These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have a Challenging New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2022

The New Moon Solar Eclipse of October will affect these four zodiac signs negatively, but it will ultimately lead to something wonderful and unexpected.

The powerful partial Solar Eclipse that is also a New Moon signals the return of eclipse season and that we are about to undergo serious transformations.

The October 2022 New Moon Solar Eclipse will delve deeply into our souls and challenge us to uncover new facets of who we are. This new Lunar Eclipse will plunge us into the depths of our emotions and ask us to connect with things that lie beneath the surface of ourselves.

It rises into the shadowy and enigmatic sign of Scorpio just days after the beginning of the Scorpio season. This Solar Eclipse will be no exception to the tendency of Solar Eclipses in astrology to usher in abrupt new beginnings or unexpected news.

But with the energy of the Scorpio season, you can anticipate using your intuitive senses to discover hidden desires or create entirely new ones. The Scorpio season this year is much more transformational than usual.

Along with their propensity for both creation and destruction, Scorpios are renowned for their tendency to cling to things they can't let go of.

On October 25, a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will radiate change throughout the cosmos, and if you're not ready to let go of the past, you might feel the tension inside.


What is an Eclipse?

An eclipse is a dynamic cosmic event that activates lunar nodes. To put it simply, the Moon travels in an elliptical orbit that revolves constantly around the zodiac.

The highest and lowest points of this orbit line up with the lunar nodes, which are represented by the South and North Nodes in our natal charts.

The South and North Nodes, also known as the nodes of destiny, represent our karmic path and our past and future, respectively. Eclipses thus activate these nodes in our birth charts, shedding light on our fate.

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Difference Between a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses can be solar or lunar. When the Sun and Moon are positioned exactly at the same degree in the same zodiac sign, during a New Moon phase, Solar Eclipses occur.

In this arrangement, the Moon passes in front of the Sun, blocking it momentarily. The effect is breathtaking if this occurs in broad daylight because the Moon can occasionally completely block out the Sun for several seconds.

The eclipse on October 25 is a partial Solar Eclipse, which means that the Moon will only partially block the Sun.

However, Lunar Eclipses coincide with the Full Moon phase. But during a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon casts the shadow of the Earth rather than reflecting light from the Sun as it does during a typical Full Moon.

It is commonly referred to as a “Blood Moon” because the Moon appears tawny red when Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon. Both Lunar and Solar Eclipses mean various astrological changes.

These 4 zodiac signs will experience the worst New Moon Solar Eclipse of October for the following reasons, but they are still in for a wonderful and unexpected surprise.




Taurus 5

Taurus, be prepared for some significant changes in your love life as a result of this eclipse cycle. You might unexpectedly develop a meaningful bond with someone or commit yourself more deeply to a relationship.

Either way, relationship dynamics will evolve and powerful new opportunities to connect with people one-on-one will emerge. Make more room in your life for these connections by accepting the changes.

Recently, you may have been more concerned with your job and meeting your needs, but this eclipse will motivate you to figure out what's really bothering you.

Keep in mind that there is a thin line between being productive and being a workaholic and that breaks are occasionally required. Take it one step at a time if you're having trouble getting motivated to organize your life.

However, drama and intensity may start to pick up. The Scorpio season also gives your seventh house of partnerships more life, emphasizing the people you share your life with and the degree of harmony you share.

You will undoubtedly notice that a significant change is starting to take shape in a relationship around the time of the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. The universe will also reveal to you during this new phase what is meant to be in your life and whom you are prepared to let go of.




Sagittarius 5

Sagittarius, you are typically the life of the party, but this New Moon's eclipsed Sun will make you realize that it is time to channel your vivacious energy inward, toward your inner self.

You will be prepared for significant inner awakenings, spiritual development, and intuitive expansion at the start of this new phase. You can make space for all of this soul evolution by setting aside time for solitude and putting relaxation and rest first.

Instead, Libra season activated your eleventh house of hopes and wishes at the beginning of the month, illuminating your dreams and drawing you closer to people who share your vision. As a result, you felt lively, intelligent, and social.

On the other hand, with the Scorpio season beginning on October 23, you might start to feel more sensitive to outside stimuli, like you want to temporarily withdraw from society.

You spend the end of October getting to know yourself intimately and deeply as the Sun sleeps in your twelfth house of spirituality and solitude. Spend as much time reflecting as you can because it will be beneficial to you at the end of the month.

On October 30, the planet of conflict, Mars, will go retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships, revealing how you handle conflict in your marriage and how you react to the people in your life when things are tough. How can you use this intense passion to cooperate rather than compete with one another?

Recommended: The Partial Eclipse on October 25 Brings Great News For These 3 Zodiac Signs.




Aquarius 5

Aquarius, you should pay attention to this eclipse cycle because it will stimulate the accelerated development of your authority and your outward manifestation.

Your professional life may undergo significant changes, and you'll discover that this lunation ushers in a new era that will bring with it some significant professional opportunities. Don't be afraid to use your influence, but be mindful of both your reputation and your future.

You have changed so much in the last 12 months. You were forced to recognize who you are becoming while letting go of older versions of yourself as Saturn, the planet of karma and long-term growth, continued its journey through Aquarius.

Without a doubt, being more disciplined about who you are and what you stand for changes how you feel about yourself. Additionally, you'll be urged to step back and consider the big picture. Where are you and how far do you want to go?

That said, there is still a long way for you to go. On October 25, you'll begin to determine what kind of career change you're prepared to make.

You'll be prepared to establish a name for yourself as a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio sparks a transformation in your tenth house of reputation and public life. What type of meaning will your name have is the crucial question.




Pisces 5

This eclipse may make you feel as if you were pulled out of your goldfish bowl and thrown into the ocean with the big fish, Pisces. You will examine the depths of your mind and soul, challenging everything you had previously taken for granted about life.

Accept the fresh viewpoints and innovative approaches that will be projected into your consciousness. You might experience some emotional heaviness and intensity.

However, you will have a better understanding of how to let go of the past and move on to the future. It will be time to let go of things that haven't helped you in a while because you'll be prepared to align yourself with something new that has a lot of potential.

And don't worry; assistance is on the way and will arrive at an unexpected time. Jupiter has been retrograding in Pisces since October 28, which motivates you to cultivate a profound, innate love for yourself.

Confidence and self-acceptance are very different from one another because self-acceptance is liberating and confidence is frequently transient.

You will learn how to better cultivate self-love without expecting the same level of validation from the rest of the world as Jupiter directs its energy inward, urging you to expand within.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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