Scorpio Season 2022 Will Be Best for These 3 Zodiac Signs

The Sun entering Scorpio on October 24 means one thing: the start of the Scorpio season! And that's not all, on October 25, a New Moon in Scorpio will push you to emotional introspection, while a partial Solar Eclipse on the same day will invite you to rediscover your inner self.

Either way, there will be more positives than negatives during this time, and three zodiac signs will have a chance to stand out before October comes to an end. Who are they?

The stars don't lie: something big is about to happen before the end of this month. If you are one of these astrological signs, take a deep breath and discover what fate has in store for you!

Are you ready for an intense Scorpio season? The second half of October will be loaded with astral movements and large-scale planetary events. On October 24, Venus and the Sun move in Scorpio, a sign of secrecy and resurrection, it's an important time to evolve and move forward.

Saturn continues its retrograde in Aquarius until October 22, thus bringing many surprises. So, if you are one of these zodiac signs, go all the way and expect to receive gifts from fate!



Gemini 5

Gemini, you are advised to follow your instincts during this time, so don't let anything get in the way of your desires and dreams. The October 25 New Moon will energize and drive your passions in ways you never expected.

Regarding your professional life, you experience an exceptional synergy that allows you to restore your reputation and strengthen your communication skills.

Remember, you choose the energy you surround yourself with, so if being part of a particular team or association doesn't fit your goals, it may be time to move on.

Recommended: What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Change In 2023 To Progress.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius, on October 22, Saturn will be in your sign, which will allow you to solidify and further structure several aspects of your life, including your work, your routine, and your health.

The stars have already invited you to review and revise your habits, but during this second half of October, you will feel the need to take back the reins on the areas in which you used to devote less time.

As a production-oriented sign, the stars have some nice surprises in store for you but don't try to take on too much responsibility.

The partial Solar Eclipse will make you want to express yourself creatively and thoroughly, so take this chance to get what you've been dreaming of for a long time.




Scorpio 5

Scorpio, your batteries are finally recharging. The new season kicks off in your sign on October 24, and all other signs would like to feel as mysterious, indomitable, and enigmatic as you.

As a Water sign who tends to be a bit reserved and is used to working in the shadows, out of sight, you may feel uncomfortable with all this attention that fate is giving you, but it won't last for too long.

Allow your passion and resilience to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You also deserve your moment of glory to radiate and shine in the night sky.

Recommended: The Partial Eclipse on October 25 Brings Great News For These 3 Zodiac Signs.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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