The Lightworker Oracle – Choose a Card and See The Message You Must Hear

These exquisite guides of divine light have been crafted to enhance your spiritual evolution and cultivate a profound connection with higher spiritual guidance.

No matter where you stand on your spiritual path, whether you are just embarking on this wondrous adventure or have been traversing it for quite some time, these guides will serve as invaluable companions in your quest for truth and enlightenment.

They hold the power to unlock the gates to unconditionally loving higher spiritual realms, empowering you to walk the path of the healer, the lightworker, or the spiritual mentor for others.

Immerse yourself in the radiant energy emanating from the three captivating Lightworker Oracle cards showcased before you. Within their intricate designs and symbolic depths lie messages that will resonate deep within your being.

Each card represents a unique revelation, a window into the cosmic wisdom that seeks to guide you on your personal journey of self-discovery and soul growth.

Delve into the intricate meanings behind each choice and let the vibrations of your chosen card ripple through your consciousness. Allow the wisdom contained within the cards to awaken your intuition, expand your awareness, and illuminate the path that lies ahead.

Chose one of the three cards below:

The Lightworker Oracle – Choose a Card and See The Message You Must Hear

If you chose:



Card 1: Second Ray of Wisdom

Experience the profound consciousness of loving wisdom that flows straight from the heart of the Universe through the Second Ray of Wisdom.

This extraordinary energy serves as a magnetic force, empowering you to effortlessly draw into your life all that is essential for your life's purpose. It holds the transformative power of love, illuminating ancient wisdom to heal, restore, and provide understanding.

In this moment, the revered spiritual master, the Buddha, stands by your side, offering guidance and support as you embrace the blessings bestowed upon you by this divine ray of light. Prepare to fully receive and integrate this powerful energy into your being.

The essence of the Second Ray is found within the open and loving heart of the Universe. Its inclusiveness pulsates with an invisible magnetism, attracting all things towards it.

Now, this gift is bestowed upon you, enabling you to effortlessly draw towards yourself the people, opportunities, and teachings that will aid you in accomplishing your life's mission.

However, it is essential to face the challenge associated with this ray – the art of discernment. Imagine a skilled fisherman casting a wide net, capturing the entire ocean within its embrace.

Yet, not everything caught in the net is useful or desired. Like the fisherman, you must learn to discern what is truly beneficial and graciously release that which does not align with your path.

Trusting in future abundance becomes paramount. Release any fear-driven attachment to every opportunity, person, or situation. Instead, embrace the concept of true abundance and flow.

Practice the art of letting go, just as you practice receiving. Have faith that the Universe possesses unlimited supply for all your desires and needs. Fear not, dear child of light, for the Universe will unfailingly provide.



Card 2: Seventh Ray of Ritual, Order, and Ceremony

As this gift enters your life, a powerful shift is taking place, birthing something new that will bring immense benefits to your world. Prepare to embark on a journey where the realms of magic, ceremony, and ritual intertwine, offering profound healing and spiritual growth.

At its core, the Seventh Ray resonates with the majestic violet light and is guided by the Archangel Zadkiel. This divine ray possesses the remarkable ability to transmute lower frequencies into higher vibrations, serving as a potent spiritual cleansing agent.

Through its transformative power, it illuminates the truth of spiritual freedom, empowerment, and choice, reigniting hope and joy within your heart.

The Seventh Ray embodies the delicate dance between the old and the new. It recognizes the need to honor ancestral wisdom and traditions that continue to hold value, while also embracing the call for evolution and growth.

Now is the time to fearlessly question what no longer serves you, while staying open to the possibilities of the new.

One of the remarkable qualities of the Seventh Ray is its ability to turn intangible spiritual energy into tangible form. It orchestrates inspired solutions and synchronicities, seemingly appearing out of thin air.

These are divine signs of order unfolding in your life. By aligning yourself with this sacred energy, invoking and allowing its blessings, your life will harmonize with the creative genius, solutions, and loving opportunities that the universe yearns to bestow upon you.

Ritual, order, and ceremony are the gateways to attract and harness the magnificent energy of the Seventh Ray. Engaging in conscious ceremonies, performed in service to unconditional divine love, nurtures your innate longing for sacred embodiment.

Rituals can either keep you stuck in old patterns or open you up to the sacred realms of possibility.



Card 3: Master Healing

As you enter a state of meditation, staying loyal to the inspirations of your heart and committing to your spiritual journey, your ability to heal becomes increasingly potent.

Your purpose on this Earth is to live authentically, in alignment with what truly moves you. Sending you his unconditional love and guidance, Ascended Master Serapis Bey bestows upon you the blessing of master healing, empowering you to advance further on your path.

Take a moment to connect with your heart. What do you love so deeply that you would overcome any obstacle to attain it? What motivates and inspires you from within? Not what appears possible or practical, but rather, what is genuine and true?

Our greatest power lies in serving others purely from the heart. Just as a bird may occasionally dive underwater, it can never reach its ultimate potential if forced to live beneath the surface.

Thriving would become a struggle, as the bird's life energy is naturally designed for flight. Similarly, you possess a divine nature and purpose, and the key lies within your heart. What resonates most with the essence of who you are?

Discovering our true nature becomes challenging when we feel compelled to meet the expectations imposed upon us by others.

When we are attached to specific outcomes or fearful of certain answers, our ability to perceive becomes hindered—a spiritual equivalent of sticking our fingers in our ears and dismissing the truth.

Serapis Bey's blessing includes the radiant flame of divine cleansing light, supporting us in releasing anything that obstructs our understanding of our authentic selves.

When we embrace our true nature, the Universe can effortlessly guide us towards fulfilling our destinies. Serapis Bey will assist you in perceiving yourself honestly, potentially offering valuable insights from others that shed light on the worthiness of what you share.

Alternatively, you may find it easier to view yourself objectively, employing an inner eye filled with compassion, appreciation, and discernment. As you learn to accept and embrace who you are, your vibration becomes more powerful and readily utilized by the masters in their plan of love.


The Lightworker Oracle – Choose a Card and See The Message You Must Hear Pin



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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