The End Of October Will Be Difficult For These 3 Zodiac Signs

The days that separate us from the end of October will not be pleasant for all the signs of the zodiac. Indeed, the retrograde of the two planets, Saturn and Mars, will be unfavorable for these 3 zodiac signs.

They are likely to experience certain problems in their professional life and their life as a couple. Certain planetary movements could destabilize them. Their relationship or their work will be particularly affected.

Until October 23, Saturn retrogrades in the sign of Aquarius. This planetary transit will sow doubt and uncertainty in the lives of three zodiac signs. Their self-confidence will also be affected and they might question their ideas and plans.

This negative energy is likely to continue until the end of the month. On October 30, Mars begins its retrograde in the sign of Gemini. This planetary movement is likely to slow down the affairs of these zodiac signs who will find it difficult to concentrate on their tasks.




Doubt and confusion take hold of Aries until the end of the month. Indeed, this sign will no longer be sure of the love he bears for the person who shares his life.

This go-getter sign will find it difficult this time to make a decision that concerns his relationship. At work, Aries is likely to experience tension and turbulence. This fire sign will be in an angry mood, and they will easily get annoyed by the behavior of their colleagues.

His temper tantrums may get him in trouble at work. During these days that separate us from the end of October, Aries will also have to pay attention to their finances.

This spendthrift sign will have to learn to manage their expenses and think carefully about investing money. He risks, in fact, losing his capital if he embarks on risky investments.

Recommended: Mars in Gemini 2022: These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Experience A Drastic Change In Their Lives.





This end of October will not be a good omen for this sign. At work, he is reproached by his superior. He will be accused of lacking rigor and seriousness, something that would displease this air sign.

Aquarius also risks experiencing certain delays and obstacles that push them to surpass themselves and to call on their know-how to unblock these delicate situations. Moreover, the stars advise this sign to show the strength of mind.

In love, Aquarius will have many doubts about their relationship. This will push him to take a step back, in order to better decide on the situation.





The next few days are likely to be difficult for this sign. Pisces will no longer feel at ease in his relationship and will feel as if they are stepping aside for fear of displeasing.

At work, this water sign risks coming up against difficulties and blockages that could delay their projects. In addition to this, this sign will lack a lot of energy to the point of losing the strength to manage his affairs.

The stars advise Pisces to limit their contacts and to engage in meditation exercises in order to regain their energy. This sign with a generous nature will also have to set certain limits in order to better control their finances.

Recommended: After A Difficult 2022, The Year 2023 Will Bring Prosperity For These 3 Zodiac Signs.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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