January 2023 Full Wolf Moon Will Be Challenging for These 4 Zodiac Signs

Prepare yourself for a time of intense feelings on January 6-7th. The year gets off to a rousing start as its first significant lunation arrives in the midst of the chaotic retrogrades of Mercury and Mars.

Because of the cosmic tension, this lunation is going to be even more difficult for us to navigate in terms of our feelings, and it is going to hit some of us very hard, adding another layer to the confusion.

It's possible that you could experience feelings of emotional exhaustion or confusion if you are born under the zodiac signs that are most likely to be affected by the Full Wolf Moon of January 2023.

Since the Capricorn season places an emphasis on materialism, productivity, and setting goals, it's probably been a while since you allowed your emotions to take control of the situation.

It is important to be able to make decisions based on logic in many aspects of life; however, it is also essential to make decisions based on what gives you positive feelings on an emotional level.



Full Moons Are More than the End of a Lunar Cycle

Full Moons are a symbol of completion, liberation, and endings. It bestows supportive and nurturing energy, particularly for the signs that will be the most affected by the lunar chaos.

Cancer casts a spotlight on our capacity for empathy as well as our feelings and psychic abilities. Combined with the retrogrades, those who are most influenced by this lunation may experience glimpses of the past, including feelings that have been bottled up, the reemergence of old problems, and even former partners.

Since Full Moons have a tendency to reveal things that were previously concealed from view, it will be impossible to ignore the desire for emotional comfort and security.

Cancer, the cardinal water sign, is a sign that craves familiarity as it is easier to be vulnerable when you are somewhere you have been before.

Because of this, you will be much less likely to take risks on this day and during this new period, and instead, you will be much more inclined to play it safe, particularly if you are one of the 4 signs mostly affected.



What's a Full Wolf Moon?

A “Wolf Moon” refers to nothing more than the moment when the Moon is at its greatest distance from the Earth.

This lunation, which is also known as a “micromoon,” may appear to be smaller due to the distance between Earth and the Moon, although the difference may be difficult to see with the naked eye.

The name “Wolf Moon” originates from the fact that during this time of year, we would hear more wolves howling more often.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will be encouraged to take the necessary steps to fulfill their needs, despite the fact that their needs may appear to be irrational.



When is the Full Wolf Moon?

The Moon was visible in the sky at 16 degrees Cancer on January 6, 2023 at 5:07 p.m. EST and at 00:09 a.m. CEST. This Full Moon will be opposite Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, bringing disparity to the forefront when it comes to using common sense rather than following your instincts.

Due to the fact that Mercury is currently in retrograde, decisions that appear to be logical may not be what they appear to be. You should trust yourself rather than accept what is conventionally considered to be correct.

Following your instincts will prove to be a useful tool, and in many cases, it will be even more reliable than adhering to traditional rules.

If you are one of the signs that will feel the effects of this lunation the most strongly, it may be easy for you to get overwhelmed by the turbulent energy right now.




Aries 1

It's time for you to take it easy, Aries. You will be asked to take a more in-depth look at the ways in which your family provides you with safety, comfort, and support as the Full Moon visited your fourth house of family.

It will be a wonderful day to spend time at home surrounded by people who make you feel at ease, whether you choose to spend the day in bed watching movies that you enjoyed when you were a kid or you choose to cook family recipes with a parent.

This Full Moon will serve as a gentle but necessary nudge to remind you to take things more slowly and put your own needs first.

This lunation may also assist you in concentrating on the activities that are taking place in your private life. Have you recently moved, or rearranged your furniture, or are you working on a significant personal project?

The energy of Cancer will shed light on all of these issues to be dealt with, even though they may appear to be confusing. Because the planet that rules your sign is still in retrograde, you are likely to experience frustration regarding the work-life balance.

The focus now should be on processing and understanding the information rather than moving quickly.




Cancer 1

Cancer, your first house of identity and self-expression is illuminated by the Full Moon, bringing more attention to your desire to fulfill your own needs.

Because the Moon is your ruling “planet”, you are likely to feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly, but in a positive way.

It's a good time to do some introspection and figure out how you really feel about things. Nobody can take care of you quite as you can, and right now is the ideal time to put your needs at the top of your priorities.

Because this lunation is taking place in your house of home, you are going to experience an increase in the intensity of your feelings.

Have you been experiencing feelings of lethargy or disorientation? You will also be asked by the Full Moon to let go of anything in your life that does not allow you to feel like your true self.

You will also be thinking a lot about individual relationships and in particular, the manner in which your needs are met (or not met). For this new period, the release will be important for a future new beginning.




Libra 1

Libra, the spotlight is on you, and the intensity of the pressure is about to increase. The primary focus for you during this Full Moon will be on the ways in which you form relationships and connections with other people through your work.

This lunation will shed light on all matters pertaining to your professional life, including the ways in which your job affects your family life and vice versa.

What are some bad habits that you have that have caused problems for you at work? This will be a good time to look at how your history has influenced the path that your career has taken and figure out what you can do to make things better.

You will also be asked to address your need for emotional comfort and security in your career and professional life. 

This will be the perfect time for you to think about how you can make your workplace more secure, comfortable, and serene.

It is essential that you find emotional satisfaction in the work that you do, and the current Full Moon serves as a powerful reminder to not accept anything less.




Capricorn 1

Capricorn, your seventh house of romantic relationships and partnerships was illuminated by the Full Moon, it put an emphasis on the significance of maintaining emotional safety and security within your partnerships and romantic relationships.

In spite of the fact that you give off the impression of being a calm and collected person, the fact that you crave vulnerability and tenderness from other people compels you to let your guard down.

Capricorn, today is a good day to show that special someone how much they mean to you by not being afraid to let them in. First, you need to determine whether or not they make you feel secure and at ease.

During this phase, the Full Moon will have an effect on your close relationships, and as a result, it will be essential for you to pay attention to, and exercise patience with, those around you. Consider that Mercury is also retrograde during this time.

Take care of your relationships and make an effort to spend more time with the people you love.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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