Sapiosexuality: These 4 Zodiac Signs Are Attracted To Intelligence

Someone who finds another person's mind to be their most attractive feature, above and beyond their physical ones. is what we call a sapiosexual.

For many, identifying as sapiosexual is also a protest against the current relationship culture which places physical attractiveness above all.

More and more people are starting to believe that intelligence is the most attractive quality. Everyone wants an intelligent partner with whom to share their lives.

Physical intimacy is not as important to them as the opportunity for interesting interactions and constant learning of new things.

A person who is well-versed in the modern world's cutting-edge technologies and investments stands a much better chance of achieving financial success than most people.

Sapiosexuality is another stage of human development. Psychologists have identified two primary factors that are primarily responsible for the spread of sapiosexuality:

The Biological factor

The reason the modern sapiosexual is attracted to intelligent men is that she is, unconsciously, looking for someone who is good enough o be her children's father.

Today's men don't have to fight mammoths as they did long ago. Being intelligent enough to provide for the family is more important.

The Psychological factor

Today, almost every man is well-groomed and well-dressed, with a modern hairstyle, a well-kept beard, and well-developed muscles.

However, for today's women, this is not enough. Give them a high level of intelligence instead of huge muscles, and watch them flourish.

Some zodiac signs are also more inclined to look for intelligence when it comes to finding a romantic partner.

These signs value deep conversations, new opportunities, and a diverse outlook on life. They believe that intelligence is more important than any other physical trait, and they are looking for a partner with whom they can share a deep intellectual connection.




Virgo 1

Unquestionably the biggest nerd in the zodiac, Virgo loves educating their partner. All Virgos are insatiably curious and strive to learn as much as they can. They won't always be willing to learn everything, though.

Only the things that grab their attention and pique their interest. Once they focus on something and start learning, it doesn't take much for them to become an expert on that subject.

This intelligence extends beyond scholarly understanding. Virgo will therefore excel in whatever she chooses to focus on. She will be the greatest dancer the world has ever seen if she chooses to dance.

Their motto is “all or nothing.” They will put forth their best effort to excel at everything, even their hobbies.

Virgos carefully select their partners based on their aptitude for learning and general education. The person you choose as your partner must be at least as successful as you Virgo.

An ideal partner for Virgo would be someone who is a college classmate or a work partner, but just a plain, handsome guy with no consistency in his work ethic will not impress this grounded and witty zodiac sign.




Capricorn 1

The diligent worker of the zodiac, Capricorn is inspired by those with sharp minds. When it comes to certain tasks, Capricorns give their all. They consistently show professionalism, sophistication, and organization.

They value people who work just as hard as they do when looking for a partner, but they don't want their partner to be noticeably more successful than they are.

They love it when a person pushes them intellectually by asking them certain questions about serious and complicated concepts.

They are very happy when they can learn new skills from their partner that they would never have learned themselves before.

They also enjoy hearing that their smart partner hasn't always had it so easy and that someone gave up a lot of their life to get where they are.




Gemini 1

Gemini is renowned for being the most communicative, but their communication must be of value. They have a special and creative spirit that can only be encouraged by an eccentric and gregarious partner.

They love a heated discussion on a fascinating subject about which they are extremely knowledgeable. Geminis are experts at using facts to argue their points, and they enjoy doing so.

Additionally, they love intelligent, hardworking partners because they greatly value the support they provide.

A supportive and aspirational partner would be the ideal match for them because they occasionally need to be reminded that they are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to.

They place a high value on personal growth, which means that their partner must also pursue personal development.




Mysterious Scorpio enjoys revealing to others the depths and complexity of his mind. Scorpios are passionate, self-aware individuals.

They are aware of their feelings and their own goals, and as a result, they are aware of the amount of time and effort needed to fully realize those them.

It is impossible to lie to a Scorpio because they have a keen understanding of human nature and always know what others' true motivations are.

They need to be offered something unique and some sort of intellectual stimulation, which they don't get very often, in order to be romantically attracted to someone.

Their partners need to have a deeper and more open approach so that they can fully develop in front of them.

Thus, their shared intellect serves as the foundation for their romantic relationship.

So the intellectual connection actually gives them a basis for a romantic bond.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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