How Taurus Season 2023 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The Taurus Season stars on April 20th, right between the influential Aries Solar New Moon Eclipse (April 19/20) and the Mercury Retrograde (April 21).

We're being guided to transform, awaken, and change our lives in a higher and more aligned direction.

During Taurus Season, it is always best to take small steps that are methodical and practical. Think long-term, building a strong foundation for your goals and dreams.

Mercury will remain retrograde until May 14, which will be helpful and guide us to reflect, proceed slowly, and learn from our experiences.

On May 5th, a Lunar Eclipse will take place in Scorpio. This Eclipse carries with it some powerful and personal energies that will direct us inward and encourage us to look for answers within.

Something might come to an end or we will realize that we need to let go of outdated relationships, beliefs, or routines.

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, will move in Taurus on May 16th, just a few days before the Taurus Season comes to an end, thereby initiating a new cycle of energy.

Jupiter in Taurus will bring about changes in the financial industry and an expansion of abundance On May 21, the Sun will complete its transit through Taurus and move into Gemini.

Now, let's take a look at your Taurus Season horoscope:




Aries 5

The beginning of the Taurus season coincides with the end of the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. You will experience a moment of rebirth and it is likely that new opportunities will come your way.

You will need to focus on your health and well-being as your season draws to a close and the energies of the Solar Eclipse begin to integrate into your being.

Make sure you are paying attention to your body and that you are not burning the candle at both ends. If something in your life is out of alignment, your body will let you know.

There is a possibility that you will need to give some thought to financial matters as you get closer to the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 5.

Now is an excellent time to get your finances in order, particularly with regard to your investments or debts.

The energy of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse could feel quite intense, and while money issues may be on the table, you may also just be feeling a lot of emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

Try to delve deeper and figure out what it is that is truly bothering you. If you are willing to put in the effort, you can make some breakthroughs.

During the Taurus Season, Mercury will be retrograde. Its influence can result in a feeling of sluggishness, but now is an excellent opportunity to make progress on any and all projects that you have started but have not yet completed

Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, will be on your side with this too, helping to expand your vision and bring opportunities your way.

However, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus, and this abundant energy will leave with it. Take advantage of Jupiter in your sign while you still have the chance!




Taurus 5

You are in the midst of a significant and hectic time of year, but the Sun is on your side, which allows you to shine brilliantly!

The beginning of your season coincides with the end of the Aries Solar Eclipse, which may have provided you with some surprising new information or opened your eyes to some previously hidden truths.

Eclipses are known to bring about fated events that advance us further along our soul path. They are analogous to quantum leaps into a new state of consciousness.

Consider the most ideal future you can imagine for yourself, and then act from that place. As the Lunar Eclipse on May 5 draws closer, you start to feel more intensity.

This eclipse is a little bit more difficult than usual, and something you've been working on for the past 18 months or so will come to a close.

This Lunar Eclipse may also bring up issues pertaining to your relationships, prompting you to focus on your connections; alternatively, you may find someone leaning on you for support.

If you just make your boundaries perfectly clear, everything will turn out fine. Since Mercury will be retrograde for most of your season and in your sign, you will strongly feel its effects.

When Mercury enters your sign during its retrograde phase, you may experience mental cloudiness and find yourself thinking about or dwelling on the past.

Even though you can't change what happened in the past, there is probably still something valuable you can take away from it.

When Jupiter, the planet of growth, abundance, and finding the good in difficult situations, moves into your sign on May 16, you'll be able to take advantage of the fortunate energy that it brings.

Jupiter in your sign can open doors for you that lead to new and exciting experiences. Additionally, it can assist you in focusing on the bigger picture, allowing you to view events and circumstances from a worldly perspective.

Even though Jupiter's influence is generally regarded as a good omen, it is important to remember not to overindulge or engage in any activity to an excessive degree.

Have fun during your birthday season, and don't forget to make time to celebrate your accomplishments!




Gemini 5

Following the intense heat of the Aries Season, the Taurus Season ushers in a more steady and measured pace.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, will go retrograde at the beginning of the season, on April 21. This will prompt you to collect your thoughts and possibly reflect on your path.

Be sure to decompress and clear your mind of any thoughts or worries that you no longer need to hold onto.

The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5 may prompt you to reevaluate the ways in which you choose to spend your time and the projects to which you wish to devote your attention and energy.

This has been an ongoing theme for some time, but this Eclipse indicates that you have reached a turning point or perhaps a transition point where you can act on what is calling your soul.

Because of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, you might find that you have to abandon one or more of your projects.

There is also the possibility that a project you have been working on for a considerable amount of time finally comes to a conclusion, allowing you to move on to something else.

As the Sun moves into Taurus, you may also find that your health becomes a primary concern. Getting a checkup and taking care of any symptoms that have been bothering you at this time would be a great idea.

You have earned a reward for all of your hard work, and the energy of the season is encouraging you to give it to yourself. Take a break, book a spa day, and don't use your phone.

Do whatever makes you feel the most relaxed. The focus of the Taurus season is on pleasure, but the pursuit of pleasure can quickly lead to overindulgence or the prioritization of short-term gains over long-term gains.




Cancer 5

The Aries Solar Eclipse on April 19/20 is a powerful one for you, and now that we are entering the Taurus Season, you may be riding the high-vibrational waves of whatever this Eclipse brought into your world.

This Solar Eclipse will cause you to reflect on your purpose. You might feel you're being called in a different direction, especially with regard to your professional life.

Alternatively, you could simply be wondering how to create more meaning out of your daily activities. This eclipse is a door opener, so set some intentions and see what flies in.

On April 21, Mercury will go retrograde, coinciding with the beginning of the Taurus season. However, the mental lethargy that it brings could be a blessing in disguise.

When we are mentally sluggish, we are called to go within and work from our more intuitive senses, and this can be very powerful, especially for you.

During this time, your intuitive senses are likely to be sharper than usual, and they may direct you to peel back layers that are preventing you from living your purpose or discovering your meaning.

The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse will take place on May 5 and will bring some heavy energy. If you feel it, it may be a sign that you are taking on too much or that you are not allowing yourself enough time for pleasure and fun.

Since the Moon is your ruling “planet”, you will always feel the energies of an eclipse strongly. However, this is a good time to create more balance in your life, so take advantage of it!

This eclipse is also triggering matters of the heart, and as a result, a relationship may come to an end, or you may find that your feelings have changed regarding a relationship in your life.

New information will emerge, changing how you feel about a certain person. A deeper love might develop or you will realize you deserve better.




Leo 5

Because of your strong connection to the Sun's energies, you should keep a close eye on the Solar Eclipse of April 19/20.

Although this eclipse takes place during the Aries Season, its effects will continue into Taurus Season, which begins the day after the eclipse.

During the Aries Solar Eclipse, you could find yourself traveling to a foreign country, or you could be presented with a new opportunity that broadens your perspective.

New people, new ways of being, and new worlds are being brought to your attention, some of which you may not have been familiar with previously.

As your mind is being expanded, you will start to notice that these changes are reflected in other aspects of your life as well.

Changes are going to occur as a direct result of the fact that you are changing the way that you think and what you believe is possible.

It will take some time for this expansive energy to change and transform your life because the Aries Eclipse is part of a new cycle that we will be working with until 2025.

Even though you are experiencing an incredible surge of expansive energy as a result, you should be aware that Mercury will be retrograde on April 21.

Although Mercury retrograde can make our intuition sharper, it can also cause mental fogginess. Since this is the first time that your mind has been exposed to new levels, you are unsure of what you should think, how to proceed, and the most effective way to move forward.

Take things slowly if you're having trouble deciding what to do during the Taurus Season. Thinking long-term and taking baby steps that are methodical and practical is helpful.

Under this influence, rushing forward or diving headfirst into situations might not be the best strategy. As we move into the month of May, there will be a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.

This Lunar Eclipse holds a lot of intensity, and it will trigger some buried feelings to come to the surface.

Even though your home and family life may be at the center of this Eclipse, you should look at it as an opportunity to create an environment that is more loving and supportive of you.




Virgo 5

The beginning of the Taurus season coincides with the end of the Aries Solar Eclipse. This Solar Eclipse is very powerful, and its effects will be felt for a long time.

There could be some important choices that need to be made as a result. You might have to deal with a challenging but essential situation.

You've been waiting a while to act on something that's been unstable or has needed your attention for a while, but now the time has finally come.

This Eclipse will shine a light on your financial situation as well, and the vibe is very optimistic. Keep an open mind to the wealth that the universe has to offer, as it is on your side.

The energy during the Taurus Season is typically more laid back, but this complements your Virgoan qualities. Because of this slowdown, you will have the opportunity to take a breather and schedule some time for pleasure.

Keep this vibe throughout the Taurus Season, as it will serve as a constant reminder to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and cherish the company of those you care about.

On April 21, Mercury, your ruling planet, will enter its retrograde phase, which will further contribute to a slowdown in the energies.

Mercury retrograde can cause some mental cloudiness, but this is actually beneficial because it allows us to focus inward and tune in to our subtler senses.

This Mercury Retrograde energy can also be directed toward improving your skills or becoming more knowledgeable about a subject you are interested in.

You can effectively channel this retrograde energy by expanding your knowledge of the world around you and learning new things from the people and experiences that you encounter.

The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse that will take place on May 5 marks the end of the season and ushers in a period of intensity.

You may finally get some peace of mind regarding a matter that has been bothering you for a while. You'll find yourself in a situation where you need to have a difficult conversation or communicate your needs.

If you are clear and concise in your communication, it will be easier to avoid misunderstandings and confusion.




Libra 5

The Taurus season is right between the Aries Solar Eclipse and Mercury retrograde. This point of transition into the Taurus season will bring intensity and powerful energies, focusing your attention on our connections.

You're very good at thinking about others and putting yourself in their situations, Libra. You're concerned with what is fair and just, and your approach is very compassionate.

However, because of the Aries Solar Eclipse, you might discover that you need to be more strict with your boundaries and the things you're willing to put up with.

Communication will be extremely important; therefore, you should first consider what you mean and then be very careful with your words.

Even though you may be having difficulty in a relationship, there is a good chance that these difficulties will lead to a deeper and significant connection.

You'll find yourself wanting to take a relationship to the next level. As eclipses typically come in pairs, the next one will be the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5th.

This Eclipse will bring up issues that have to do with your sense of self-worth. The relationship problems you encountered during the Solar Eclipse are connected to these self-worth issues.

While the energies of the Solar Eclipse are likely to be seen manifesting in your physical world, the Lunar Eclipse is more subtle, and it is something that you are likely to only feel on an internal level.

You may feel compelled to look inward and examine areas of your life in which you may be having difficulties with your sense of self-worth or your self-esteem.

The Lunar Eclipse will bring up issues relating to your income and finances. A job or project you have been working on will come to an end.

Have faith that a new door will soon open for you that will lead you to something that is more in line with a higher sense of self-worth and self-love.

Libra, you are so good at looking out for the needs of others, but now that the Sun is in Taurus, and especially as we get closer to the month of May, you will need to turn the focus back on yourself.




Scorpio 5

An eclipse will occur in your sign on May 5th. It'll be a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse. This Full Moon Eclipse will act as a catalyst for a change that has been gradually taking shape over the course of the past 1.5 years.

This journey of transformations has been set in motion by the recent string of eclipses, which will occur in Taurus and Scorpio.

Taurus is your opposite sign in the zodiac wheel. When the Sun shines in Taurus, it beams right back down to you due to your position.

This beam will bring clarity to your relationships and the way you interact with others. This includes not only your romantic relationships but also friendships and other connections.

A powerful Aries Solar Eclipse will take place just before the Sun moves into Taurus, and this will amplify the feeling that you are more open and more connected to others.

If you have been dealing with a challenging situation in a relationship, this Eclipse may bring some new energy, guiding you to look at things differently or perhaps changing your perspective for the better.

You'll feel more connected to yourself during this time, which will make you understand that the most important relationship in life is the one with yourself.

Even though the Aries Eclipse occurs during the Aries Season, its intensity means that its effects will be felt all the way through April. However, by the time we reach May, we will be feeling the vibrations of the Lunar Eclipse move in.

This Eclipse is going to stimulate your need to reconnect with who you are, to pay attention to your health and well-being, and to make sure you are your biggest support.

You'll discover everything that is preventing you from realizing your fullest potential.




Sagittarius 5

After the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, Taurus Season begins. Since this is one of the most significant cosmic events of 2023, its effects will most likely continue to be felt throughout the Taurus season.

Your life will become a little bit brighter from this Solar Eclipse. It will open new doors, present you with exciting new opportunities, and hopefully make you more enthusiastic about life.

You have the ability to positively channel the energy of this Eclipse to bring more happiness, prosperity, and opportunities into your life.

Make the most of it by making plans, putting yourself out there, and reaching out for those opportunities you have always wanted.

In spite of the fact that the energy surrounding this eclipse has a positive vibe, it is also quite intense. Eclipses tend to bring about life-changing experiences or unexpected events.

They also bring about revelations that change our way of thinking or being. Energies of change will enter your life and it may be challenging for you to adjust to this energy, especially at the beginning.

Another eclipse will occur on May 5th. This one, the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, is without a doubt the more powerful of the two.

We will feel the effects of this Lunar Eclipse more deeply. Under this influence, a previously kept secret may be brought to light, or you may simply get the feeling that you should look inward and free some of your suppressed feelings, thoughts, or ideas.

You'll find yourself thinking back on the journey you've taken and going over the events of the past. This is a very reflective Eclipse for you, and this will be amplified by Mercury Retrograde, which will be in full swing by the time the Scorpio Eclipse arrives.

This is a good time for you to take some time to think about what you want to get out of life. The Taurus Season is going to be a season that brings about significant changes for you overall.




Capricorn 5

Since Taurus is a fellow earth sign, this time of year is guaranteed to feel right. You will feel more grounded and connected to the energies of the cosmos, and any intensity that arose during the  Aries Season is going to feel easier to manage.

On April 21, as the Sun moves into Taurus, Mercury will go retrograde. Since this is the first planet to go retrograde since January, we will experience a slowing down effect, which will give us the opportunity to process and make sense of everything that has happened.

The energy of Mercury Retrograde will also assist us in integrating the powerful Aries Solar Eclipse energies, which reach their peak on April 19/20.

Because this Solar Eclipse is one of the most significant cosmic events of 2023, having Mercury retrograde right after feels like a sign from the Universe that we are getting time to work with, feel into, and digest its energies. 

Your attention will be directed toward matters of connection and community during this Solar Eclipse, as well as matters pertaining to your home and family life.

It radiates soothing energy that will inspire you to take action toward cultivating a loving environment for yourself and those around you.

As we make our way into the month of May, we are greeted by yet another eclipse, this one in Scorpio.

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which will reach its peak on May 5th, carries with it some powerful and transformative energies.

The Lunar Eclipse will feel much more personal, and it will stir up deeply rooted thoughts, feelings, or even fears. You're going to have to dig a little deeper and work through some difficult feelings.

This Eclipse will show you how to let go of any feelings or thoughts that are preventing you from stepping out into the world and answering the soul call.




Aquarius 5

Taurus Season comes right after the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, which reaches its peak on April 19 and 20. Mercury will go retrograde on April 21st, right after the Eclipse.

During the Taurus Season, you are going to be focusing a lot of attention on your ability to communicate.

Your throat chakra is being activated as a result of the Solar Eclipse, and Mercury retrograde is also encouraging you to look inward so that you can communicate from a place of higher clarity and greater truth.

During this time, communication will be a theme. This applies not only to the way in which you connect with others but also to the way in which you speak to yourself and how you express your thoughts and feelings.

You might also find yourself having to deal with issues involving your siblings. One of your siblings may need your help.

On the other hand, one of your siblings could bring an opportunity or a new perspective that helps you reframe the way you're approaching the situation.

As we progress further into the Taurus Season, you may find that you are naturally starting to slow down and entering a more reflective space. Give yourself the space that you need.

Taurus Season has a way of getting us to focus on the future and long-term plans rather than short-term ones.

Instead of rushing ahead and trying to make everything happen all at once, we should probably just take things one step at a time and move forward in a methodical way.

The next eclipse will take place on May 5 and will be a Scorpio Lunar Full Moon Eclipse. There is a lot of intensity surrounding this eclipse, which could bring out your more sensitive side.

Your psychic senses will feel more alive and the messages you receive in your dreams will be prophetic. Under this influence, a transformation will take place, and it is likely that this will trigger feelings around your career or higher purpose.

New professional opportunities are on the horizon or a project or job that you have been working on will soon come to a close.




Pisces 5

The energy of the Taurus Season will be heavily influenced by eclipses and retrogrades, both of which, in their own ways, will be profoundly transformative and awakening.

The Aries Solar New Moon Eclipse is one of the most powerful eclipses of 2023. It will reach its peak on April 19/20, right before the Taurus Season.

This eclipse is a “door opener,” which means that it has the potential to bring about new opportunities, new insights, and new sources of inspiration.

It is a good time to think about what you want to bring into your life and to plant the seeds necessary to make that happen.

You have access to a lot of energy during this eclipse, and as a result, you'll have opportunities to make more money or expand your income.

The cosmic skies will appear to move more slowly on the 21st of April, when Mercury starts its retrograde motion.

This slowing down, on the other hand, is something to be grateful for because it will make it easier for us to digest and incorporate the energies of the Solar Eclipse.

It is important to pay attention to any signs and clues that the universe may be sending your way during the Mercury retrograde because your intuition may be sharper and your dreams may be more prophetic than usual.

Trust your instincts, and look inward for direction. On May 5th, the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will take place.

This eclipse carries a lot of intensity, and it may cause people to feel insecure and vulnerable. Instead of letting your insecurities get the better of you, use them as motivation to further your education, broaden your knowledge, and become a student again.

Allow yourself some wiggle room to adjust to any learning processes that may come your way. Remind yourself that it is fine to not know everything and that it is normal to make mistakes while you are learning something new.

At the beginning of May, there may be a travel opportunity. Your trip will be very therapeutic, and you may gain insights or information that'll help you better understand yourself.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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