Spiritual Meaning and Astrology of the Full Moon on February 5, 2023

The Full Moon in Leo on February 5, 2023 is going to square off with Uranus. This Full Moon is all about self-awareness, open-mindedness, and flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes.

It will have a particularly difficult influence on intimate relationships. Uranus creates emotional detachment and a strong need for independence.

Venus square Mars just 15 hours before the Full Moon is the aspect most associated with sexual tension and love feuds.



Full Moon Astrology

On Sunday, February 5, 2023, the Full Moon will be at 16°40′ Leo. A T-square aspect pattern is a triangle pattern that is formed as a result. Additionally activated are the fixed stars during the Full Moon on February 5.

During the next two weeks of this Moon phase, the Sun will be opposite the Moon, which will shed light on your home life, family life, and intimate relationships.

Tensions and pressures can arise on the inside and outside of a person as a result of opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you desire.

At the time of a Full Moon, the lunar energies of emotions and instincts are at their strongest. so that you can tap into your greatest emotional strength and your intuition to navigate the challenges presented by your relationships.

Your subconscious awareness enables you to take an open and objective look at the relationships in your life. You will recognize any relationship dynamics or negative feelings that are causing discord.



Change of Uranus

Full Moon square Uranus is responsible for the production of highly charged electrical energy, which can take the form of unexpected and sudden shifts, excitement, and unusual occurrences.

This aspect contributes to a feeling of insecurity and a need for stimulation. This can result in rapid mood swings, emotional outbursts, and odd behavior.

Waiting for something new to happen can cause agitation and nervousness in a person. However, if there is no excitement or stimulation in your life, you are likely to become easily distracted and bored.

Your instincts and reflexes might be powerful and quick, but they aren't very precise. Because of this, it is essential to avoid attempting to force change or acting on impulse. The risk of confrontation, anarchy, and accidents will increase if careless actions are taken.

Relationship issues can be caused by a number of factors, including emotional distancing, an unwillingness to fully commit, and an intense desire for independence.

Patience and sensitivity are essential traits, but when faced with emotionally taxing circumstances, your initial reaction may be to resist or flee the situation.

Even though temper tantrums are challenging, at least the situation will be resolved, and peace will return as soon as possible.

Venus square Mars increases the likelihood of relationship conflict. To your good fortune, this feature also grants you the ability to maintain an attitude that is open enough to allow you to experiment and rapidly alter your strategy.

Uranus, like Neptune, adopts an approach that is equal parts humanistic and scientific. When trying to find a solution to a problem, it can be helpful to look back on events or examine things objectively.



Success with the T-square aspect

The Sun, the Moon, and Uranus come together to make a pattern that looks like a T-shaped square. The transits of your life are brimming with the kinetic energy that you can channel into your work, your actions, and the accomplishment of your objectives.

Energy is stored and bottled up in the opposition and discharged along the two squares to the apex of the triangle, Uranus.

The T-square characteristics make you very active, but they also have the potential to cause you to “act first, think later” rather than the other way around.

Work is carried out in a manner that is both continuous and progressive. A T-square can cripple energy transfer.

This results in rigid states of consciousness in which the individual is unable to change and continues to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Therefore, you need to finish your work as quickly and effectively as possible. You can come back to work with renewed vigor and energy after taking a short or long break.

You can put in an insane amount of work with the help of a T-square, and then when you're ready, you can move on to the next job with increased confidence and in a very dynamic manner.



Full Moon Constellations

The Full Moon that occurs in February 2023 takes place precisely in the middle of Leo. On the other hand, it actually can be found between the constellations Cancer and Leo.

There is a mismatch between the signs and the constellations. The Constellations have moved away from the Signs by nearly 30 degrees over the course of the past 2,000 years.

The zodiac was initially developed as a measuring device. When it comes to interpretation, I follow in the footsteps of the first astrologers and rely on constellations and fixed stars rather than signs.

The degree of the zodiac that corresponds to the closest fixed star is not shown; this star can be found in the northern part of the constellation Draco, the Dragon.



The Dragon and the Lion

The traditional name for Kappa Draconis is Ketu, which literally translates to “tail of the dragon.” According to the lunar cycle used in Vedic and Hindu astrology, this refers to the South Node.

He is given the name Shaowei in Chinese astrology, which literally translates to second chief judge. There are similarities between the stars of Draco and the Lion's Head just like Mars and Saturn: bold, cruel, heartless, adulterous, criminal, liar, loss of property, poverty, and few friends.

An analytical mind, a lot of travel, and lots of friends, but a danger of theft and accidental poisoning are characteristics associated with the constellation Draco the Dragon.

The rise to power or demise of kings and queens especially, assassinations, uprisings, and massacres, as well as currency and the stock market, the Vatican, and the European Union, are all associated with the constellation Leo.



Cetus the Sea Monster

Active mind, artistic, scientific, and mystical interest, and ability, opposite sex troubles, loss by fire and false friends, alternating luck and misfortune, and serious injuries caused by animals are what Uranus conjunct fixed star Menkar influences.

Disease, disgrace, ruin, injury to animals, and financial loss are all things that Menkar causes. This star has a Saturnian character, which corresponds to difficulties of any kind, worries, and tests of endurance; in some people, it toughens the individual.

Constellation Cetus the Sea Monster is responsible for sloth and idleness, but it also gives people an emotional and charitable nature as well as the ability to command, particularly during times of conflict.

It helps find lost property while also making people kinder, more careful, and happier on land and at sea.



Spiritual Meaning of the Full Moon February 2023

Uranus has the most influence on the Full Moon of February 2023. This planet, along with some aspects, generates an energy that is both incredibly dynamic and highly charged.

The tension that is caused by the Sun's opposition to the Moon is channeled towards Uranus by means of the T-square. A lack of self-awareness, stubbornness, or an unwillingness to change and adapt could lead to upsetting changes, accidents, or mistakes.

The likelihood of unfavorable events is increased when the Full Moon and Uranus combine to activate fixed stars. The Full Moon will have a particularly profound impact on personal connections, particularly romantic partnerships.

The Sun opposite the Moon shines a spotlight on the dynamics of close personal relationships. Due to the square between the Full Moon and Uranus, there is an increased need for autonomy and emotional detachment.

Venus square Mars is responsible for creating sexual as well as competitive tension. And Menkar, the conjunct fixed star with which Uranus is associated, is associated with matters pertaining to the opposite sex.

However, if you are self-aware, have an open mind, and are flexible, you will be able to take advantage of exciting opportunities and accomplish remarkable things.

Science, computers, the internet, technology, alternative energy, invention, innovation, artificial intelligence, air travel, and space travel are some of the promising fields that are ruled by Uranus.

In addition, occult topics such as astrology and prophecy, as well as issues concerning humanity, society, and the environment.

Last but not least, the fixed stars, along with Uranus at the top of the T-square, portend the possibility of uprisings, assassinations, and the establishment or removal of authoritative figures.

The financial and stock markets, the European Union and the Vatican (Leo), China (Draco), and ships, especially submarines (Cetus), could be adversely affected by unforeseen events, accidents, and instability (Uranus).



Full Moon Times and Dates

New York – February 5, 1:28 p.m.
Quebec – February 5, 12:28 p.m.
London – February 5, 6:28 p.m.
Paris – February 5, 7:28 p.m.
Brussels – February 5, 8:58 p.m.
Sydney – February 6, 6:28 a.m.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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