The Super Moon Of August 1, 2023 Promises Beautiful Things For These 4 Zodiac Signs

Leo's main-character energy has reached new heights ever since the Sun moved into this sign. Currently, with Venus retrograding through this Sun-ruled sign, everyone is focusing on their own personal desires, needs, and aspirations.

Self-care practices have reached an all-time high, and at the same time, people are more driven than ever before to feel acknowledged and valued.

However, as the Full Moon draws closer, concerns about being in the spotlight will start to fade, giving way to a greater focus on what makes us unique, even if this can make others uncomfortable.

This Leo season is focused on seeking external validation, especially the need to be seen and admired by other people.

Nevertheless, the spiritual significance of the Sturgeon Super Moon compels us to direct that love and admiration toward the parts of ourselves that challenge the status quo.

It is time that we acknowledge and value the characteristics of our personalities that give us our individuality and authenticity, even if this means we don't conform to social norms.

The Super Moon should serve as a reminder to embrace our individuality and celebrate what makes us special, despite the fact that doing so may occasionally annoy or be inconvenient to others.

It is a time to connect with our deeper essence, our authentic selves, and to fully accept it. This Super Moon is here to remind us that the most important thing is to love and appreciate ourselves, rather than always looking for approval from others.

By showing love to all facets of our being, including those that might be considered unconventional, we blossom and find true inner satisfaction.

The Sun in Leo combined with Venus retrograde compels us to look for validation from outside sources. Nevertheless, the Sturgeon Super Moon will serve as a reminder of the importance of focusing on what sets us apart from others and respecting our own individuality.

It's time to love ourselves and show kindness to all parts of ourselves, including those that don't conform to social expectations.



What's a Super Moon?

The full moon that occurs in August is referred to as a supermoon, which is a phenomenon that happens only three to four times per year. A supermoon is a full moon that is approximately seven percent larger than the average full moon, which causes it to appear both bigger and brighter than it normally would. However, despite the magnitude of this lunar eclipse, it won't have much of an effect on your typical disposition, so there's no need for you to get worked up about it. Just make sure you have a camera on hand so you can record this spectacular view of the stars.


What's a Full Sturgeon Moon?

On August 1, at 2:31 p.m. ET, the Aquarius Sturgeon Super Moon will take place. The Full Moon known as the Sturgeon Moon occurs every year in August.

This is the month that most sturgeons are caught in the Great Lakes, which is how the Moon got its name. This Moon is also known as the Corn Moon, Harvest Moon, and Rice Moon.




Aries 4

Full moon in Aquarius will give your social life more importance. As a pioneer of the zodiac, you are used to taking the lead, especially when you have to voice opinions that are not popular.

This characteristic becomes even more apparent when you are surrounded by people who share the same values as you. Nevertheless, rather than working on your projects in isolation, you will have the chance to interact more closely with members of the community.

It's time to embrace the group dynamic and share your thoughts and ideas with your peers in an open and bold way. You will make your voice heard and leave an impression that will last.

Because your perspective is unique and important, and since it can positively affect the lives of other people in your community, you should not be afraid to share it.

It is a good time to make meaningful connections with people you care about, whether they be friends, colleagues, or potential partners.

You'll find yourself in heated debates, which are the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your charisma and share your thoughts.

Make the most of this opportunity to improve your relationships and foster collaboration. Do not be afraid to put yourself in uncomfortable social situations; you will grow from the experience.

Your social life will therefore be brought to the forefront, and this Full Moon will inspire you to express yourself with confidence. You can positively influence your community and inspire those around you with your bold, passionate energy.




Gemini 4

Gemini, this Full Moon will highlight your innovative and unconventional approach to opinions and beliefs. This lunation will bring favorable opportunities for you to openly express what you think, especially regarding matters that deserve more attention and discussion.

Your naturally curious and communicative nature will become even more obvious, and this will encourage you to share your ideas and opinions in a more outspoken manner.

This moment could also mark a significant turning point in your apprenticeship. This could be the beginning or end of a course or study you've taken.

The new information that you find out now might turn out to be the missing piece that completes the picture in your head and helps you understand things on a deeper level.

It is time to start thinking about this as a big turning point on your path toward increased knowledge and personal growth. Be open to new ideas and unique points of view.

Your willingness to engage with new experiences will position you to make the most of the opportunities ahead. You'll find yourself exploring different fields of knowledge, expanding your horizons, and enhancing your skills.

Additionally, this lunation inspires you to connect with people who are interested in the same things as you are. Make the most of these enriching interactions to grow your network and perhaps work together on some exciting projects.

This period will be good. You're called to express your unique opinions and embrace new ideas. Make the most of this Full Moon by furthering your education and increasing your level of expertise.

If you're courageous and curious, you will find new things to learn and meaningful connections with other intelligent people.




Leo 4

Leo, you'll focus more on your romantic relationships. Since the start of your astrological season, your goal has been to fully express who you are and to shine with all of your brilliance.

Nevertheless, on this very special day, you will pause and consider how your relationships support your need for freedom and autonomy.

As a Leo, you look for a partner who acknowledges and appreciates your individuality as well as your unique essence. You want people who don't seek to diminish your bright light, but who really see you and listen to you attentively.

The Full Moon will shed light on the people in your romantic life who encourage you to be your most authentic self and help you on your journey toward personal fulfillment.

You will have the opportunity to reevaluate your relationships and determine whether or not they meet your needs and goals.

Take advantage of this enlightening energy by having open conversations with your partners about the things that you both want and what you expect from one another.

To a Leo, authenticity is very important, and it is vital that your love ties allow you to fully develop and feel fulfilled in your relationship.

If you are in a relationship, the Full Moon may help strengthen the emotional connection between you and your partner, creating an environment in which you both feel more comfortable being open and honest with one another.

If you are single, now may be a good time for you to meet new people who share your beliefs and will encourage you as you pursue independence and a life that is more fulfilling.

Communicate openly about your needs and expectations, and look for love connections that allow you to shine fully by being yourself.




Capricorn 4

Capricorn, during this Full Moon, you'll focus on your resources and finances. You have a penchant for managing your finances in advanced and original ways, despite the fact that you tend to approach things from a traditional point of view in many aspects.

Therefore, the Full Moon presents a great opportunity for you to think creatively and explore different ways to organize and manage your material possessions.

As an earth sign, you place a high priority on your financial and material security. You are known for being practical and managing money carefully.

However, this lunation pushes you to consider innovative and creative solutions to optimize your resources. Although you may not be planning any major changes just yet, you're wondering how you can improve the use of your assets.

This may involve researching new investment opportunities, exploring alternative strategies for managing money, or considering projects that can bring in additional income.

Your approach is thoughtful and pragmatic, which will assist you in making educated decisions regarding your finances. Make the most of this time by researching and, if necessary, consulting with experts.

You don't have to completely turn everything upside down overnight. The Full Moon is a time of awareness and reflection, and you can draw up a realistic action plan to implement your ideas over time.

Stay pragmatic while actively seeking out opportunities for self-improvement and the maximization of your financial resources.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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