so you need to be careful not to let your mind go into overdrive.

Because there is a lot of energy here, particularly at the beginning of the Gemini season, you need to be picky about the thoughts that you are keeping in your head.

If you find that you are spending too much time in your head, try bringing some of that energy down to your body. Ground your energy and see if you can operate from a place that is more heart-centered.

The Sagittarius Full Moon that will occur on June 3 has a sense of being less weighty than the Full Moons that we have experienced in recent times.

In spite of the fact that it is burdened with some anxiety and possibly even some weight, this Full Moon has an underlying sense of playfulness and exploration.

Try to look at everything that comes your way as a potentially exciting new adventure. This Full Moon will bring up issues pertaining to your home and family life.

No matter what is emphasized, you should always make sure that you are being honest and genuine with yourself.

Venus will enter Leo the night of June 5-6 and will remain in this sign until October. The upcoming retrograde at the end of July is the reason for this extra-extended stay in the sign of Leo.

After that, on June 17th, there will be a New Moon in Gemini, which will hold some incredible energy for your feelings of purpose and career.

This New Moon will bring you some exciting new opportunities at work, or you'll have a revelation about your life's mission and the way you want to spend your time.

This New Moon is an excellent time to take action toward achieving any professional goals you may have. Additionally, Saturn will go retrograde on June 17, causing problems in your relationships, not just romantic relationships, but also how you interact with others in general.

You'll find that you need to establish boundaries with other people, or that you might need to dismantle some limitations that are keeping you too guarded.




Libra 5

As a fellow air sign, you are likely to experience favorable outcomes whenever the Sun travels through this sign. We will experience the Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal.

Our intuition is at its peak during this period of time, and our mind is feeling very robust. We access the knowledge deep within us easier, and we may also find that we are able to pick up new information rapidly.

The energies of the Silver Gate Portal stimulate your creativity to a high degree, enabling you to have a more broad perspective on your life and the things you want to happen to you in the future.

You'll find yourself in a position where you need to let go of something as we get closer to the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3.

You need to give yourself permission to let go of the things you've been carrying that do not support you. The Sagittarius Full Moon will highlight the challenges you face when it comes to expressing yourself.

You will need to advocate for yourself or explain to others what it is that you truly need. If you have something significant to say, don't keep it to yourself if you want to maximize the power of your voice.

Venus, the planet that rules your sign, will move into Leo on June 5-6, and it will remain in that sign until October. You will always be especially sensitive to the energies that Venus brings.

Pay attention to what themes are unfolding for you as Venus enters Leo. On June 17th, there will be a New Moon in Gemini.

This is an excellent opportunity to put your plans and goals into action. It's a good idea to make a vision board and write down what you want to bring into your life, but there are times when you also need to take action.

Since this New Moon is so action-oriented, now is the time to put your words into action and begin moving in the right direction.

If you've been thinking about going on vacation but haven't gotten around to it yet, the upcoming New Moon is a great time to finally pack your bags and hit the road.

Under this influence, Saturn will also go retrograde. The days that immediately follow this New Moon will present some difficulties.

You face some challenges or difficulties to overcome, or the situation is not as organized as you would like it to be. Simply proceed methodically step by step.




Scorpio 5

There has been a lot going on in the cosmos for you, Scorpio, but I hope that during Gemini Season you'll be able to make the most of the opportunity to mingle with others and have some good times.

The Full Moon on June 3rd, in particular, may present an excellent chance to broaden your social circle, make new friends, or simply deepen your bonds with those you already care about.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius will present you with a fantastic opportunity to improve your finances. If you have been putting in a lot of effort to get a project off the ground, this Full Moon may bring you the moment when all of your hard work finally pays off.

This Full Moon can illuminate a path for you, helping you to take the steps necessary to ask for a raise or perhaps pick up a side gig if you've been wanting to increase your income.

You might also find that you want to quit your job and look for a new one that pays more generously. If you feel like this is a theme for you around this Full Moon, then you should take responsibility and make the most of this energy.

Venus will enter Leo between June 5 and June 6, and it will remain there until October. Venus will begin its retrograde on July 23, which is the reason for its unusually long stay. It'll be a time for the heart to heal and grow.

A New Moon will appear in Gemini on June 17th. This New Moon may feel a little heavy for you and draw you within, however, it also offers a new beginning.

While there may be a sense of heaviness surrounding this New Moon, you should try to channel that energy into your creative activities. Writing, drawing, painting, or sculpting are recommended.

On June 17th, under the light of the New Moon, Saturn will also go retrograde. When Saturn is retrograde, it is a good time to reflect on some of the lessons we've learned in the past.

You may also be focusing on loving yourself and determining what you need in order to feel nourished and supported from within.

You might get the impression that your needs are changing, but in reality, you are just growing into a deeper awareness of what is truly important to you.




Sagittarius 5

Your life is about to get a lot brighter thanks to Gemini Season! This is a prosperous time of year for you, and it also coincides with the arrival of your Full Moon!

Your sign will be illuminated by the bright light of the Full Moon on June 3rd. This only happens once a year, so you should definitely make the most of the opportunity.

It is believed that when the Full Moon falls in your sign, it stimulates your pineal gland, which then helps to unlock deep knowledge, intuition, and psychic messages.

During this time, you might experience heightened sensitivity, and you might also have more vivid dreams. Pay attention to any signs or synchronicities that may occur, as it is likely that the Universe as well as your guides or angels are trying to communicate with you.

The Aldebaran Gateway, also known as the Silver Gate Portal, which reaches its peak on May 28-29, just before your Full Moon, will also boost your intuition.

You are entering a time of powerful awakening energy, which can assist you in developing your spiritual gifts and increasing your awareness. If you have wanted to get a psychic reading or see a medium, this could be a powerful time for you. 

You could also just connect with your own intuition and do a card reading for yourself. On the night of June 5-6, Venus will move into Leo, which is also a fire sign.

Since it will be going retrograde later in July, Venus will stay in Leo for a long time. Venus is the planet associated with love, beauty, romance, financial success, and pleasurable experiences.

Because it is a representation of the Divine Feminine, it will be especially powerful for you. Pay attention to any matters of the heart that are triggered around the 5th and 6th of June, as this could be a clue as to what lessons or themes the upcoming Venus Retrograde will stir within you.

On June 17, we will experience the New Moon in Gemini, which will bring up additional relationship-related topics for you. You will make a memorable connection with a new love interest, a teacher, or both.

When it comes to the people you choose to surround yourself with, this New Moon is an excellent time to test yourself. Be confident in your own worth, and don't be afraid to draw boundaries when necessary.

On June 17, Saturn will also start its retrograde motion. This could add a layer of heaviness to the New Moon, for Saturn can sometimes create a density in our cosmic airways. 

Instead of trying to control the actions or behaviors of others, the easiest way to avoid conflict is to simply accept responsibility for yourself and the choices you make.




Capricorn 5

The Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal ushers in the start of the Gemini Season. This is a gateway to high-frequency energy that is beamed in from the star, Aldebaran.

This energy has the potential to help elevate our mental processes, allowing us to think more quickly, pick up information more easily, and derive more insight from our intuition.

Pay attention to any intuitive messages or hunches that come to you during this time because this is a time when our third eye can also feel supercharged.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on June 3. You might get the urge to isolate yourself or find that you're feeling more sensitive than usual.

Even though you might be experiencing some unease as a result, see if you can transform that feeling into something creative.

You are a highly creative soul; therefore, make the most of this energy by finding a way to express yourself through the creation of art or through some other form of manual labor.

Spending some time alone or meditating during this Full Moon can help bring about the sense of equilibrium that you seek.

Venus will enter Leo between June 5 and June 6, and it will remain in Leo until October. Because Venus will go retrograde on July 23, its stay in Leo will be extended.

Since Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, we will be focusing on these ideas while the planet is retrograde. On June 11, Pluto will once again enter your sign, where it will remain for the remainder of this year.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, but for the first time since then, you received a reprieve when Pluto entered Aquarius back in March.

Pluto compels us to travel into the underworld and the darkest parts of our souls so that we can undergo metamorphosis and be reborn as the most genuine and powerful versions of ourselves.

The New Moon in Gemini takes place on June 17th. This New Moon could see you quite busy! You're working on a new project right now, or you're putting the finishing touches on something that's been taking up a lot of your time.

Since you are someone who always works hard, it is likely that you will be able to make the most of any situation. Just make sure you don't let yourself get too worn out or overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities.

Because Saturn, the planet that rules your sign, will be going retrograde during the New Moon on June 17, this could bring up past issues from March 2023. 

Be willing to lean on others and ask for support if you need it, despite the fact that you are very good at handling any problems on your own.




Aquarius 5

As an air sign, you can rest assured that you will experience a sense of calm when this Season arrives. The powerful Aldebaran Gateway or the Silver Gate Portal ushers in the Gemini season.

The Aldebaran Gateway will boost our mental energy, allowing us to experience a sense of increased clarity, lucidity, and alertness. Our intuition will be heightened, and the light in our third eye will be brighter.

Pay attention to your intuition. During this gateway, you may also discover that your dreams are more prophetic and powerful. Trust your inner wisdom.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on June 3. There is a happy and positive vibe in the air thanks to it, and now would be a great time to go on an adventure.

If you've always wanted to go somewhere new or experience something different so now might be the perfect time to do it!

This Full Moon may also make you feel quite social, so take advantage of the opportunity to connect with others and go out into the world.

Venus enters Leo on June 5-6, and since it's going retrograde, it will remain in this sign for an unusually extended period of time.

Even though Venus won't go into retrograde until the 23rd of July, you should still pay attention to issues of the heart that come up for you at the beginning of June.

After the 11th of June, Pluto will move out of Aquarius and into Capricorn, where it will remain for the rest of the year. Pluto in Aquarius is encouraging you to travel to the depths in order to transform and shift into a new potential. 

But at least for the time being, you will not be subjected to this energy. Take advantage of it while you still can! On June 17, we will experience the New Moon in Gemini.

With Saturn going retrograde on the same day as the New Moon, there is some heavy energy surrounding this lunar phase. You may find that you need to review lessons from the past.

You will need to make some room in order to welcome these new beginnings. Think about the things that aren't helping you anymore.

Because of the New Moon, you might find that you need to step away from all of your obligations for a while. Don’t be afraid to ask others for support and assistance so you can catch a breather.




Pisces 5

Since March 2023, the Universe has been prodding you to step up and assume responsibility for the kind of life you want to live.

Despite the fact that you may have been forced to make some challenging choices, the Gemini Season provides an opportunity for reflection and analysis.

The Aldebaran Gateway, which reaches its height on May 28-29, marks the beginning of the Gemini Season. This Gateway will hone your mental abilities.

You could find that it is easier for you to learn new things, or you could unlock some profound inner wisdom.

Pay attention to your intuition while you are exposed to this energy as well, as the cosmic vibrations that are occurring at this time have the potential to strengthen and open your third eye.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on June 3, and it brings favorable energies your way, especially in regard to your professional life.

Know that you have a lot of support on your side during this Full Moon, whether you have a new project that you have been wanting to launch or if you have been looking for a new job.

Trust any opportunities that come your way during this Full Moon because you never know where they will lead you. This Full Moon also has the power to connect you deeper with your purpose.

Venus will enter Leo on June 5-6 and will remain in this sign until October. Venus' upcoming retrograde, which will take place later on July 23, has caused this visit to Leo to last significantly longer than usual.

Around the beginning of June, pay attention to love, relationships, and finances as Venus, the planet of love and relationships, will be in your life.

After Venus goes retrograde, these topics will be revisited and delved into further. There will be a New Moon in Gemini on June 17.

The New Moon will shake things up at home and in your family. You may find yourself needing to be there for someone in your family, or your home may need your attention.

You might also be considering starting your own family, either by having children or by creating a solid network of friends that are like your family.

On the 17th of June, Saturn will also go retrograde, which will be a significant cosmological event for you because Saturn is currently in your sign.

The lessons that you have been working through since March of this year will be stirred. Saturn is urging you to take charge of your life and decide what kind of legacy you want to leave behind.

Saturn retrograde may bring a period of hard work into your life, but you can think of Saturn as your master teacher. The lessons will be difficult, but once you have successfully completed them, you will be a master.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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