These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Experience Deep Disappointment On The New Moon October 14, 2023

Three specific zodiac signs will plunge into deep emotional turmoil during the upcoming new moon on Saturday, October 14, 2023.

It's an unfortunate truth that no one starts a relationship expecting a heartbreaking breakup. We tend to believe that if we do everything right, our love story will effortlessly lead us to a happy future together.

The new moon serves as a powerful catalyst for introspection, prompting us to examine the depths of our emotions.

It evokes within us a sense of longing, a heartache, as we face the possibility that our love story may reach its final chapter.

This painful truth has the potential to weave itself into the lives of those whose zodiac signs are closely aligned with the energies of this celestial phenomenon.

Remembering that heartache is not the end of our existence is important. As the new moon graces the night sky, it also illuminates a path to healing and growth.

This is a key moment for soul searching, allowing us to delve into the depths of our emotions, release pain, and ultimately find solace in our journeys.

So as we stand under the enchanting glow of this new moon, let us embrace the bittersweet symphony of love's intricacies.

Although some of us may experience heartache during this lunar phase, it is through facing these emotions head-on that we discover our inner strength and resilience.

Remember, that even amid pain, there is an opportunity for growth and the possibility of a brighter future.




Capricorn 4

Under the influence of the current new moon, the universe presents you with a profound demonstration of its ability to push circumstances to their extremes. You are currently embracing an impulsive nature, relying on your innate charm and friendly demeanor.

Your unwavering confidence stems from your past triumphs, making you firmly believe that certain events simply cannot happen in your life. However, I must warn you, dear Capricorn, because such assumptions can be misleading. Basically, you are used to having life flow effortlessly in your favor.

However, the current new moon has something completely different for you. Hold on, because the person who holds the closest place in your heart, the one you truly love, can deliver a painful blow.

This disturbing moment will serve as a wake-up call, leaving you feeling like your heart is being torn apart.

The prospect of healing may not be immediately apparent, but through this experience, you can learn invaluable lessons to protect yourself from future difficulties.

Once again, you find yourself standing at a familiar crossroads—the intersection where betrayal met acceptance.

The coldness that seeps into your being serves as a protective barrier, reminding you of the wounds caused when someone you trusted revealed secrets and shattered your expectations.

Consider the possibility that outside influences are at play, further complicating the situation at hand. Helpless, you witness as everything unfolds before your eyes, struggling to make sense of the harsh reality before you. Perhaps, you may not yet be ready to accept the impending turmoil that awaits you.

It shouldn't be like that! You and your partner must remain united, the closest allies. The mere thought of such a turn of events may not have even entered your field of consciousness.

The impact of this event extends beyond your faith in the individual; it undermines your faith in humanity as a whole.

However, dear Capricorn, please do not let this challenging circumstance extinguish the fire within you. Although the road may seem treacherous, remember that endurance lies within your core.

Find comfort in the wisdom gained from this ordeal, for it has the power to shape a stronger and wiser version of yourself.




Gemini 4

During this unique Moon phase, you find yourself dealing with an unexpected form of heartbreak—one that unfolds outside the realm of romantic relationships.

It manifests as a conflict with a close friend, a turn of events that probably caught you by surprise.

It seems like this friend has assigned you a responsibility that you didn't know before. Regardless of the underlying cause of this disagreement, its consequences have caused your significant other to lose faith in your credibility. Consequently, you feel your grip on the situation slipping.

The depth of pain you've inadvertently caused this person becomes painfully apparent, and forgiveness turns out to be far more elusive than you ever imagined.

The breakdown in your relationship has brought about a conclusion where this individual no longer wants any form of connection with you.

Although you may be tempted to downplay the gravity of the situation, it is essential to accept the reality at hand. What has happened cannot be undone and regaining lost momentum will not come easily.

Slowly but surely, you begin to feel the anxiety that engulfs both parties involved. You almost feel like you were destined to experience deception and shattered dreams.

You had hoped that by being open and vulnerable, your feelings would be accepted and you would be embraced for who you really are.

Here's the kicker, though: the betrayal you're enduring right now has nothing to do with the positive contributions you've made to this relationship.

In fact, the person you're going through this ordeal with is largely self-centered—a realization that cuts deep and feeds your pain even further.

Now, dear Gemini, you stand at a crossroads. Will you muster the strength to quickly overcome this heartache, or will you allow yourself to be consumed by the seemingly endless vortex of despair? Remember, the power lies in your hands.

The choice is yours as to how you will process this anxiety, how you will navigate through this sea of adversity, and ultimately, how you will emerge from the shadows, ready to embrace a brighter future.




Virgo 4

Perhaps you believe that you have already received enough knowledge about the pains of love. Consequently, you tend to protect your heart, protecting it from the clutches of heartbreak once again.

This self-protective measure was intended to protect you from the searing pain that traumatic experiences can bring.

However, during this new moon phase, you may seem to lack empathy. However, this perception stems from your struggle to face the truth.

The truth is revealed in a terrifying reality, one that reveals the end of your love story.

Despite your efforts to hold on to what once was, you slowly come to an awakening—a realization that you may no longer want to cling to the remnants of a faded relationship.

Life without your partner seems threatening and unfamiliar because you are used to their presence. However, you admit that the flame of love has long been extinguished and now the time has come to part. This realization is both painful and melancholy, but undeniably inevitable.

The events that take place today will leave you surprised and disappointed – an unexpected discovery that will blow you away.

Caught off guard, you now find yourself face to face with a depressing truth: someone you love may have betrayed your trust. This pain cuts deep, paralyzing you not only on a surface level but also deep within your being.

The idea of enduring such anguish feels utterly unbearable. This day plunges you into emotional chaos, leaving you on shaky ground.

Acceptance may be challenging, but the undeniable fact remains – you have been deceived. And while you may initially believe you can overlook a lie, the process won't be as simple as expected.

Gradually, the full extent of this betrayal will be revealed, shaking you to the core. The trust you once placed in this person has been shattered, painfully betrayed by his actions.

Their indifference to whether you still believe them or not only adds to the coldness and cruelty of the situation. It is a grim reality that will undeniably cause you immense pain.

During this trying time, seek comfort from those who stand steadfastly by your side—those who love you unconditionally.

Their support will be invaluable as you navigate the turbulent waters of this emotional upheaval. Remember, dear Virgo, you are not alone and together you will find the strength to heal and rebuild.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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