The Full Moon of July 2023 Marks the End of a Chapter for These 3 Zodiac Signs

On the night of the full moon on July 3rd, the relationships of these three zodiac signs might come to an end.

But if we can pull ourselves away from the situation and regain our composure, then everything will be alright.

Unfortunately, this day is filled with so much pride and stubbornness that no one wants to take responsibility for their acts, and as a result, it results in a whole host of breakups that happen regardless of whether or not we want them to.

Breakups that occur with the full moon in July leave people feeling incomplete, stupid, and filled with pride.

Think twice and ask yourself if you truly want to end the relationship or stop loving the person you are currently involved with if you notice that you are having thoughts of breaking up with or falling out of love with the person you are in a relationship with.

Because there is a very good possibility that ending the relationship is not the solution to the problem.

Are you truly okay with just terminating things after all the work that you've put in, the love that you've promised, and the hope that you've had for the future?

On the full moon of July 3, the following three zodiac signs will wish to call an end to their relationship:




Taurus 5

Your challenge for the day is that you are buying into your own lies, all of which are centered on portraying your partner in an unfavorable light. You have no choice but to give in to it.

You have deluded yourself into believing that your lover is treating you unfairly and that you are deserving of something better.

On the other hand, rather than looking for explanations or trying to understand their point of view, you act hastily and dismiss any notion of having sympathy for your partner.

You have made the decision to fully remove this individual from your life without giving any thought to the repercussions of your actions.

The power of the full moon has enchanted you, and at this point, it feels like the only way to break the spell is to end your relationship with the person you hold responsible.

You are in the wrong, and your behavior is exceedingly unfair, but there is nothing preventing you from succeeding today.

You are so certain that you cannot be swayed from your viewpoint, and you are certain that the choice you have made is the correct one.

You have a deep-seated conviction that you are right in every situation, and it is something that no one, certainly not your partner, can challenge.

Another problem is that you find that you are falling out of love with this person and that makes you want to terminate the relationship, which ultimately leads to its demise.

Your natural naivety tends to emerge when the moon is in its full phase. When your spouse tells you, in no uncertain terms, that he or she also wants to quit, it is such a powerful realization that it seems like someone has slapped you in the face.

You believed that you could be apathetic and get away with it, but you weren't prepared for what happened next.

Make an effort to have everything in order before it's too late. You have to come to terms with the fact that you overreacted, despite the fact that you do not wish to break ways with your lover.

Put your pride aside and offer an apology. There is yet a chance that things can be turned around for you.




Gemini 5

It would be a terrible waste to sever ties with someone or something that brings you so much joy. However, your current state of anger may cause you to overstate the situation.

Under the impact of the energy that the full moon brings, even a minor disagreement has the potential to become explosive.

It is essential that you gather some perspective before you push things too far.

After all, we are talking about the person you will spend the rest of your life with, and it would be a shame to get rid of them just because your pride was hurt by a remark that was relatively insignificant.

You're right, the one you care about isn't perfect and does have flaws that surface occasionally.

Is it really necessary to immediately break the connection with them in order to demonstrate to them that you are the dominant party?

That is not the case. Getting caught in this pride trap will give you the impression that you are unable to compromise once you have begun the process of ending your relationship.

Unwind and take it easy. There is no need to allow things to progress to that point.

Take some time off to focus on yourself and use the space between you and the situation to help you consider what you truly want for both your personal life and your romantic relationships.

Recall the reasons that led you to choose your mate all those years ago.

Then you should return and try to have a calming discussion with them. There are moments when maintaining control or being right are not the most important things.

There are times when putting down armaments and restoring peace are the most important priorities.




Pisces 5

During this moment, you feel uneasy about your spouse and resort to playing the passive-aggressive card in order to evaluate whether or not it would be better to end the relationship or to continue it.

We mean “trying to get your partner to do something wrong” when we talk about “passive-aggressive behavior.”

During the time of the Full Moon, your level of passive aggression is at its highest point, and it is becoming increasingly clear that you want the relationship to come to an end.

You have a secret desire for him to behave in such a way that he would never be forgiven.

In certain circumstances, you may have the impression that you are being ignored in some way, leading you to believe that the decision to end the relationship was the “right” one.

However, you are just as much a part of the problem as he is, and the fact that you are temperamental and odd might help you get precisely what you want, which is to end your relationship with the person you love.

It's best not to provoke your lover because you could end up truly regretting it. If you act with too much haste right now, there may not be any way to go back.

Have a conversation about what you think before you do anything that might set off a chain reaction. You are free to discuss everything that comes to mind with your spouse.

You are already dealing with a significant amount of stress in your life, and this adds to it. This is your opportunity to put things in the proper perspective.

You both are aware that things have already started to go downhill in your relationship.

You should make an effort to prevent the situation from getting out of hand, and you should be honest with your spouse about how you feel.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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