The Zodiac Signs That Will Never Be Compatible With You

Even though everybody deserves true love and will eventually find it, we have to face the harsh reality that some people aren't destined to be with us.

Even when there is a very strong physical attraction between two people, compatibility is what ensures that a relationship will last.

A common sense of purpose, shared values, mutual understanding, and respect on both sides supersede any kind of superficial attraction.

Sometimes in our lives, we will meet people to whom we are attracted to, but it would be impossible for us to live with them because of the differences in our personalities.

Our personalities and desires are also heavily based on our zodiac sign, but also on other aspects in our natal chart along with the life we have lived and the things we have experienced.

If we allow astrology to direct us and have faith in the constellations, then we will be able to identify the person who will bring the most light into our lives.




Aries 5

Cancer, Pisces

Both of these signs of the zodiac are, in their own unique way, extremely unreliable, and they give you the impression that your efforts are wasted.

They will feel that they are lacking in many things, and as a result, they will become envious of you despite the fact that they are attracted to you due to your strength and individuality.

Cancer and Pisces' ideal partner is also someone who is not expressive or extraordinary in any way, that is, an ordinary and plain person, which Aries is not.

This is also due to the fact that they need a quiet home life, and we are all well aware of the fact that Aries only want to get married if it is truly worthwhile for them to do so because they have a wonderful life on their own.

Pisces and Cancer are both far too sensitive and withdrawn for Aries, who will soon become bored with their old souls and unpredictable emotional states.




Taurus 5

Scorpio, Sagittarius

Scorpio or Sagittarius is the worst possible combination for a Taurus, and many people who are familiar with their temperament would agree with this statement.

Because Taurus is an altruistic giver, lover, and hedonist, and because they like to enjoy life without any kind of stress or negativity, they attract those qualities in others.

Therefore, even though they have a lot in common with Scorpio and Sagittarius when it comes to passion, they will never have their emotional needs met.

Scorpio would get fed up with Taurus' needy and demanding behavior and Sagittarius would create drama and criticism. Both of the zodiac signs are far too strong for them and are completely raw in comparison to Taurus' steady yet sensitive nature.

Taurus would be happier with someone who is kind and forgiving, even if it means that things won't be as exciting.




Gemini 5

Taurus, Scorpio

Taureans and Scorpions make the worst compatibility partners for Gemini. Even if you find yourself drawn to them at first glance, you quickly become repulsed by the unreasonable and crazy behaviors they exhibit.

Although Gemini can be entertaining, funny, and talkative, they are not crazy or weird in any way, whereas both Taurus and Scorpio have the potential to become this way at times.

In addition, Gemini is unable to deal with and is unwilling to tolerate the possessive and needy tendencies that these signs possess.

You simply cannot provide them with the profound connection that they yearn for, nor are they going to be able to grant all of their desires.




Cancer 5

Aries, Scorpio

A relationship with Aries or a Scorpio would likely be a living hell for Cancers. Mostly due to the fact that Scorpios have a tendency to be passive-aggressive and would exercise complete dominance.

On the other hand, Aries wants a partner and a whipping boy at the same time, which is something that no one could respectably put up with.

Cancer has a character trait of being willing to put up with a lot for the sake of love, but being subjected to this kind of mental and emotional torment will not improve the straightforward and tranquil nature of their lives.

Aries and Scorpio have a tendency to take their time before deciding to give up their freedom, while Cancers place a high value on family.




Leo 5

Capricorn, Pisces

A Leo in a relationship with a Capricorn or a Pisces would be one of the most terrifying combinations possible. Pisces in particular, due to the fact that they would only be able to provide them with the necessary level of emotional support without respect and trustworthiness.

This is because a Pisces in a romantic relationship with someone born under a fire sign runs the risk of quickly transitioning from victim to toxic partner.

On the other hand, Leos find Capricorns to be far too materialistic and uninteresting to be compatible with their progressive and exciting nature.

These are the individuals who have accomplished something, but at the same time never stop looking for new and exciting challenges.

As a result, they would not benefit from having a limited or a sluggish partner.




Virgo 5

Gemini, Aquarius

Gemini and Aquarius are both considered to be the worst possible partners for Virgos. It's because the wonderfully unassuming, slightly perfectionist, but delightfully sensible characteristics of Virgo don't really work with either of them.

The unreliable and cunning nature of Aquarius is not a good match for Virgo, and Gemini is not the type of sign that enjoys being told what to do.

In terms of their personalities, Geminis are far too independent and self-assured to be swayed by them, and Aquarians won't even bother.

Therefore, neither can offer Virgo the consistency and emotional security that she seeks, and they would never be able to keep her happy for a long period of time.

Because Virgo is very loyal and selfless, they need someone who can provide them with the same level of support, which Gemini and Aquarius are not capable of doing.




Libra 5


Libra is capable of getting along with almost every sign; it is simply up to them to accept them. Only those born under Virgo would have a hard time connecting with them.

This is because Virgo, with all of her wisdom and sensitivity, is unable to put up with someone who requires constant attention.

They are also not likely to sympathize with Libra that leads an extravagant lifestyle that has little to do with the family. Virgos are modest, and their lives are too simple for Libras.

It is impossible for the two of them to ever reach a state of contentment together, regardless of how powerful their attraction may be.




Scorpio 5

Leo, Capricorn

A person born under Scorpio is not compatible with those born under Leo or Capricorn. The primary reason for this is that Capricorn is too strict, traditional, and greedy for Scorpios who like sinning.

Whereas Scorpios, even if they have the most level-headed personality, still have a glimmer of madness and unbridled passion that they wish to express.

This is something that they are unable to do with a Capricorn, at least not without paying a significant price.

On the other hand, the mysterious and secretive nature of Scorpios will turn off the amazing and passionate Leo.




Sagittarius 5

Libra, Aquarius

A Sagittarius cannot find happiness in a relationship with a Libra or an Aquarius. Libra is far too indecisive and can even be arrogant at times, which is an attitude that does not mesh well with the Sagittarian, who is grounded and collected.

On the other hand, Sagittarians are totally uninterested in the radical transformations that Aquarius goes through.

Even though they are independent and free-spirited individuals, there are times when those born under Sagittarius need some structure.

Being organized is another one of their strengths, and the haphazard and spur-of-the-moment choices made by Aquarius drive them absolutely bonkers.

Indecision and impulsive behavior are characteristics that Aries is more likely to enjoy, whereas Sagittarius requires at least some degree of stability in their life.




Capricorn 5

Aries, Gemini

Capricorns are not compatible in any way with Aries or Gemini. Especially Aries, because they hate it when other people tell them what to do and they despise living a life that is full of rules and restrictions. They both want to be successful, but in their own unique ways.

Capricorn wants a fortune, but at the expense of not having a life, whereas Aries desires to have an inheritance while simultaneously living their lives to the fullest.

As a result, there is no way that this connection could ever be successful, and it appears that Capricorn wants to teach Aries a new way to live his life.

Gemini is otherwise not impressed with Capricorn's unwillingness to commit when things aren't perfect, but also their lack of attention needed to feel loved.




Aquarius 5


When it comes to Aquarius, instinct is really all that matters when it comes to choosing a partner. Therefore, they do not even know for certain who they will end up connecting with.

Aquarius' tendency to be highly independent and open to change makes it impossible for them to be with a Scorpio as they will prevent them from leading the life they desire.

Scorpio will want to lay claim to and exert control over them. They have no idea that Aquarius does not belong to anyone else. Because of this, a relationship between the two of them is unlikely to succeed.




Pisces 5

Leo, Libra

For Pisces, Libra and Leo are two signs that should be avoided at all costs because they are completely incompatible with their sensitive nature.

Pisces are sensitive and dreamy, but they are also easily intimidated and insecure in many different ways. Therefore, they are in desperate need of a partner who won't cause them to second-guess themselves or the relationship as a whole.

Pisces may experience feelings of inadequacy and suspicion when interacting with extroverted and dominant Libras and Leos.

Because both Libras and Leos thrive off of being the center of attention and having a large group of people in their lives who adore them no matter what they do, they can't be compatible with Pisces.

Pisces would rather have a single friend who they can trust and accept than a large group of people who are only there when things are going well.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

1 Comment
  1. That’s a shame. I fell in love with a Leo girl. And I’m a Pisces.

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