How the May 2023 Full Moon in Scorpio Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The Full Moon that will grace the night sky on May 5 is particularly exceptional and will affect each zodiac sign differently.

This month's Full Moon will take place in Scorpio, and it will also be an eclipse. This event will bring upheaval.

When you factor in the eclipse and the presence of Uranus, it can bring about unexpected changes in your life, such as reversals, endings, and pivots.

While Full Moons are usually excellent for rituals, it is not advisable to make new goals or set intentions during an eclipse.

Eclipses are about being change-adept and reacting wisely to situations. This event unleashes a tremendous amount of energy, so stay agile and avoid overscheduling your day or the weekend that follows, as eclipses can sometimes hit late.

This Full Moon is all about going with the flow rather than trying to be controlling. Don't make any drastic decisions because you probably won't have all the information you need.

This week, you were also rocked by Pluto going retrograde on May 1. It will feel like a wave of heavy energy. Read on to find out how the Full Moon of May will affect each zodiac sign.




Aries 5

This Full Moon will occur in your eighth house of shared resources, which means that some of your financial collaborations or relationships will feel tumultuous, and some of them may even come to an end.

Pay attention to your dreams throughout the week to gain insight into the future. There is a lot of spiritual potential here. This is not the time to take action or make changes; rather, it is best to take a step back and watch what unfolds.




Taurus 5

A long-term relationship is coming to an end because the Full Moon in May falls in your house of relationships. Have you and your partner had a hard time lately?

Then perhaps now is the time for you to leave and start a new chapter in your life. Another possibility is that your relationship will merely undergo a change.

You've been putting in a lot of work on the inside to change how you see yourself. If you want your partner or family to be able to keep up, you should let them know.




Gemini 5

This Full Moon will occur in your sixth house of daily life and health, so you shouldn't be surprised if you suddenly feel the urge to make changes to your routine for taking care of yourself.

This is especially relevant if you haven't been feeling at your best lately, which may be the result of being overworked at your job.

A whole new wellness routine, such as a new workout routine or Sunday reset schedule, will be put into motion because of this Full Moon.




Cancer 5

Since this Full Moon falls in your fifth house of creativity and joy, you'll experience a change in the way you approach creative side projects or hobbies.

You will have the urge to rethink something related to this topic, or you will have an entirely new perspective on how you feel about it.




Leo 5

During the Full Moon, Leos are going to have strong feelings about stability. You'll realize that your home environment requires some sort of change.

You might be inspired to do a spring cleaning or even move to an entirely new city. Your relationship with your family could also be turned upside down, so you shouldn't be surprised if you get into an argument over text with your mother.




Virgo 5

During the Full Moon, Virgos won't be able to avoid having challenging conversations. Every time you look at your phone there'll be a text message from a sibling, a neighbor, or a coworker that will have something incredibly irritating to say.

There will be a many people calling for a solution to the ongoing issues. Stay as grounded and relaxed as possible.




Libra 5

This Full Moon is all about money, which means that something to which you have devoted a significant amount of time and resources may come to an end.

No matter how dire the situation appears to be, you should strive to keep a “abundance mindset” and look for the positive in every situation.

Even though the Full Moon may require you to let go of something from your life, doing so will make room for something new to take its place.




Scorpio 5

After the Full Moon and eclipse that will occur this week, you will have a new perspective on who you are.

It is the final eclipse in a series that has taken place over the past couple of years, and each one of them has left you feeling more powerful, less burdened, and prepared for good things to come your way.

You are going to experience an increase in your sense of power; therefore, you should get ready to lean into that energy.




Sagittarius 5

The eclipse that occurs during the Full Moon in May could bring a lot of painful memories to the forefront, Sagittarius; therefore, use this time to tap into all of the handy tricks you've learned in therapy as a way to cope with the feelings that are brought up by the eclipse.

Think about all of the habits that contribute to your own downfall, and then come up with strategies for breaking those habits.




Capricorn 5

This Full Moon will assist you in letting go of old dreams that are no longer relevant to your life. It is not a failure to abandon a plan or to make radical adjustments to an existing one.

You'll come to the conclusion that a particular friendship or an identification with a specific group feels like it's coming to an end.




Aquarius 5

You will focus on career goals that are more long-term in nature, Aquarius, as well as conflicts with people in positions of authority, such as a manager who is constantly giving you a hard time or your boss who is always poking their head into your office.

Keep your head down and practice your well-known ability to detach, advises Loftis. You've got this. Everything that is happening is pointing you in the direction of your soul's purpose, so try not to let it bring you down.




Pisces 5

During this Full Moon, you will finally let go of the idea that you don't have enough skills in a certain area to complete a goal.

Once things have settled down the following week, go after your dream with complete confidence. A favorite instructor or someone you looked up to as a role model is not who you believed they were.

It is time to cut them off and pursue other interests.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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