The Moon You Choose Will Tell You About Your Hidden Thoughts And Desires

When we are preoccupied with the problems that life throws at us, we frequently lose sight of the things that we truly want out of life.

This is a celestial body that illuminates the night sky for us; however, it is far more magical than it may appear.

Not only does the moon have the power to win the affection of a great number of people, but it is also stunning in its own right and exerts a significant influence on our lives.

It is able to assist our personality in fully manifesting itself by revealing hidden thoughts that we have also concealed from ourselves.

The image of the moon that you select can say a lot about who you really are and what it is that you want out of life.

Choose a moon in the picture below and it will reveal your hidden thoughts and desires.

The Moon You Choose Will Tell You About Your Hidden Thoughts And Desires



Moon no. 1

If you have been chosen to experience this moon, you make connections with those individuals who draw others to them through acts of generosity and altruism.

However, at the same time, you may feel that these characteristics make you weaker and that as a result of them, you are unable to say “no” to other people, even when it is truly necessary to do so.

This may be because you have trouble saying “no” to yourself.

You are, however, mistaken in your thinking about this. You may not be aware of it, but hidden beneath your gentle exterior is a will of iron and a personality so robust that it can weather any tempest of rage, chaos, and hatred.

Your genuine identity has a strong desire to explore the world and bring light to every corner of it, but it has not yet been successful in doing so.

But don't despair! If you have faith in who you are and do what you think is right, there will come a time when you will shine.



Moon no. 2

Refer to the people who you know you can always count on if you decide to go with this moon.

People who are close to you are aware that they can turn to you for assistance whenever they have an actual requirement for it, and that you will provide it for them regardless of the expense.

When people you care about are experiencing difficulties, you are willing to do anything to assist them, even if it means giving up everything you own.

You need to realize that you are not a robot in any way and that you cannot keep working without stopping to eat, sleep, or otherwise refresh yourself.

Spending time on yourself is exactly what you need to do right now because you are just as important as other people.

A deeply buried part of your spirit longs to run away from all of your responsibilities and commitments in order to pursue the life you have always imagined for yourself.

Please don't let this wish go unfulfilled.



Moon no. 3

If you choose this moon, it means that you are the type of person who knows exactly what they want out of life and is willing to sacrifice anything in order to get it.

You don't really depend on other people, but often they lead you by example, and you consider them to be a kind of leader who is able to point you in the right direction.

You are concerned because the people around you have such high expectations of you that you are afraid you will not be able to live up to them.

Your anxiety about the prospect of something like this occurring is often so severe that it keeps you up at night.

However, what truly distinguishes you as a wonderful and one-of-a-kind individual are the talents and strengths that you possess.

You do not merit to crumble under the pressure of the expectations of other people for who you should be.

You have only yourself to answer to for anything you may have done wrong. So just be yourself, and don't try to alter who you are because someone else thinks they need you to.



Moon no. 4

If you've decided to go with this moon, it means that you belong to the group of people who are able to devote all of their affection to the people and things that are truly significant to them.

You, on the other hand, are not confident enough or sure enough of yourself to ask them the same thing.

You worry that they will not love you as much as you love them, so this causes you anxiety. And unfortunately, this fear can sever your wings at times.

It is because of it that you continue to love those who are not deserving of your love in any way, shape, or form; people who have always taken your love for granted and have done nothing to earn it.

You really ought to comprehend the fact that you are in no way required to carry it out.

The primary reason for this is that the people who truly love you do it on their own, they do it with a lot of joy, and not because they feel obligated to you in any way.

In addition to this, you should not think of yourself as being weak; it takes a lot of strength to be able to give another person your entire heart.

Therefore, you shouldn't be afraid of your genuine emotions, as genuine love is exactly what connects you with other people, and this is an amazing thing.



Moon no. 5

Connect with people who are able to see the path that leads to adventure in any circumstance, even the most ordinary situation, if you have chosen this moon.

You are someone who is always willing to try new things and can sometimes be so brave that it inspires admiration in those around you.

One thing that cannot be denied is that you do experience some level of unease.

There is a train of thought that does not allow you to relax, and that is the notion that other people see you as nothing more than a carefree prankster who is unable to stop on the spot and settle down.

You worry that the people you truly love will abandon you sooner or later because they do not believe you are capable of maintaining a committed relationship with them.

However, those who are intimately familiar with you are also aware of the fact that you possess a significant amount of both loyalty and a sense of duty.

You never put anyone else in a difficult situation, no matter how much it may have cost you. You are such a bright and cheerful person that it is impossible not to love you.

Even fate is in love with you, and sooner or later, they will surround you with people who truly understand you. It is impossible not to love you because it is impossible not to love someone who is so bright and cheerful.

Therefore, you shouldn't attempt to extinguish your bright light and should instead continue to fly upwards, provided that there is sufficient strength.



Moon no. 6

If you have selected this particular Moon, it indicates that you are someone who always looks a person in the eyes and tells them the truth.

Even if the truth hurts, the fact remains that you are not used to constant activity. You are so forthright that it scares you at times; specifically, you are terrified of being by yourself as a result of the truth.

You are concerned that all of your close relationships, including friends and acquaintances, will end…

But you have no idea that the people around you are drawn to you precisely because of how honest you are. This is not typical behavior for you, and it sometimes shreds your soul to pieces.

You want, more than anything else, to be surrounded by loving people who don't even have to lie about having to keep secrets. Don't give in to your fears, and don't make an effort to be someone you're not…

It is certain that the moon will assist you in avoiding getting lost and in maintaining honesty not only with other people but also with yourself.



Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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