These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best Autumn 2024

As temperatures begin to drop and the leaves turn brilliant shades before gently falling from the trees, there’s no mistaking that fall is on its way. Pumpkin spice lattes are back, and the crisp air hints at the change of season.

Whether or not your birthday falls in these autumn months, some zodiac signs are set to experience an extraordinary time this fall in 2024.

Based on the upcoming astrological transits, certain signs are poised to thrive as the season unfolds.

Here are the four zodiac signs that will have a fabulous fall, thanks to the cosmic energy ahead.



Virgo: A Season of Luck and Transformation

As we stepped into Virgo season on August 23rd, this earth sign is set for a particularly fortunate fall!

But it's not just the Sun in Virgo that brings good news—Mercury, Virgo’s ruling planet, has been retrograde recently, causing the usual miscommunications, travel hiccups, and tech issues.

However, Mercury turns direct on August 27th, just in time for the rest of Virgo season to flow with ease! While everyone will benefit from this shift, no one will feel the relief quite like Virgos.

On September 2nd, a New Moon graces Virgo, ushering in a powerful moment to set intentions for the month ahead. New Moons symbolize renewal, fresh starts, and the chance to refocus your energy.

With both the Sun and Moon in your sign, this lunar phase will be particularly potent for Virgos. You’ll feel recharged, ready to manifest your goals, especially in areas related to work, health, and personal growth.

Then, on September 17th, a partial lunar eclipse takes place on the Pisces-Virgo axis, bringing powerful shifts. Eclipses are known for closing chapters and creating space for new beginnings.

For Virgos, this is a time of transformation, allowing you to release what no longer serves you and embrace the unknown with confidence.

As long as you stay open to these cosmic energies, Virgo, you can manifest truly wonderful things this fall! It’s a season of alignment, renewal, and success, with the stars working in your favor.



Libra: Your Time to Shine

Get ready to sparkle, Libra! As the Sun enters your sign on September 23rd, it marks the official start of Libra season—a time when you’ll feel more sociable, confident, and radiant than ever.

This season brings a golden opportunity for you to shine in every area of your life. With the Sun in your corner, everything you touch has a little extra luck, making this the perfect time to ask for that raise, make a move on your crush, or even try your luck with a lottery ticket.

But the excitement doesn’t stop there. On October 2nd, a rare new moon solar eclipse occurs in your sign, adding an even more powerful boost to this season of manifestation.

New moons are always potent times for setting intentions, but a solar eclipse supercharges this energy, giving you the chance to create significant change in your life.

Whether you're focusing on love, money, or personal growth, the universe is ready to amplify your desires.

However, with all this cosmic energy swirling around, you may notice your usual indecisiveness and people-pleasing tendencies kicking in. During this time, be mindful of those habits and try to stay focused on your own goals and desires.

On October 2nd, take a moment to reflect on your blessings and envision what you want to achieve in the coming months.

The stars are aligned in your favor, especially when it comes to goals related to love, wealth, and beauty. Trust in your Libra luck—this is your season, and the universe is on your side!



Scorpio: Embrace the Magic of Fall

Fall and Scorpio season are a match made in heaven, or perhaps, the mysterious unknown. As the leaves fall and the air cools, it’s the perfect backdrop for your enigmatic personality.

The Sun enters your sign on October 23rd, kicking off a period filled with intrigue, transformation, and deep emotions.

Adding to the mystique, there’s a New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, just a day after Halloween—when the veil between the spiritual and physical worlds is at its thinnest.

With both the Sun and Moon in your sign, this is a highly charged moment of magic and manifestation. Scorpio season is sure to be filled with intensity, romance, and a touch of the mystical—exactly how you like it!

This is a powerful time to set intentions, as your desires will carry extra cosmic weight. Take advantage of this new moon to focus on what you truly want to transform in your life.

As this lunar phase ushers in a time of personal transformation, be prepared to shed anything that no longer serves you. Embrace the new opportunities that come your way—change is your ally during this season of rebirth.

Just a few days later, on November 3rd, Juno, the asteroid of marriage and partnerships, enters Scorpio.

This intensifies your focus on relationships, intimacy, and shared resources—things you naturally rule over as Scorpio governs the eighth house.

During this time, expect to feel deeply connected in matters of love and partnership. Existing bonds will grow stronger, and new relationships formed now will have an unbreakable intensity.

Scorpio season invites you to dive deep into your emotions, relationships, and desires. It’s a time of transformation, magic, and passion, where anything is possible if you embrace the energy swirling around you.



Pisces: A Season of Luck and Growth

While fall may not be your birthday season, dear Pisces, it’s set to bring you incredible luck and transformation. The cosmic energy this season is aligned in your favor, beginning with a significant event on September 17th—a full moon and partial lunar eclipse in your sign.

This powerful lunation is a moment of culmination, where the seeds of your past intentions, particularly those planted in the last month, will come to fruition.

Make sure to set your goals with care during the New Moon in Virgo on September 2nd, especially around areas of health, work, and well-being.

This Virgo-Pisces axis supports the growth of these intentions, and by the time the full moon rises, you’ll see the manifestation of your dreams in full bloom.

Your natural creativity and intuition will be at an all-time high, making this period a prime opportunity for emotional healing and spiritual growth.

The lunar eclipse further intensifies this energy, urging you to release old patterns and habits that no longer serve you. By letting go, you create space for the universe to bring new blessings your way.

However, be prepared to confront some uncomfortable truths that you may have been avoiding. While this might feel challenging, it’s all in service of the greater abundance the universe is preparing for you.

Then, on November 15th, Saturn—the planet of karma, structure, and responsibility—turns direct in your sign. While Saturn’s influence can sometimes feel heavy, this period will bring clarity and focus to areas of your life that have felt chaotic.

You’ll find it easier to take on responsibilities, make practical plans for the future, and even see potential career advancements or financial gains.

This is a time where your usual confusion around discipline and structure gives way to opportunities for stability and success.

Embrace the flow of this transformative season, Pisces—good things are on their way!



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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