The 4 Most Opportunistic Zodiac Signs

While some zodiac signs are candid and may tend to be hurt in return, others are several steps ahead. Some are the most opportunistic and would be more likely to turn situations in their favor.

According to astrologers, certain zodiac profiles are more likely to see life as a game of chess where they are the kings.

They could tend to influence or even manipulate people or take advantage of situations to win the game.

While some zodiac signs pass up opportunities, some create them from scratch. And for good reason, they are inclined to be opportunistic and discerning about what they might win and miss.

They tend to want to make the most of every situation and may chase success, popularity or money and may deploy all their physical and mental resources to do so.

They often feel they are missing out and may tend to be greedy and covetous for no apparent reason. Because of this attitude, they risk losing friends or arousing mistrust.

They would benefit from letting go and allowing what they want to come to them while putting in the effort necessary to achieve their goals.




Libra 5

This air sign tends to have the defects of its qualities: its diplomacy and its pacifist side. For this reason, they may wish to please everyone so as not to miss any opportunities.

This may concern their personal life, but also their professional life, where they seem to speak in accordance with each of their colleagues' interests.

He will be able to make the most of a conflict by acting as an intermediary. Libra is inclined to use concrete arguments to support his opinions and this will often be successful.




Gemini 5

This sign known for its charming and somewhat capricious side can give in to the sirens of opportunism easily. Geminis will tend to put their own interests first, sometimes at the expense of others.

They will be able to develop tricks to get what they want and influence someone they want to seduce.

Geminis are decidedly versatile and can throw others off balance with their mood swings, which they may sometimes feign.




Virgo 5

Virgo known for her pragmatic and wise character will tend to be particularly calculating in herprofessional sphere.

And for good reason, her will to succeed prevails and she deploys necessary rigor to climb the social ladder.

To achieve her aspirations, she will tend to be a good listener and be discreet.

“The end justifies the means” seems to be Virgo's motto who has no qualms about getting her own way at the expense of her colleagues.




Scorpio 5

This water is known for his perseverance and determination and will sometimes be able to use his abilities for misleading ends.

And for good reason, who better to hold a grudge against someone who has stepped on their toes than a Scorpio?

Only he will never show it and will keep his seductive mask on until his opponent is more vulnerable than ever.

His tendency to take advantage of any circumstance will lead him to rise to unexpected heights.

A competitor with a strong sense of leadership will be able to succeed in whatever he undertakes thanks to his composure.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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