These 4 Zodiac Signs Always Look Like They Are In A Bad Mood

Believe it or not, there is a fascinating group of individuals whose facial expressions seem to embody perpetual displeasure.

This phenomenon is often referred to as having a “resting whore face”, where even on days when these individuals may be filled with inner joy, their face suggests otherwise.

But wait, there's more! When they find themselves in an extremely dirty mood, their faces take on an almost murderous air. It's no wonder that some people make the mistake of thinking about taking someone out.

These individuals simply prefer to keep their distance from any social interaction. However, it is essential to recognize that sometimes there is no personal animosity at play.

Their unintentional facial signals unabashedly convey their desire for solitude, despite secretly harboring a desire to engage with others.

And now let's delve into the fascinating realm of astrology, where we discover that four zodiac signs seem constantly affected by a desperate demeanor. Stay tuned as we uncover these intriguing signs.




Cancer 5

When it comes to mood swings, cancer comes first. There isn't a single moment when they don't embody a bad mood. Now, being moody isn't always a negative quality – it often means a depth of emotion.

Known for their temperamental nature, Cancers can experience rapid mood swings, often leaning towards the negative. And boy, can you see it on their faces. If looks could actually kill, cancers would be masters of the art.

Even when Cancer is truly happy and content, it still manages to exude a hint of dissatisfaction. But surprisingly, this seemingly gloomy expression is actually her friendly face, a testament to her unique disposition.

However, don't let their initial facial expressions fool you, as a Cancer's mood can change in the blink of an eye. As soon as they wake up in the morning, their mood can change completely.

Maybe their bed wasn't as comfortable or they didn't have the caffeine fix they needed. It's often the little things that upset the Cancer and have the potential to make the rest of their day miserable. Sentences like “just laugh” are meaningless in her presence.



Virgo 5

These people have a natural tendency to be serious and are often absorbed in their pursuit of perfection. While their desire for structure and order is commendable for success, it can occasionally border on the extreme.

Her facial expression effortlessly reflects her posture – there is no time in her life for frivolity or humor. Virgo values concentration and meticulousness above all else. Her serious look can easily be misunderstood by those around her.

Ironically, Virgo is rarely in a truly bad mood; They are simply lost in their own world and hardly think about the influence they have on others.

Additionally, Virgos are known to have a tendency to be overly critical of themselves. Even a slight deviation from their carefully planned course can become a fixation until they achieve the desired result.

Therefore, her seemingly dark face is simply an expression of her unwavering concentration and conscientiousness.




Scorpio 5

With their penetrating gaze, Scorpios often have an intensity that can easily send shivers down the spines of others. This is just their nature as they don't easily connect with anyone.

It serves as a protective mechanism – a way to protect yourself from potential harm. Scorpios are known for taking the time to get to know people and build trust.

They keep a protective wall around themselves and maintain a cool demeanor, especially in the early stages of dating. This allows them to observe others from a safe distance and judge who they really are.

This observation period serves as a test that potential partners, friends, and colleagues must pass in order to be accepted by a Scorpio.

Only when this test has been successfully passed can one expect to see occasional smiles from these people. It's not uncommon to see a scorpion strolling down the street, seemingly dejected and with a demeanor that discourages any stranger from coming too close.

However, if the Scorpio happens to meet a dear friend, his facial expression can quickly turn into a wide grin that surprises you.

It's important not to misinterpret this change because Scorpios are not inherently negative individuals. They simply find it difficult to trust others.




Capricorn 5

Let's dive into the serious and ambitious world of Capricorn. Life is a difficult affair for this sign, much like it is for Virgo.

Success is at the center of their lives and they strongly believe that it can only be achieved through hard work. There is hardly any other zodiac sign that works as hard day in and day out as Capricorn.

With so much focus on work and the seriousness of life, there is little room for lightheartedness.

It's no surprise that someone who devotes so much time to the gravity of existence can't always keep a smile on their face. Capricorns often show dissatisfaction even when they are not engrossed in their work.

Cynicism is a characteristic trait of Capricorns, as they always strive to be right. They relish the opportunity to say, “I knew it” or “I told you so,” when their predictions turn out to be true.

Unfortunately, they tend to view life through a difficult lens and are wary of relying on luck or expecting things to fall into their laps. Consequently, they try to exert as much control over their lives as possible.




Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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