The Full Moon of February 5, 2023 may be Difficult for These 3 Zodiac Signs

Being honest and genuine with oneself is of the utmost importance during the Aquarius season. Spending time with people who can't understand you is a waste of your valuable resources.

Relax with the people who love you without condition, and celebrate your quirky side. On February 3, when the Sun forms a square with Uranus, you should be on the lookout for restless energy that may motivate you to make changes that aren't necessary.

You need to adopt the perspective of a cool, calm, and collected Aquarius in order to look at things objectively and determine which aspects of your life need a change.

On February 5, the skies will be graced by the Leo Full Moon, which will bring a culmination to everything that we have built since the New Moon.

Consider whether you have achieved a healthy equilibrium in your life between the pursuit of self-expression and objectivity.

Take a short break and give some thought to the ways in which you might be putting restrictions on yourself in terms of your creative life or your friendships.

The time of the Full Moon is ideal for going out and about. It is highly recommended that you write down a list of everything that is preventing you from moving forward and then burn it down.


What's a Full Moon and How does it Affect the 12 zodiac signs?

The Sun, which is the center of our solar system, is a star that emits light. The Moon's reflective surface causes sunlight to transform into the moonlight.

Because of the Moon's orbit around the Sun, we always see the side of the Moon that is illuminated when it is facing the Earth. The phases of the Moon are as follows: New Moon, crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, new moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, and waning crescent.

When compared to the Full Moon, which is highly revered in witchcraft as a time of transformation, manifestation, and climax, the New Moon represents a fresh start.



When is the Full Moon?

February is one of the coldest months in the northern hemisphere. The House of Leo is currently occupied by the Snow Moon. This is a positive omen because even though this zodiac sign craves attention, it is also generous and driven to succeed.

People will be more open with their expressions and productive in their work. During this time, one piece of advice that I would give you would be to give in to your adventurous instincts, but it would be best to avoid confrontations that could lead to poor results.

We must also look at Venus, the planet of love, during the month of February, which is dedicated to Saint Valentine. Venus, when in Pisces, inspires us to be our most imaginative and romantic selves.

This is the ideal state of mind for spending quality time with that one person in your life. Not to mention the fact that on February 15, Venus will be in conjunction with Neptune, which will increase our ability for compassion and highlight our more sensitive side.

When Venus enters Aries on the 20th of February, this will no longer be the case. Because of this influence, you may find that you are willing to take chances in the name of your love, which will fuel your passion and your courage.

When Venus is in Aries, we are filled with a fiery energy that makes us direct and bold in matters of love. The period that begins with this Full Moon may be difficult for you for these zodiac signs:




Taurus 5

On Sunday, February 5, the skies will be illuminated by a Full Moon in Leo, which corresponds to your fourth house of home and family.

If you are experiencing any difficult emotions, you will be led straight to your most trusted and loved friends and family for support.

Full Moons have a reputation for stirring up trouble, but this is merely due to the fact that they are extremely influential. Because of this lunation's ability to help you channel that intensity into love, this weekend is an excellent time for a romantic dinner.

You, more than anyone else, understand the importance of the saying “Slow and steady wins the race.” You may not have a choice but to step outside of your comfort zone, given all the activity that is occurring at the beginning of the week.

On February 3, while the Sun is energizing your tenth house of authority, career, and reputation in the world, it will confront rebellious Uranus in your sign.

This will create friction between your public persona and your desire to break free from a community, and/or social collaboration.

The following day, your ruling planet, Venus, will square off with Mars while simultaneously moving through your eleventh house of extended networks, colleagues, and friendships.

Having conversations about your values and your ability to make money will be challenging and inconsistent with the people in your social environment.

On the other hand, because the Full Moon will be in Leo, passing through your fourth house and illuminating your emotional foundations, it will revolve around your authenticity and whether or not you are expressing your uniqueness.




Capricorn 5

The results of all the intentions you set during the January New Moon will become apparent to you on Sunday, February 5th, when a Full Moon appears in the sign of Leo and in your eighth house of transformations.

For instance, if you decided to strengthen your commitment to a romantic partner during the previous month, the Leo Full Moon will encourage you to take your relationship to the next level.

You seem to have a lot on your mind. It would be an understatement to say that the next few days are going to be busy; therefore, take everything one step at a time and try not to worry about it.

Your sixth house of routines and responsibilities will be activated by the Moon, and it will also form a trine aspect with the Sun in your second house of values, sense of self-worth, and ability to make money.

As long as you are able to detach yourself from the expectations surrounding the outcome, it will bring about the desired results. Do not base your self-esteem based on the amount of work you get done.

If you're curious about anything happening on February 3, it's probably because the Sun is square to Uranus.

You feel torn between your eccentricities and genuine expression and between your comfort zone and your connection to a specific community.

Additionally, Venus will square off with Mars, further muddying the waters between reality and your ideals. Are the investments you've made for yourself in line with the way you really feel?

On February 5, the Full Moon will be in Leo, and it will shed light on everything from the shadowy side of your most intimate relationships to the results of your efforts.




Aquarius 5

A Full Moon will illuminate the night sky on Sunday, February 5, while it is in Leo and your seventh house of partnerships.

There is a specific type of magic that corresponds to each phase of the moon; Full Moons, in particular, stand for culmination and manifestation.

As a consequence, you may experience either positive or negative developments in your romantic life during this Full Moon, as well as the beginning or conclusion of a challenging conversation.

You might feel like you are being tested. When you consider the windy aspects at the beginning of the week, between the Sun in your sign and the Moon in Gemini, you will, fortunately, have the clarity to move forward.

As of February 2, when the Moon is in Cancer and illuminating your sixth house of routines, it is in your best interest to go with the flow. This is especially true given that the Moon will also make an aspect with Uranus, your ruling sign.

Unexpected breakthroughs will occur, as well as simple or complex revelations; therefore, you shouldn't take random insights at face value.

Tensions will begin to rise on February 3, when the Sun confronts Uranus via your fourth house of family affairs, and living spaces, as you may begin to feel torn between the desire to remain true to your individuality and the unexpected.

You will also be encouraged to reflect on the dynamics of your relationships and to determine if the world is in tune with you and what you desire.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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