How the September 2024 Full Moon in Pisces Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The partial lunar eclipse of the full moon in Pisces on September 18, 2024, marks a powerful energetic turning point. This celestial event represents a significant moment, and you may wonder how it will influence your zodiac sign. As you step into this eclipse portal, it’s best to keep an open mind and approach the experience without rigid expectations.

Each full moon carries seasonal significance, and the September full moon, known as the Harvest Moon, symbolizes the end of the harvest season. Historically, this full moon extended farmers’ working days, allowing them to gather the fruits of their labor.

Spiritually, the Harvest Moon represents a moment of culmination—an ideal time to reflect on your intentions, goals, and ambitions. If you haven’t yet reached your desired outcomes, this period may inspire you to redouble your efforts and finish what you’ve started.

To honor and celebrate the Harvest Moon, consider incorporating fresh produce into your meals—fruits, salads, nuts, and grains that reflect the abundance of the season.

You can also engage in moonlit meditation or candle rituals to connect more deeply with this lunar phase.

What makes this full moon especially unique is the partial lunar eclipse it will bring. During a partial lunar eclipse, the full moon, Earth, and the Sun are not perfectly aligned, causing part of the moon to be shadowed.

While less rare than total eclipses, these events can still hold significant meaning, often occurring twice a year.

Astrologically, eclipses are known for their considerable and often unpredictable impact. They are associated with major shifts, unexpected developments, and opportunities that may come seemingly out of nowhere.

Pay close attention to what happens three days before and after the eclipse—this window can provide valuable clues about what’s set to unfold in your life.

This lunar event invites you to stay attuned to the energies around you, reflect on your journey, and remain open to the transformative possibilities the eclipse might bring.



The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: September 18, 2024

On September 18, 2024, a partial lunar eclipse will occur at 25 degrees in Pisces. This powerful celestial event will bring a close to the lunar cycle that began with the new moon in Pisces on March 10, 2024.

As with all eclipses, expect the unexpected and prepare for changes. The key to navigating this period is acceptance—allow events to unfold and guide you toward new opportunities.

To fully engage with this transformative time, consider keeping a journal or documenting your experiences creatively.

This eclipse is particularly significant, as it marks the beginning of the Pisces-Virgo axis, offering a preview of what future eclipses in 2025 might bring.

As the full moon occurs during Virgo season, it invites you to let go and adopt a new perspective, much like the Hanged Man in Tarot, who symbolizes suspension and seeing things from a different angle.

This is a time for reflection, patience, and a willingness to shift your viewpoint.

A central theme of this period will be service, with the Sun in Virgo opposing the full moon in Pisces. You may feel torn between helping others and tending to your own needs, which could bring feelings of martyrdom or victimhood if you’re overextending yourself.

It’s important to find balance—be generous, but set healthy boundaries to avoid burnout.

This lunar eclipse in Pisces will also activate retrograde Uranus in Taurus, bringing unexpected revelations and radical shifts in how you perceive life.

Outward events may reflect deeper internal changes you’ve been experiencing. Upon reflection, the surprises of this lunation might make more sense when viewed in the context of your ongoing personal transformation.

Pay special attention to your dreams and spiritual insights, as the full moon in Pisces will be in conjunction with Neptune retrograde.

Spiritual messages will be especially vivid and meaningful during this time, offering clarity and guidance on your spiritual journey. Embrace these revelations with openness and allow them to move you forward.

How the Partial Lunar Eclipse Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign:
Here’s what you can expect based on your sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign (reading for your rising sign is particularly recommended):




aries 15
Aries, this eclipse brings profound internal shifts, often when you least expect them. As the eclipse activates your twelfth house of self-undoing, it’s a time for deep reflection.

Consider how your thought patterns, subconscious responses, and emotional reactions have evolved over the past six months. Without even realizing it, you may have been handling stressors and triggers differently.

Healing is rarely a straight path, but during this eclipse, you’re likely to witness significant growth. Pay close attention to who or what influences you in the three days surrounding the eclipse.

This period will challenge you to show up for yourself, providing an opportunity to see just how far you’ve come on your journey.




Taurus, the eclipse illuminates your eleventh house of community, revealing the true intentions of those around you. It’s a time to reflect on who has entered or exited your life over the last six months.

Perhaps you've grown closer to someone who was once just an acquaintance or even a stranger, while some of your closest friends may have drifted away.

This eclipse will bring clarity, revealing who is truly aligned with your current life stage. Don’t be surprised if your relationships fluctuate during this period—it’s all part of a natural adjustment.

Trust that this process is helping you refine your circle, keeping only those who truly support your growth.





gemini 15
Gemini, the eclipse will prompt you to consider a profound question: what do you want to leave behind as your legacy?

As this event activates your tenth house of achievement and legacy, you may find yourself reflecting on your accomplishments over the past six months.

Are you proud of what you’ve achieved? Do your milestones align with how you want to be remembered?

These questions will guide you in shaping a life that reflects your true self. This eclipse offers you the chance to realign your path and purpose, setting you on course to create a legacy that resonates deeply with who you are.

Take this opportunity to lay the foundation for a future that honors your authentic self.




Life is guiding you exactly where you need to be, Cancer. The eclipse will activate your ninth house of spiritual journeys and adventures, urging you to trust the process.

Over the past six months, you’ve likely learned the importance of enjoying the journey rather than obsessing over the destination. This may have led you to live more fully in the present moment.

New perspectives and schools of thought may have encouraged you to explore your morals, spirituality, and belief systems more deeply.

Teachers or mentors, both expected and unexpected, may have shared wisdom that influenced your outlook.

As the eclipse approaches, you’ll likely feel more in tune with the flow of life. Embrace the peace that comes from accepting where life has taken you.





Leo, it’s time to take a closer look at your finances. The eclipse will trigger your eighth house of shared resources, assets, and debts, bringing financial matters to the forefront.

You’ll begin to reap the rewards (or consequences) of the financial decisions you’ve made over the past six months.

This lunar cycle may have taught you the value of financial independence. Perhaps you’ve paid off debts or taken steps to organize your finances.

On the other hand, you may have encountered some financial missteps along the way. This eclipse will shed light on what still needs attention to help you achieve long-term stability and self-sufficiency.




Virgo, remember that with the right person, you can never say or do the wrong thing. The eclipse will illuminate your seventh house of partnerships, prompting you to reflect on your relationships over the past six months.

Whether romantic, platonic, family, or professional, these connections will be tested by the energy of this eclipse.

It’s time to consider whether certain relationships are worth maintaining. If a partnership is causing more stress than it’s worth, this might be the moment to reassess and potentially let go.

However, if the bond is strong, the eclipse could inspire you to take it to the next level. Ultimately, it’s about aligning your relationships with what you truly want and need.




Is it time to get things back in order, Libra? The eclipse will push you to rethink your sixth house of daily routines, health, and work.

Over the past six months, you may have strayed from your goals. Perhaps your job search has lost momentum, or that healthy routine you once had has slipped away.

On the flip side, you might have intuitively found a new routine or diet that better supports your well-being.

Depending on how you’ve been managing your habits, the eclipse will reveal the results of either maintaining or neglecting your daily goals.

Whatever the case, use this powerful eclipse energy to refocus on the professional, personal, or health goals that matter most to you.




Scorpio, give yourself the freedom to create something beautiful. As the eclipse moves into your fifth house of joy and creation, it’s time to indulge in your passions.

Over the past six months, you may have found it difficult to carve out time for the things you love. Between work, personal responsibilities, and family demands, your hobbies may have taken a backseat.

Perhaps a creative project was left unfinished, or you postponed activities that bring you joy.

On the other hand, you may have discovered something new that truly feeds your soul—a sexual awakening, a new artistic outlet, or a personal endeavor.

As the eclipse nears, think about what brings you happiness and what steps you can take to nurture that joy moving forward.




Sagittarius, don’t dwell too long in the past. The eclipse will trigger your fourth house of home and family, stirring up feelings of nostalgia.

The last six months may have drawn your focus toward your personal life, with extra attention on family matters, spending time with loved ones, or exploring your family’s roots.

If you’ve needed time to retreat and regroup, you may have entered a period of solitude and self-reflection.

However, as this eclipse season begins, it will help you break free from this phase of reclusion.

Be prepared for unexpected changes involving your home, family, or ancestry before the cycle concludes—it may shake things up in ways you hadn’t anticipated.




There are no coincidences, Capricorn. As the eclipse stirs your third house of communication and local environment, the universe is trying to send you a message.

Over the past six months, you may have become more attuned to your immediate surroundings, noticing patterns and signs that seem to align with your life.

Whether it’s through conversations, local observations, or spontaneous thoughts, you may find that what appears coincidental is far more connected than it seems.

Perhaps you've encountered more spiritual signs close to home, like animal sightings or recurring numbers.

As the eclipse approaches, listen to your intuition. The answers you seek might be right in front of you, waiting to be uncovered.




Nourish your soul, Aquarius. The eclipse will spotlight your second house of personal possessions and values, encouraging you to reflect on your relationship with material things.

Over the past six months, your approach to finances and personal assets may have shifted. This lunar cycle may have taught you the true value of what you own—and what you’re worth.

Perhaps you’ve turned down low-paying opportunities because you recognize your own value, or you’ve redefined your attachment to material objects, fostering a more spiritual connection to your belongings.

As the eclipse draws near, expect to see the results of these changes and what you’ve invested in—financially, spiritually, and emotionally.





Discovering who you are is no easy task, Pisces. During this eclipse, your sense of self will take center stage as the Moon ignites your first house of identity.

The last six months have likely pushed you to grow, and you may have received feedback about your appearance, behavior, or the impression you make on others.

These experiences may have sparked a desire to focus on personal development and self-improvement.

Whatever has triggered this transformation, you’ve grown in many ways throughout this lunar cycle. By the time the eclipse arrives, you may find that your behavior, attitude, or outlook feels significantly different.

Take a moment to honor who you were while also leaving space for the person you’re still becoming.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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