Which Mythical Creature Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Do you want to know about the connection between the 12 astrological signs and mythical creatures? Based on your astrological sign, let's find out which mythical being you most closely resemble.

The ancient Greeks were searching for explanations as to why life and our existence are the way that they are, so they wrote down their myths.

The creatures that appear in mythologies from different parts of the world are meant to symbolize either the positive or negative aspects of human nature.

Various mythological creatures serve as mirrors for human emotions such as fear and pride, as well as gluttony and shame.

It is interesting to note that each zodiac sign has its roots in mythology, so it is only reasonable that there should be a mythological beast associated with each zodiac sign.

Although it may be hard to believe, the spirit animal of the fiery sign of Aries is the werewolf. On the other hand, the fact that Scorpio is a dark, sensual, and sexy vampire should not come as a surprise.

Find out what your zodiac sign represents:



Aries: Werewolf


Some versions of the legend talk about this being a curse that turned a human into a half-man, half-wolf creature without their consent whenever there was a Full Moon.

Another legend, the Lycan legend, says that they were a race of humans who could intentionally transform into larger-than-normal wolves.



Taurus: Dryad


Dryads, also referred to as forest nymphs, were incredibly stunning creatures that served as the literal spirits of the trees. According to a local legend, if the tree that they originated from died, so did they.

Being very close to nature and having an extremely strong bond with their home/roots is literally Taurus.



Gemini: Fairy


These magical beings are often portrayed as having the wings of butterflies or other insects. Characterized by their small size and being vicious, fairies are unable to tell lies, but it is well known that they have a very persuasive way with words.



Cancer: Siren


To avoid being confused with mermaids, sirens traditionally had wings and lived by the sea. In some tales, stunning women were the ones responsible for luring sailors to their deaths by singing and then drowning or even eating them alive.



Leo: Nephilim


In some tales, the offspring of humans and angels are gigantic beings that are larger, stronger, and more stupid than the majority of humans.

In some versions, they are described as beautiful, majestic beings that have wings made of aether that can retract and are notorious for their vicious and ruthless behavior. Confident, pretty or beautiful, vain, and obsessed with luxury: this sounds like Leo.



Virgo: Elf


Elves are magical beings who frequently exist apart from human society but are known to both assist and hinder human endeavors.

They are peaceful and very lovely. They are driven, first and foremost, by their values and logic.



Libra: Sylph


Known as guardians of beauty and promoters of vanity, Sylphs are sometimes referred to as air elementals. They are designed to protect the appearance of those who prefer them.

In addition to that, they are accountable for the formation of the clouds.



Scorpio: Vampire


It is said that these beings are very difficult to resist and give off an aura that is both powerful and attractive.

They can't make anyone do anything against their will, but they are very persuasive, and it takes a strong person to say no to what they are asking.



Sagittarius: Centaur (half human/half horse)

Centaur (half human/half horse)

Centaurs are the physical representation of logic over animal nature. They are brilliant theorists and philosophers, but in addition to that, they are compelled by abundant physical wildlife.



Capricorn: Satyr


Known for their sexual nature, Satyrs are half-man, half-goat hybrids. They believed that every possible sensual pleasure had been designed specifically for them as Dionysian animals, and as a result, they frequently indulged in it to an unhealthy degree.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that as Satyrs aged, they matured and became more responsible, taking on the role of guardians of nature.



Aquarius: Android


They are more appealing, more intelligent, and more physically powerful than humans. Androids are part human and part robot.

On the other hand, they are emotionally incapable and lack the ability to be creative. They are also known to grow weary of human error and to rise up in rebellion every so often. Intelligent, unfeeling, and revolutionary are 3 adjectives that describe this person.



Pisces: Mermaid

Everyone knows Mermaids are half human and half fish. They are considered by us to have a higher spiritual level than humans because they are native to the ocean.

They have voices that are mesmerizingly beautiful, but in general, they do not feel the need to harm or kill people.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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