Scorpio Season 2022: Radical Change Is Coming For 3 Zodiac Signs

Scorpio season started on October 23 and ends on November 22. This Scorpio energy is deeply transformative and invites zodiac signs to look inward and confront their pent-up emotions.

Mercury confronted Pluto on October 27 and has since pushed the signs of the zodiac to put their ideas at the service of their projects. Furthermore, these placements of the stars will affect us in a negative way.

By the end of October, we will have significantly changed our lives. But these transformations will not be favorable to a few zodiac signs. During this Scorpio season, these signs must work on their shadow side.

Moreover, with the Eclipse of October 25 in Scorpio, they will wipe out their past and enter a new six-month cycle. They will have to face their fears and trust the unknown.

On October 27, Mercury confronted Pluto and intensified their reflections and exchanges with others. They will question everything and embark on an introspection.




Aries may face their own fears during this Scorpio season and the Eclipse in this Water sign. They will have difficulty setting boundaries at work or with others.

They work hard to earn a living and to have a better relationship with their partner. However, they could encounter conflicts, problems, or quarrels which will take Aries out of their usual trajectory.

They will go through a very dark period that will push them to radically change their lives. They will have to change jobs and move so as not to communicate with people who are toxic to them.

This period will invite them to become aware of certain problems, their sufferings, and their dramas to finally move on and move forward. Scorpio accompanies Aries through the dark and uncertain tunnel to a new state of mind.

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Aquarius will also experience unfortunate moments during this Scorpio season. They will experience significant negative changes which they will find difficult to survive.

They will embark on an introspection that will make them question everything and want to implement changes in their lives. Aquarians will be prone to changing jobs and changing career paths.

This transition will be very difficult because they will experience a long period of unemployment and could encounter financial difficulties.

People born under this air sign will be ready to reconvert professionally by putting aside their passion in order to widen their field of action. These changes will upset them because it is not at all what they had planned in their life.





Pisces will also go through a rather difficult period during this new cycle. They will be impacted by the transformative energy of Scorpio and will want to radically change their lives.

People born under this water sign will want to gain self-confidence by taking up sports and following a balanced diet. They will move towards more natural solutions in order to live a healthier life.

Professionally, they may experience a 180-degree turn that will lead them to make new choices and important decisions. These changes will be very difficult for Pisceans who do not like to change their routine too much. They will be terrified of these new things and will have difficulty adapting to these changes.

Recommended: These 5 Zodiac Signs Are Likely To Experience A Complicated But Promising November 2022.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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