Mercury Retrograde In Virgo 2023 Will Take These 4 Zodiac Signs On A Wild Ride

If you are already feeling exhausted and disoriented, as if you are not quite yourself, there is a good chance that Mercury is currently in retrograde and the cause of these feelings.

It can be difficult for your brain to function normally when the planet of communication and cognition appears to be spinning in the opposite direction from our perspective on earth. This can be mentally taxing.

Although the classic symptoms of this period affect everyone, it is essential to examine how Mercury retrograde will affect each sign of the zodiac from August to September 2023 in order to gain a deeper perspective of the specific impact that it will have on you.

Even though Mercury being in retrograde isn't a particularly pleasant experience for most people, it's important to remember that nothing terrible will happen during this time.

Due to the fact that it only takes place three to four times per year on average, Mercury retrograde is not only a common occurrence for you, but it is also an essential component of your yearly excursion through the solar system.

This period of about three weeks has the unique property of bringing to the surface conflicts from the past that have not been resolved, particularly if conversations that have remained unresolved require revision.

Since Mercury appears to be moving backward through the zodiac, this phenomenon calls attention to issues that have not yet been resolved and present an opportunity for people to get together and let go of the burdens of the past.

The following description applies to those born under these four signs during the Mercury retrograde period, depending on your Sun sign, Rising sign, and/or Mercury sign:






In 2023, when Mercury will be in retrograde, you, Taurus, should be prepared for some exciting twists and turns. In spite of the fact that this time period might appear to be difficult and perplexing to you, it still has the potential to end up being quite intriguing and even enticing for you.

The beginning of this phenomenon will take place on August 23 in your fifth house, which is in charge of your pleasure, creativity, and passion. You can anticipate shifts in both your romantic and creative lives.

The initial effect of this Mercury retrograde could bring some tension into your current relationship, or it could make you feel as though your creative potential is being suffocated. On the other hand, you shouldn't be too shocked if an old flame comes back into your life.

The possibility exists that this encounter will reawaken dormant sentiments and feelings within you, thereby facilitating the development of fresh romantic possibilities.

This time frame may also be favorable for picking up a creative project where you left off at a previous point in time. It's possible that you'll get the motivation to pick up where you left off, but with renewed vigor and a fresh perspective.

It's possible that on September 15, when Mercury resumes its direct course, you'll experience a surge of creative energy. The concepts that have motivated you over the course of the past month will start to materialize before your eyes.

You could even feel like you're ready to try out brand-new romantic experiences or reignite the flame of romance in your existing relationship.

It doesn't matter what happens, you shouldn't be afraid of this Mercury retrograde period because it will bring with it some experiences that will touch your heart that are uplifting and revitalizing.

It's important to maintain an open mind and seize the opportunities that come your way, as doing so could have a positive effect on both your romantic and creative lives.





Get ready, Virgo, because the upcoming retrograde of Mercury is perfectly timed to coincide with your sign. Your first house, which represents who you are and how you see yourself, is where Mercury will begin its retrograde motion on August 23, 2023 and it will remain there until September 8.

Be prepared for a period of deep introspection that may result in a fundamental reevaluation of who you are as a person.

During this time, you are encouraged to delve deeply within yourself and investigate fundamental questions.

It is time to get back in touch with the core of your personality, the part of you that is sometimes buried alive out of a desire to appease other people or fulfill the requirements of other people.

During Mercury's current retrograde phase, you are being encouraged to rediscover the person you have always been but may have temporarily set aside in order to accommodate the requirements of others.

When Mercury resumes its direct course on September 15, you may feel like a completely different person, or at the very least, a more genuine version of yourself. This is because Mercury rules communication and expression. Make the most of this opportunity to investigate the world within yourself.

It's possible that you'll experience less pressure to express yourself to other people and a greater propensity to have meaningful conversations with yourself instead.

This is a valuable opportunity for you to give voice to the thoughts that have been going through your head. This time in your life may help you accept your authentic self and break free from the constraints that others place on you.

Therefore, with the knowledge that this experience of Mercury in retrograde could lead you to a better understanding of who you are, you should dive into yourself with confidence and curiosity.





Do you get the impression that there is an odd vibe in the air, Scorpio? If this is the case, there is no need for alarm because the impending retrograde of Mercury could be the cause of this sensation.

Your 11th house, which governs your connections with other people and friendships, will be affected by Mercury's retrograde motion beginning on August 23, 2023.

Even in social gatherings where you've just arrived, you might get the impression that you don't belong there. If you feel as though you and your circle of friends are at odds with one another, now may be the time to communicate openly and dive deeper in order to clear up any confusion that may exist.

However, the effects of this influence will not necessarily be confined to issues that arise within your existing group of friends. It may also signify the possibility of rekindling relationships with former coworkers, acquaintances, or teammates with whom you had previously lost contact.

It's possible that these people can teach you something, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of teamwork.

Due to the fact that the 11th house is also associated with your aspirations and ideals, now may be an excellent time to reassess your vision for the future and determine what you would like it to be like.

On September 15, Mercury will resume its direct course, giving you the opportunity to adopt a more constructive and wholesome attitude toward your contemporaries.

This decision may require you to cut ties with some people in your life who are no longer compatible with where you are in your life's journey; however, it may also clear the way for you to make room in your life for new people to enter.

Take advantage of this opportunity to think about the people in your life who are actually rooting for you to achieve the future you envision for yourself.





Pisces, you'll soon be delving deeply into the world of interpersonal connections. Because Mercury will begin to retrograde in your seventh house on August 23, 2023, you will soon enter a time of reflection because this is the house that governs your relationships with others.

This phase may rekindle memories of past heartbreak and disappointment in your relationships, but this is only so that you can measure how far you have come since then.

The purpose of this phase is to allow you to measure how much further you have come since then. Pisces, you have made significant strides toward recovery, and it is time to give yourself credit for your accomplishments.

You have come to the realization that you do not require the presence of another person in order to feel complete. When two people come together because they are inspired to do so rather than because they feel constrained to do so, a healthy relationship is the result.

Pisces, the responsibility for your contribution is on your shoulders.

When Mercury resumes its direct course on September 15, it will be easier to find solutions to any communication problems you may be having with your loved ones, business partners, or allies.

You will have a greater capacity to accept certain relationships that you are prepared to move on from, while simultaneously being open to the possibility of restarting relationships that feel like they are a good fit for you.

Make the most of this opportunity by conducting an honest and thoughtful analysis of your relationships and by taking steps that are reflective of your own progress and sense of accomplishment.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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