The Different Stages You Go Through Life, According to Your Zodiac Sign

One interesting fact about astrology is that the traditional zodiac signs actually represent the first step, the first stage, in your evolution.

Few people know that this is only the beginning. As life progresses, these stages change. Although you always carry your former self within, you will eventually become less in touch with it.

Therefore, when you inevitably attract new stimuli, you change. These are the different stages that each zodiac sign goes through. Read on to discover what you should expect:



Stages of Aries: Ram, Shepherd, Sun Reborn

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This is the symbol that represents this zodiac sign, and everyone is familiar with it. People who are born under its influence are conquerors and warriors.

The ram is considered to be a sacred symbol for many gods. It represents potential. The ram is a hidden fire within that keeps burning.

However, as they mature, they come to the conclusion that they are fighting too many battles. And to make matters worse, not every battle has a happy ending.

They have suffered a lot of setbacks as a result of their reckless and irresponsible behavior.Therefore, at some point in their lives, they see the loss. Therefore, they become…



When they first become aware of the truth, they understand that engaging in heated debate is a waste of time.

Your consciousness develops and grows. They see what a shepherd sees, a never-ending struggle called life.

After that, they become themselves. A defining moment in the course of their lives. But this is not a simple task.

You have to understand that a shepherd spends much of his time alone. He lives a secluded life. At this point, Aries needs time.

It is not in their anger that they have their full potential; rather, it is in their passion. After that, they turn their fire into…


Sun reborn

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries. Why? Because nature rises again after the death of winter.

This represents Aries in ancient Egyptian culture. The Sun reborn represents the death or deaths that a person needs to go through in order to realize their true potential.

Once you let go of pain, grief, and anger, you will be reborn with this final stage of Aries.



Stages of Taurus: Bull, Minotaur, Demigod

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The animal that represents this sign is a bull. But what does this symbol actually mean when it comes to occultism?

You have likely learned about the bull's sacred status in a number of different religions (Egyptian, Indian, Greek).

As a result, the bull came to represent the possibilities that nature offered. Spring is here and it's fierce

The perspective of a bull on the world is that there is only one way to go, and that is forward.

However, because they are unable to consider any other options, they often run into walls. These are the challenges that a Taurus is predisposed to break through and not overcome.

They slowly come to the realization that they are unable to exert their dominance over other individuals. Gradually, they realize that they cannot assert their dominance over others. Then they become…



This legendary creature, which is half-human and has the head of a bull, is the personification of our instinctive passions, which we often find to be incompatible with human nature.

Shame is a dangerous enemy. Therefore, the Minotaur, haunted by shame and regret, is more persistent.

After that, they're lost in a labyrinth. This beast lies in the dark chambers of a labyrinth and guarded it.

At this point in their lives, therefore, they are angry, more stubborn than before, and are lost in the darkness.

When this happens, hope is lost for Taurus, and it isn't until later that they realize they are where they are because of their own free will.

This is the moment when all this power illuminates their mind, the labyrinth breaks open and they become the…



They become truly divine. As soon as they become aware of the power that their spirit possesses, they are able to channel it and perform miracles.

When a Taurus reaches this stage in their life, they come to terms with their power and are able to break free from the limitations of the physical world.

But despite this, they continue to perform miracles here on earth, while enjoying contentment and beauty, without guilt.



Stages of Gemini: Gemini, Ship, Stars

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The first stage of a Gemini's life is marked by an insatiable appetite for new adventures and an eagerness to learn new things.

Because of this, they are always looking for new things to stimulate them, and as they get older, they participate in a wide variety of activities, apply many theories, and work in a variety of fields, as if they feel that there is not enough time.

Nonetheless, at some point, they come to the conclusion that there is a void within their hearts. This is something that develops after an early-life tragedy. Therefore, they become the…



According to the legend of the twins, the twin brothers joined the magical search for an amazing treasure.

As a result, this represents the Gemini stage in which they have become dissatisfied with their way of life and are looking for the ultimate truth.

However, in the end, this quest may leave them feeling isolated and disappointed. As a result, most Geminis progress back to the first stage.

However, when they let go of this disappointment, they become…



This is their last stage. They come to terms with their failures and let go of the pain they feel in order to move forward, expanding their consciousness and becoming a true source of light.

They end up becoming stars!



Stages of Cancer: Crab, Hydra, Peacock

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This is the symbol that everyone recognizes. A sea creature, representing the “watery” nature of this zodiac sign.

Because of the intensity of their feelings, they do not always “move” in a manner that is consistent with logic, just as the crab does not move in a straight line.

Because the ocean is always changing, Cancer's heart beats differently depending on the stimuli that are in their environment.

However, there are times when Cancer's strong exterior (devotion and loyalty) is shattered by cruelty and betrayal. Then they become the…



You may recall that Hydras are sea creatures. They represent the blind rage of Cancer. If you remove one head of the hydra, then two more will grow in its place.

The sad reality is that this demonstrates that when they are feeling broken, they are capable of terrible things.

Attempting to stop them is analogous to trying to stop a massive wave in the ocean. It serves no purpose.

This is a very common stage. As soon as they realize that people, like the ocean, are huge, they undergo a transformation.

While some are honest and faithful, others are malicious and hurtful. Then their faith is restored and they become…



This is the sacred symbol of Hera, Queen of the Gods and Great Mother. At this stage, everyone worships them.

Even though they are not trying to draw attention to themselves, their actions do so anyway. They are a walking embodiment of grace and blessing.



Stages of Leo: Lion, Warrior, King

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In the first stage, a typical lion feels it will one day rule the jungle. As if they were the rightful owners of the world that they had inherited from the divine powers.

The lion is a strong, loyal, and passionate animal. However, at some point in his life, the legitimacy of his authority is questioned, and after that, everything goes wrong.

Their hearts are filled with rage whenever they feel someone else can outdo them. After that, they become…



At this stage, their efforts are focused on demonstrating that they are worthy. However, worthy of what exactly? What are they fighting for?

They devote a significant portion of their lives to serving as brave soldiers in a conflict that they didn't choose.

They let themselves become distracted by goals that are impossible to achieve and waste their energy on pointless activities and arguments.

In all honesty, they are terrified of time. They are vulnerable to the passage of time because it may cause their beauty to fade.

They become haughty and vain. But once they understand that the power derives from the bright spirit that they possess, they become the…



They know at this point a lion is the king of the jungle. However, they are so much more than that. At this stage, they realize their royal self.

An immortal spirit who rules over the world with unending brilliance. They are overflowing with love and understanding.



Stages for Virgo: Virgin, Dark virgin, Queen

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During the very first phase of her life, Virgo is the young Persephone; she is a virgin goddess who is having fun and discovering her potential.

Innocent, brilliant, and graceful, Virgo's journey through this realm is one of self-discovery, during which she searches for the truth.

However, at some point in Virgo's life, when Persephone s kidnapped, Virgo is forced to travel to the underworld….


Dark virgin

Virgo feels terrified and sad at this stage. Even if they can't see it, they are harboring a significant amount of melancholy in their hearts.

But what does all of this mean? Most of the time, they justify their sadness by claiming that they need to get their minds sin order.

At this stage of their lives, they are lost in the darkness of their underworld. Depression affects a many Virgos for an extended period of time.

On the other hand, if they are successful in forgiving and accepting the world in its current state, just like Persephone, then she will marry Hades, the god of the underworld, and she will become…



At this stage, Virgo is open to any and all possibilities. They acknowledge the reality of the world, which is that there is both light and darkness, and they rule over both thanks to their clarity. As a result, they are whole.



Stages of Libra: Scale, Blindfold, Sword

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The scales of Themis, the Greek goddess of justice, is Libra's first life stage. It always tries to see all options, listen to all opinions, and take all possible advice.

Because of this, they give off the impression of being indecisive and dependent on other people.

What others see as a lack of courage is actually a very effective procedure when they try to evaluate all options and be fair and just.

However, given that they are unable to move forward in their lives in this manner, they will…



They are furious and dissatisfied, and they have lost the desire to be just as a result of their energy is depleted.

Because of this, the decisions they make are unnatural. They end up feeling sorry for themselves as a result. Hence the blindfold (of Themis).

They no longer look to virtue as their guide. As soon as they realize that it is normal for people to make mistakes, but that it is critical to listen to one's gut and heart, they will…



The sword is a symbol of power and the ability to make the correct choices. At this stage, they are invincible, and their mind and will are perfectly in sync. What you believe will become your reality.



Stages of Scorpio: Scorpion, Eagle, Phoenix

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Scorpions are in their first stage of life. They were born to survive, and they integrate their instincts and their passions in order to get what they want out of life.

In their pursuit of success and fulfillment, they are often successful, but there are times when they are not.

When this occurs, they lower themselves into the shadows and hide under the stones like scorpions.

Some of them remain in this stage permanently. Others realize their futile pursuit, and they become…



When this happens, Scorpions become aware of the fact that they no longer have to hide themselves; but that they need to see the big picture and seek different kinds of success and satisfaction.

As a result, when they have reached this stage in their lives, they have the realization that they can find both fulfillment and success in other aspects of life.

They soar to greater heights, just like eagles. Do you know of any other bird that can soar as high as an eagle? No one!

Then they become aware of how lonely they have become. Failure is an inevitable part of the human experience; ignoring someone's human nature is not a wise decision. As a result, they will become…



Their spirit shines brighter than it ever has before. They are able to realize their full potential when they accept painful memories and then let go of those memories.

The phoenix lives forever and is made of the same element that goes into the creation of gods. As a result, they have an epiphany about how powerful they really are. Now there is nothing that can stop them.



Stages of Sagittarius: Sagittarius, Arrow, Centaur

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They are at the first stage of their lives and have the impression that the sky is the limit. They have the sense that a divine hand is directing them.

They aim over and over and over again. You are optimistic. However, when they fail, they often experience a loss of equilibrium. They can be hurt like a…



They are still aiming, but they are fixated on achieving their objective to the point where they are missing the bigger picture.

What is important for them to understand is the fact that success does not always mean victory.

Therefore, what they once thought they could conquer may now be useless. After that, they need to broaden their perspective and reconsider their objectives.

As their desire for freedom grows, they come to the shocking realization that they have imprisoned themselves! If they have the courage to acknowledge the truth, then they will…



This legendary beast is the embodiment of human potential in all its forms: freedom, willpower, wisdom, and brute strength.

As a result, at this stage, Sagittarius matures into a truly wise and successful individual who can serve as an example for the rest of us.

The centaur is able to achieve its goals with grace and ease, surpassing the capabilities of human beings.



Stages of Capricorn: Ibex, Cave, Cornucopia

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Ibex is the first and most well-known stage of their lives. An earthy creature that, compared to the lion, might not seem particularly impressive, but humans are dependent on it for an extremely wide variety of reasons.

This is exactly like a typical Capricorn. They are dependable and reliable, as well as hardworking. People depend on them.

On the other hand, as they get older, they get the impression that others might take advantage of them and abuse them. After that, they will become…



At this stage of their lives, they are making an effort to cut themselves off from potentially harmful relationships and people.

On the other hand, they cut ties not only with mundane but also beneficial relationships.

Capricorns, like Amalthia, the goat nymph that Zeus raised in a cave, seek isolation because they feel as though they are in danger.

On their way up, they lose contact with people they once loved. Thankfully, some of them have come to this realization, and they become…



The symbol of Amalthia is the horn of plenty, the horn of abundance. They have reached this stage in their lives where they have realized that true wealth comes from having an abundance state of mind.

They become truly wealthy in every sense of the word, enjoying the benefits of both material and spiritual wealth.



Stages of Aquarius: Cupbearer, Eagle, Angel

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The first stage of their lives is when they experience feelings of alienation from others and by their true selves.

As a result, they become eccentric and strive to convey their uniqueness in a world that is mundane, depressing, and uninteresting.

The cupbearer is dragged to Olympus, which is alien to everyone. But as soon as Aquarius accepts the world, he becomes the symbol of Zeus….



In this stage of their lives, they feel the need to experience the whole world. Because of this, they have the desire to go everywhere, experience more, and understand more.

Since this is a worthy goal, but cannot really be achieved, they may experience feelings of isolation and estrangement from others.

He/she is a lonely eagle soaring through the sky. Then, they need to come to terms with the fact that they cannot feel the same as other people because they are in fact a…



There are some of them who are able to acknowledge their true angelic nature and accept it.

These are the creatures that have attained enlightenment and now walk among us; they bring light to the places on earth that are the darkest.

Healers, helpers, and divine instruments. They have finally found their place on earth and are now living a life that is filled with success and happiness.



Stages of Pisces: Fish, Dark, Ocean

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At the first stage of their lives, they feel like a lone fish in a vast ocean. Influenced by the constantly moving waves, they live in their matrix of emotions (sea) and energies around them.

Since they're genuine empaths, they are susceptible to the influence of both enlightened souls and evil entities.

As a result, they are prone to getting lost in discouraging thoughts, which eventually leads to melancholy and sadness. After that, they become…



Pisces often experience feelings of betrayal and disorientation, and they are at a loss as to how to proceed. They try to block out memories of their own suffering so that they can avoid causing pain to others.

When Pisces reach the deepest parts of the ocean, they wait there for a miracle to happen. Then, occasionally, they have the realization that the miracle is already there.

They have an unnaturally bright spirit, and as a result, they gracefully accept who they really are and become…



This is the stage where they accept the matrix as an integral part of who they are and transform into the primordial god of the ocean.

They are aware that power comes from within their own hearts, and that what they want can happen immediately because they are part of something greater and wiser. You are a vast and rich ocean.


The Different Stages You Go Through Life, According to Your Zodiac Sign Pin



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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